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(body) @function.inside
(recipe) @function.around
if:(expression) @function.inside
else:(expression) @function.inside
(interpolation (expression) @function.inside) @function.around
(settinglist (stringlist) @function.inside) @function.around
(call (NAME) @class.inside) @class.around
(dependency (NAME) @class.inside) @class.around
(depcall (NAME) @class.inside)
(dependency) @parameter.around
(depcall) @parameter.inside
(depcall (expression) @parameter.inside)
(string) @parameter.inside
. ","? @_end
; Commented out since we don't support `#make-range!` at the moment
; (#make-range! "parameter.around" @parameter.inside @_end)
(variadic_parameters)] @parameter.inside
. " "? @_end
; Commented out since we don't support `#make-range!` at the moment
; (#make-range! "parameter.around" @parameter.inside @_end)
(condition) @function.inside
) @function.around
if:(expression) @function.inside
else:(expression) @function.inside
(item [(alias) (assignment) (export) (setting)]) @class.around
(recipeheader) @class.around
(line) @class.around
(comment) @comment.around