You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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;;; Highlighting for lua
;; Keywords
] @keyword.control.conditional)
] @keyword.control.conditional)
] @keyword.control.conditional)
] @keyword.control.repeat)
] @keyword.control.repeat)
] @keyword.control.repeat)
] @keyword)
"return" @keyword.control.return
] @keyword
] @keyword.function)
] @keyword.function)
;; Operators
] @keyword.operator
] @operator
;; Punctuation
["," "." ":" ";"] @punctuation.delimiter
;; Brackets
] @punctuation.bracket
; ;; Constants
] @constant.builtin.boolean
(nil) @constant.builtin
(vararg_expression) @constant
((identifier) @constant
(#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]*$"))
;; Tables
(field name: (identifier) @variable.other.member)
(dot_index_expression field: (identifier) @variable.other.member)
] @constructor)
;; Functions
(parameters (identifier) @variable.parameter)
(identifier) @function.builtin
(#any-of? @function.builtin
;; built-in functions in Lua 5.1
"assert" "collectgarbage" "dofile" "error" "getfenv" "getmetatable" "ipairs"
"load" "loadfile" "loadstring" "module" "next" "pairs" "pcall" "print"
"rawequal" "rawget" "rawset" "require" "select" "setfenv" "setmetatable"
"tonumber" "tostring" "type" "unpack" "xpcall"))
name: [
(identifier) @function
field: (identifier) @function)
name: (method_index_expression
method: (identifier) @function.method))
(variable_list .
name: [
(identifier) @function
field: (identifier) @function)
(expression_list .
value: (function_definition)))
name: (identifier) @function
value: (function_definition)))
name: [
field: (identifier)
method: (identifier)
; TODO: incorrectly highlights variable N in `N, nop = 42, function() end`
name: (identifier) @function)
value: (function_definition)))
(method_index_expression method: (identifier) @function.method)
;; Nodes
(comment) @comment
(string) @string
(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape
(number) @constant.numeric.integer
(label_statement) @label
; A bit of a tricky one, this will only match field names
(field . (identifier) @variable.other.member (_))
(hash_bang_line) @comment
;; Property
(dot_index_expression field: (identifier) @variable.other.member)
;; Variables
((identifier) @variable.builtin
(#eq? @variable.builtin "self"))
"<" @punctuation.bracket
(identifier) @attribute
">" @punctuation.bracket))
(identifier) @variable
;; Error
(ERROR) @error