mirror of https://github.com/helix-editor/helix
You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
2779 lines
100 KiB
2779 lines
100 KiB
use crate::{
transaction::{ChangeSet, Operation},
Rope, RopeSlice, Tendril,
use ahash::RandomState;
use arc_swap::{ArcSwap, Guard};
use bitflags::bitflags;
use hashbrown::raw::RawTable;
use slotmap::{DefaultKey as LayerId, HopSlotMap};
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque},
fmt::{self, Display},
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
mem::{replace, transmute},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use once_cell::sync::{Lazy, OnceCell};
use serde::{ser::SerializeSeq, Deserialize, Serialize};
use helix_loader::grammar::{get_language, load_runtime_file};
fn deserialize_regex<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Option<Regex>, D::Error>
D: serde::Deserializer<'de>,
.map(|buf| Regex::new(&buf).map_err(serde::de::Error::custom))
fn deserialize_lsp_config<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Option<serde_json::Value>, D::Error>
D: serde::Deserializer<'de>,
.map(|toml| toml.try_into().map_err(serde::de::Error::custom))
fn deserialize_tab_width<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<usize, D::Error>
D: serde::Deserializer<'de>,
usize::deserialize(deserializer).and_then(|n| {
if n > 0 && n <= 16 {
} else {
"tab width must be a value from 1 to 16 inclusive",
pub fn deserialize_auto_pairs<'de, D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Option<AutoPairs>, D::Error>
D: serde::Deserializer<'de>,
fn default_timeout() -> u64 {
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct Configuration {
pub language: Vec<LanguageConfiguration>,
pub language_server: HashMap<String, LanguageServerConfiguration>,
impl Default for Configuration {
fn default() -> Self {
// largely based on tree-sitter/cli/src/loader.rs
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case", deny_unknown_fields)]
pub struct LanguageConfiguration {
#[serde(rename = "name")]
pub language_id: String, // c-sharp, rust, tsx
#[serde(rename = "language-id")]
// see the table under https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/lsp/3.17/specification/#textDocumentItem
pub language_server_language_id: Option<String>, // csharp, rust, typescriptreact, for the language-server
pub scope: String, // source.rust
pub file_types: Vec<FileType>, // filename extension or ends_with? <Gemfile, rb, etc>
pub shebangs: Vec<String>, // interpreter(s) associated with language
pub roots: Vec<String>, // these indicate project roots <.git, Cargo.toml>
pub comment_token: Option<String>,
pub text_width: Option<usize>,
pub soft_wrap: Option<SoftWrap>,
pub auto_format: bool,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub formatter: Option<FormatterConfiguration>,
pub diagnostic_severity: Severity,
pub grammar: Option<String>, // tree-sitter grammar name, defaults to language_id
// content_regex
#[serde(default, skip_serializing, deserialize_with = "deserialize_regex")]
pub injection_regex: Option<Regex>,
// first_line_regex
pub(crate) highlight_config: OnceCell<Option<Arc<HighlightConfiguration>>>,
// tags_config OnceCell<> https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/pull/583
skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty",
serialize_with = "serialize_lang_features",
deserialize_with = "deserialize_lang_features"
pub language_servers: Vec<LanguageServerFeatures>,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub indent: Option<IndentationConfiguration>,
pub(crate) indent_query: OnceCell<Option<Query>>,
pub(crate) textobject_query: OnceCell<Option<TextObjectQuery>>,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub debugger: Option<DebugAdapterConfig>,
/// Automatic insertion of pairs to parentheses, brackets,
/// etc. Defaults to true. Optionally, this can be a list of 2-tuples
/// to specify a list of characters to pair. This overrides the
/// global setting.
#[serde(default, skip_serializing, deserialize_with = "deserialize_auto_pairs")]
pub auto_pairs: Option<AutoPairs>,
pub rulers: Option<Vec<u16>>, // if set, override editor's rulers
/// Hardcoded LSP root directories relative to the workspace root, like `examples` or `tools/fuzz`.
/// Falling back to the current working directory if none are configured.
pub workspace_lsp_roots: Option<Vec<PathBuf>>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum FileType {
/// The extension of the file, either the `Path::extension` or the full
/// filename if the file does not have an extension.
/// The suffix of a file. This is compared to a given file's absolute
/// path, so it can be used to detect files based on their directories.
impl Serialize for FileType {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: serde::Serializer,
use serde::ser::SerializeMap;
match self {
FileType::Extension(extension) => serializer.serialize_str(extension),
FileType::Suffix(suffix) => {
let mut map = serializer.serialize_map(Some(1))?;
map.serialize_entry("suffix", &suffix.replace(std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR, "/"))?;
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for FileType {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
D: serde::de::Deserializer<'de>,
struct FileTypeVisitor;
impl<'de> serde::de::Visitor<'de> for FileTypeVisitor {
type Value = FileType;
fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
formatter.write_str("string or table")
fn visit_str<E>(self, value: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
E: serde::de::Error,
fn visit_map<M>(self, mut map: M) -> Result<Self::Value, M::Error>
M: serde::de::MapAccess<'de>,
match map.next_entry::<String, String>()? {
Some((key, suffix)) if key == "suffix" => Ok(FileType::Suffix({
// FIXME: use `suffix.replace('/', std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR_STR)`
// if MSRV is updated to 1.68
let mut separator = [0; 1];
suffix.replace('/', std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR.encode_utf8(&mut separator))
Some((key, _value)) => Err(serde::de::Error::custom(format!(
"unknown key in `file-types` list: {}",
None => Err(serde::de::Error::custom(
"expected a `suffix` key in the `file-types` entry",
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub enum LanguageServerFeature {
// Goto, use bitflags, combining previous Goto members?
// Symbols, use bitflags, see above?
impl Display for LanguageServerFeature {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
use LanguageServerFeature::*;
let feature = match self {
Format => "format",
GotoDeclaration => "goto-declaration",
GotoDefinition => "goto-definition",
GotoTypeDefinition => "goto-type-definition",
GotoReference => "goto-type-definition",
GotoImplementation => "goto-implementation",
SignatureHelp => "signature-help",
Hover => "hover",
DocumentHighlight => "document-highlight",
Completion => "completion",
CodeAction => "code-action",
WorkspaceCommand => "workspace-command",
DocumentSymbols => "document-symbols",
WorkspaceSymbols => "workspace-symbols",
Diagnostics => "diagnostics",
RenameSymbol => "rename-symbol",
InlayHints => "inlay-hints",
write!(f, "{feature}",)
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(untagged, rename_all = "kebab-case", deny_unknown_fields)]
enum LanguageServerFeatureConfiguration {
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
Features {
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "HashSet::is_empty")]
only_features: HashSet<LanguageServerFeature>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "HashSet::is_empty")]
except_features: HashSet<LanguageServerFeature>,
name: String,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct LanguageServerFeatures {
pub name: String,
pub only: HashSet<LanguageServerFeature>,
pub excluded: HashSet<LanguageServerFeature>,
impl LanguageServerFeatures {
pub fn has_feature(&self, feature: LanguageServerFeature) -> bool {
(self.only.is_empty() || self.only.contains(&feature)) && !self.excluded.contains(&feature)
fn deserialize_lang_features<'de, D>(
deserializer: D,
) -> Result<Vec<LanguageServerFeatures>, D::Error>
D: serde::Deserializer<'de>,
let raw: Vec<LanguageServerFeatureConfiguration> = Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?;
let res = raw
.map(|config| match config {
LanguageServerFeatureConfiguration::Simple(name) => LanguageServerFeatures {
LanguageServerFeatureConfiguration::Features {
} => LanguageServerFeatures {
only: only_features,
excluded: except_features,
fn serialize_lang_features<S>(
map: &Vec<LanguageServerFeatures>,
serializer: S,
) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: serde::Serializer,
let mut serializer = serializer.serialize_seq(Some(map.len()))?;
for features in map {
let features = if features.only.is_empty() && features.excluded.is_empty() {
} else {
LanguageServerFeatureConfiguration::Features {
only_features: features.only.clone(),
except_features: features.excluded.clone(),
name: features.name.to_owned(),
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct LanguageServerConfiguration {
pub command: String,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")]
pub args: Vec<String>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "HashMap::is_empty")]
pub environment: HashMap<String, String>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing, deserialize_with = "deserialize_lsp_config")]
pub config: Option<serde_json::Value>,
#[serde(default = "default_timeout")]
pub timeout: u64,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct FormatterConfiguration {
pub command: String,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")]
pub args: Vec<String>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct AdvancedCompletion {
pub name: Option<String>,
pub completion: Option<String>,
pub default: Option<String>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case", untagged)]
pub enum DebugConfigCompletion {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum DebugArgumentValue {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct DebugTemplate {
pub name: String,
pub request: String,
pub completion: Vec<DebugConfigCompletion>,
pub args: HashMap<String, DebugArgumentValue>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct DebugAdapterConfig {
pub name: String,
pub transport: String,
pub command: String,
pub args: Vec<String>,
pub port_arg: Option<String>,
pub templates: Vec<DebugTemplate>,
pub quirks: DebuggerQuirks,
// Different workarounds for adapters' differences
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct DebuggerQuirks {
pub absolute_paths: bool,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct IndentationConfiguration {
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_tab_width")]
pub tab_width: usize,
pub unit: String,
/// Configuration for auto pairs
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case", deny_unknown_fields, untagged)]
pub enum AutoPairConfig {
/// Enables or disables auto pairing. False means disabled. True means to use the default pairs.
/// The mappings of pairs.
Pairs(HashMap<char, char>),
impl Default for AutoPairConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
impl From<&AutoPairConfig> for Option<AutoPairs> {
fn from(auto_pair_config: &AutoPairConfig) -> Self {
match auto_pair_config {
AutoPairConfig::Enable(false) => None,
AutoPairConfig::Enable(true) => Some(AutoPairs::default()),
AutoPairConfig::Pairs(pairs) => Some(AutoPairs::new(pairs.iter())),
impl From<AutoPairConfig> for Option<AutoPairs> {
fn from(auto_pairs_config: AutoPairConfig) -> Self {
impl FromStr for AutoPairConfig {
type Err = std::str::ParseBoolError;
// only do bool parsing for runtime setting
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let enable: bool = s.parse()?;
pub struct TextObjectQuery {
pub query: Query,
pub enum CapturedNode<'a> {
/// Guaranteed to be not empty
impl<'a> CapturedNode<'a> {
pub fn start_byte(&self) -> usize {
match self {
Self::Single(n) => n.start_byte(),
Self::Grouped(ns) => ns[0].start_byte(),
pub fn end_byte(&self) -> usize {
match self {
Self::Single(n) => n.end_byte(),
Self::Grouped(ns) => ns.last().unwrap().end_byte(),
pub fn byte_range(&self) -> std::ops::Range<usize> {
/// The maximum number of in-progress matches a TS cursor can consider at once.
/// This is set to a constant in order to avoid performance problems for medium to large files. Set with `set_match_limit`.
/// Using such a limit means that we lose valid captures, so there is fundamentally a tradeoff here.
/// Old tree sitter versions used a limit of 32 by default until this limit was removed in version `0.19.5` (must now be set manually).
/// However, this causes performance issues for medium to large files.
/// In helix, this problem caused treesitter motions to take multiple seconds to complete in medium-sized rust files (3k loc).
/// Neovim also encountered this problem and reintroduced this limit after it was removed upstream
/// (see <https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/14897> and <https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/14915>).
/// The number used here is fundamentally a tradeoff between breaking some obscure edge cases and performance.
/// Neovim chose 64 for this value somewhat arbitrarily (<https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/18397>).
/// 64 is too low for some languages though. In particular, it breaks some highlighting for record fields in Erlang record definitions.
/// This number can be increased if new syntax highlight breakages are found, as long as the performance penalty is not too high.
const TREE_SITTER_MATCH_LIMIT: u32 = 256;
impl TextObjectQuery {
/// Run the query on the given node and return sub nodes which match given
/// capture ("function.inside", "class.around", etc).
/// Captures may contain multiple nodes by using quantifiers (+, *, etc),
/// and support for this is partial and could use improvement.
/// ```query
/// (comment)+ @capture
/// ; OR
/// (
/// (comment)*
/// .
/// (function)
/// ) @capture
/// ```
pub fn capture_nodes<'a>(
&'a self,
capture_name: &str,
node: Node<'a>,
slice: RopeSlice<'a>,
cursor: &'a mut QueryCursor,
) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = CapturedNode<'a>>> {
self.capture_nodes_any(&[capture_name], node, slice, cursor)
/// Find the first capture that exists out of all given `capture_names`
/// and return sub nodes that match this capture.
pub fn capture_nodes_any<'a>(
&'a self,
capture_names: &[&str],
node: Node<'a>,
slice: RopeSlice<'a>,
cursor: &'a mut QueryCursor,
) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = CapturedNode<'a>>> {
let capture_idx = capture_names
.find_map(|cap| self.query.capture_index_for_name(cap))?;
let nodes = cursor
.captures(&self.query, node, RopeProvider(slice))
.filter_map(move |(mat, _)| {
let nodes: Vec<_> = mat
.filter_map(|cap| (cap.index == capture_idx).then_some(cap.node))
if nodes.len() > 1 {
} else {
pub fn read_query(language: &str, filename: &str) -> String {
static INHERITS_REGEX: Lazy<Regex> =
Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r";+\s*inherits\s*:?\s*([a-z_,()-]+)\s*").unwrap());
let query = load_runtime_file(language, filename).unwrap_or_default();
// replaces all "; inherits <language>(,<language>)*" with the queries of the given language(s)
.replace_all(&query, |captures: ®ex::Captures| {
.map(|language| format!("\n{}\n", read_query(language, filename)))
impl LanguageConfiguration {
fn initialize_highlight(&self, scopes: &[String]) -> Option<Arc<HighlightConfiguration>> {
let highlights_query = read_query(&self.language_id, "highlights.scm");
// always highlight syntax errors
// highlights_query += "\n(ERROR) @error";
let injections_query = read_query(&self.language_id, "injections.scm");
let locals_query = read_query(&self.language_id, "locals.scm");
if highlights_query.is_empty() {
} else {
let language = get_language(self.grammar.as_deref().unwrap_or(&self.language_id))
.map_err(|err| {
"Failed to load tree-sitter parser for language {:?}: {}",
let config = HighlightConfiguration::new(
.map_err(|err| log::error!("Could not parse queries for language {:?}. Are your grammars out of sync? Try running 'hx --grammar fetch' and 'hx --grammar build'. This query could not be parsed: {:?}", self.language_id, err))
pub fn reconfigure(&self, scopes: &[String]) {
if let Some(Some(config)) = self.highlight_config.get() {
pub fn highlight_config(&self, scopes: &[String]) -> Option<Arc<HighlightConfiguration>> {
.get_or_init(|| self.initialize_highlight(scopes))
pub fn is_highlight_initialized(&self) -> bool {
pub fn indent_query(&self) -> Option<&Query> {
.get_or_init(|| self.load_query("indents.scm"))
pub fn textobject_query(&self) -> Option<&TextObjectQuery> {
.get_or_init(|| {
.map(|query| TextObjectQuery { query })
pub fn scope(&self) -> &str {
fn load_query(&self, kind: &str) -> Option<Query> {
let query_text = read_query(&self.language_id, kind);
if query_text.is_empty() {
return None;
let lang = self.highlight_config.get()?.as_ref()?.language;
Query::new(lang, &query_text)
.map_err(|e| {
"Failed to parse {} queries for {}: {}",
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(default, rename_all = "kebab-case", deny_unknown_fields)]
pub struct SoftWrap {
/// Soft wrap lines that exceed viewport width. Default to off
// NOTE: Option on purpose because the struct is shared between language config and global config.
// By default the option is None so that the language config falls back to the global config unless explicitly set.
pub enable: Option<bool>,
/// Maximum space left free at the end of the line.
/// This space is used to wrap text at word boundaries. If that is not possible within this limit
/// the word is simply split at the end of the line.
/// This is automatically hard-limited to a quarter of the viewport to ensure correct display on small views.
/// Default to 20
pub max_wrap: Option<u16>,
/// Maximum number of indentation that can be carried over from the previous line when softwrapping.
/// If a line is indented further then this limit it is rendered at the start of the viewport instead.
/// This is automatically hard-limited to a quarter of the viewport to ensure correct display on small views.
/// Default to 40
pub max_indent_retain: Option<u16>,
/// Indicator placed at the beginning of softwrapped lines
/// Defaults to ↪
pub wrap_indicator: Option<String>,
/// Softwrap at `text_width` instead of viewport width if it is shorter
pub wrap_at_text_width: Option<bool>,
// Expose loader as Lazy<> global since it's always static?
pub struct Loader {
// highlight_names ?
language_configs: Vec<Arc<LanguageConfiguration>>,
language_config_ids_by_extension: HashMap<String, usize>, // Vec<usize>
language_config_ids_by_suffix: HashMap<String, usize>,
language_config_ids_by_shebang: HashMap<String, usize>,
language_server_configs: HashMap<String, LanguageServerConfiguration>,
scopes: ArcSwap<Vec<String>>,
impl Loader {
pub fn new(config: Configuration) -> Self {
let mut loader = Self {
language_configs: Vec::new(),
language_server_configs: config.language_server,
language_config_ids_by_extension: HashMap::new(),
language_config_ids_by_suffix: HashMap::new(),
language_config_ids_by_shebang: HashMap::new(),
scopes: ArcSwap::from_pointee(Vec::new()),
for config in config.language {
// get the next id
let language_id = loader.language_configs.len();
for file_type in &config.file_types {
// entry().or_insert(Vec::new).push(language_id);
match file_type {
FileType::Extension(extension) => loader
.insert(extension.clone(), language_id),
FileType::Suffix(suffix) => loader
.insert(suffix.clone(), language_id),
for shebang in &config.shebangs {
.insert(shebang.clone(), language_id);
pub fn language_config_for_file_name(&self, path: &Path) -> Option<Arc<LanguageConfiguration>> {
// Find all the language configurations that match this file name
// or a suffix of the file name.
let configuration_id = path
.and_then(|n| n.to_str())
.and_then(|file_name| self.language_config_ids_by_extension.get(file_name))
.or_else(|| {
.and_then(|extension| extension.to_str())
.and_then(|extension| self.language_config_ids_by_extension.get(extension))
.or_else(|| {
.find_map(|(file_type, id)| {
if path.to_str()?.ends_with(file_type) {
} else {
configuration_id.and_then(|&id| self.language_configs.get(id).cloned())
// TODO: content_regex handling conflict resolution
pub fn language_config_for_shebang(&self, source: &Rope) -> Option<Arc<LanguageConfiguration>> {
let line = Cow::from(source.line(0));
static SHEBANG_REGEX: Lazy<Regex> =
Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(&["^", SHEBANG].concat()).unwrap());
let configuration_id = SHEBANG_REGEX
.and_then(|cap| self.language_config_ids_by_shebang.get(&cap[1]));
configuration_id.and_then(|&id| self.language_configs.get(id).cloned())
pub fn language_config_for_scope(&self, scope: &str) -> Option<Arc<LanguageConfiguration>> {
.find(|config| config.scope == scope)
pub fn language_config_for_language_id(&self, id: &str) -> Option<Arc<LanguageConfiguration>> {
.find(|config| config.language_id == id)
/// Unlike language_config_for_language_id, which only returns Some for an exact id, this
/// function will perform a regex match on the given string to find the closest language match.
pub fn language_config_for_name(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Arc<LanguageConfiguration>> {
let mut best_match_length = 0;
let mut best_match_position = None;
for (i, configuration) in self.language_configs.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(injection_regex) = &configuration.injection_regex {
if let Some(mat) = injection_regex.find(name) {
let length = mat.end() - mat.start();
if length > best_match_length {
best_match_position = Some(i);
best_match_length = length;
best_match_position.map(|i| self.language_configs[i].clone())
pub fn language_configuration_for_injection_string(
capture: &InjectionLanguageMarker,
) -> Option<Arc<LanguageConfiguration>> {
match capture {
InjectionLanguageMarker::Name(string) => self.language_config_for_name(string),
InjectionLanguageMarker::Filename(file) => self.language_config_for_file_name(file),
InjectionLanguageMarker::Shebang(shebang) => {
pub fn language_configs(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Arc<LanguageConfiguration>> {
pub fn language_server_configs(&self) -> &HashMap<String, LanguageServerConfiguration> {
pub fn set_scopes(&self, scopes: Vec<String>) {
// Reconfigure existing grammars
for config in self
.filter(|cfg| cfg.is_highlight_initialized())
pub fn scopes(&self) -> Guard<Arc<Vec<String>>> {
pub struct TsParser {
parser: tree_sitter::Parser,
pub cursors: Vec<QueryCursor>,
// could also just use a pool, or a single instance?
thread_local! {
pub static PARSER: RefCell<TsParser> = RefCell::new(TsParser {
parser: Parser::new(),
cursors: Vec::new(),
pub struct Syntax {
layers: HopSlotMap<LayerId, LanguageLayer>,
root: LayerId,
loader: Arc<Loader>,
fn byte_range_to_str(range: std::ops::Range<usize>, source: RopeSlice) -> Cow<str> {
impl Syntax {
pub fn new(
source: &Rope,
config: Arc<HighlightConfiguration>,
loader: Arc<Loader>,
) -> Option<Self> {
let root_layer = LanguageLayer {
tree: None,
depth: 0,
flags: LayerUpdateFlags::empty(),
ranges: vec![Range {
start_byte: 0,
end_byte: usize::MAX,
start_point: Point::new(0, 0),
end_point: Point::new(usize::MAX, usize::MAX),
// track scope_descriptor: a Vec of scopes for item in tree
let mut layers = HopSlotMap::default();
let root = layers.insert(root_layer);
let mut syntax = Self {
let res = syntax.update(source, source, &ChangeSet::new(source));
if res.is_err() {
log::error!("TS parser failed, disabeling TS for the current buffer: {res:?}");
return None;
pub fn update(
&mut self,
old_source: &Rope,
source: &Rope,
changeset: &ChangeSet,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut queue = VecDeque::new();
let scopes = self.loader.scopes.load();
let injection_callback = |language: &InjectionLanguageMarker| {
.and_then(|language_config| language_config.highlight_config(&scopes))
// Convert the changeset into tree sitter edits.
let edits = generate_edits(old_source, changeset);
// This table allows inverse indexing of `layers`.
// That is by hashing a `Layer` you can find
// the `LayerId` of an existing equivalent `Layer` in `layers`.
// It is used to determine if a new layer exists for an injection
// or if an existing layer needs to be updated.
let mut layers_table = RawTable::with_capacity(self.layers.len());
let layers_hasher = RandomState::new();
// Use the edits to update all layers markers
fn point_add(a: Point, b: Point) -> Point {
if b.row > 0 {
Point::new(a.row.saturating_add(b.row), b.column)
} else {
Point::new(0, a.column.saturating_add(b.column))
fn point_sub(a: Point, b: Point) -> Point {
if a.row > b.row {
Point::new(a.row.saturating_sub(b.row), a.column)
} else {
Point::new(0, a.column.saturating_sub(b.column))
for (layer_id, layer) in self.layers.iter_mut() {
// The root layer always covers the whole range (0..usize::MAX)
if layer.depth == 0 {
layer.flags = LayerUpdateFlags::MODIFIED;
if !edits.is_empty() {
for range in &mut layer.ranges {
// Roughly based on https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/blob/ddeaa0c7f534268b35b4f6cb39b52df082754413/lib/src/subtree.c#L691-L720
for edit in edits.iter().rev() {
let is_pure_insertion = edit.old_end_byte == edit.start_byte;
// if edit is after range, skip
if edit.start_byte > range.end_byte {
// TODO: || (is_noop && edit.start_byte == range.end_byte)
// if edit is before range, shift entire range by len
if edit.old_end_byte < range.start_byte {
range.start_byte =
edit.new_end_byte + (range.start_byte - edit.old_end_byte);
range.start_point = point_add(
point_sub(range.start_point, edit.old_end_position),
range.end_byte = edit
.saturating_add(range.end_byte - edit.old_end_byte);
range.end_point = point_add(
point_sub(range.end_point, edit.old_end_position),
layer.flags |= LayerUpdateFlags::MOVED;
// if the edit starts in the space before and extends into the range
else if edit.start_byte < range.start_byte {
range.start_byte = edit.new_end_byte;
range.start_point = edit.new_end_position;
range.end_byte = range
range.end_point = point_add(
point_sub(range.end_point, edit.old_end_position),
layer.flags = LayerUpdateFlags::MODIFIED;
// If the edit is an insertion at the start of the tree, shift
else if edit.start_byte == range.start_byte && is_pure_insertion {
range.start_byte = edit.new_end_byte;
range.start_point = edit.new_end_position;
layer.flags |= LayerUpdateFlags::MOVED;
} else {
range.end_byte = range
range.end_point = point_add(
point_sub(range.end_point, edit.old_end_position),
layer.flags = LayerUpdateFlags::MODIFIED;
let hash = layers_hasher.hash_one(layer);
// Safety: insert_no_grow is unsafe because it assumes that the table
// has enough capacity to hold additional elements.
// This is always the case as we reserved enough capacity above.
unsafe { layers_table.insert_no_grow(hash, layer_id) };
PARSER.with(|ts_parser| {
let ts_parser = &mut ts_parser.borrow_mut();
ts_parser.parser.set_timeout_micros(1000 * 500); // half a second is pretty generours
let mut cursor = ts_parser.cursors.pop().unwrap_or_else(QueryCursor::new);
// TODO: might need to set cursor range
let source_slice = source.slice(..);
while let Some(layer_id) = queue.pop_front() {
let layer = &mut self.layers[layer_id];
// Mark the layer as touched
layer.flags |= LayerUpdateFlags::TOUCHED;
// If a tree already exists, notify it of changes.
if let Some(tree) = &mut layer.tree {
if layer
.intersects(LayerUpdateFlags::MODIFIED | LayerUpdateFlags::MOVED)
for edit in edits.iter().rev() {
// Apply the edits in reverse.
// If we applied them in order then edit 1 would disrupt the positioning of edit 2.
if layer.flags.contains(LayerUpdateFlags::MODIFIED) {
// Re-parse the tree.
layer.parse(&mut ts_parser.parser, source)?;
} else {
// always parse if this layer has never been parsed before
layer.parse(&mut ts_parser.parser, source)?;
// Switch to an immutable borrow.
let layer = &self.layers[layer_id];
// Process injections.
let matches = cursor.matches(
let mut combined_injections = vec![
(None, Vec::new(), IncludedChildren::default());
let mut injections = Vec::new();
let mut last_injection_end = 0;
for mat in matches {
let (injection_capture, content_node, included_children) = layer
.injection_for_match(&layer.config.injections_query, &mat, source_slice);
// in case this is a combined injection save it for more processing later
if let Some(combined_injection_idx) = layer
.position(|&pattern| pattern == mat.pattern_index)
let entry = &mut combined_injections[combined_injection_idx];
if injection_capture.is_some() {
entry.0 = injection_capture;
if let Some(content_node) = content_node {
if content_node.start_byte() >= last_injection_end {
last_injection_end = content_node.end_byte();
entry.2 = included_children;
// Explicitly remove this match so that none of its other captures will remain
// in the stream of captures.
// If a language is found with the given name, then add a new language layer
// to the highlighted document.
if let (Some(injection_capture), Some(content_node)) =
(injection_capture, content_node)
if let Some(config) = (injection_callback)(&injection_capture) {
let ranges =
intersect_ranges(&layer.ranges, &[content_node], included_children);
if !ranges.is_empty() {
if content_node.start_byte() < last_injection_end {
last_injection_end = content_node.end_byte();
injections.push((config, ranges));
for (lang_name, content_nodes, included_children) in combined_injections {
if let (Some(lang_name), false) = (lang_name, content_nodes.is_empty()) {
if let Some(config) = (injection_callback)(&lang_name) {
let ranges =
intersect_ranges(&layer.ranges, &content_nodes, included_children);
if !ranges.is_empty() {
injections.push((config, ranges));
let depth = layer.depth + 1;
// TODO: can't inline this since matches borrows self.layers
for (config, ranges) in injections {
let new_layer = LanguageLayer {
tree: None,
flags: LayerUpdateFlags::empty(),
// Find an identical existing layer
let layer = layers_table
.get(layers_hasher.hash_one(&new_layer), |&it| {
self.layers[it] == new_layer
// ...or insert a new one.
let layer_id = layer.unwrap_or_else(|| self.layers.insert(new_layer));
// TODO: pre-process local scopes at this time, rather than highlight?
// would solve problems with locals not working across boundaries
// Return the cursor back in the pool.
// Reset all `LayerUpdateFlags` and remove all untouched layers
self.layers.retain(|_, layer| {
replace(&mut layer.flags, LayerUpdateFlags::empty())
pub fn tree(&self) -> &Tree {
/// Iterate over the highlighted regions for a given slice of source code.
pub fn highlight_iter<'a>(
&'a self,
source: RopeSlice<'a>,
range: Option<std::ops::Range<usize>>,
cancellation_flag: Option<&'a AtomicUsize>,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<HighlightEvent, Error>> + 'a {
let mut layers = self
.filter_map(|(_, layer)| {
// TODO: if range doesn't overlap layer range, skip it
// Reuse a cursor from the pool if available.
let mut cursor = PARSER.with(|ts_parser| {
let highlighter = &mut ts_parser.borrow_mut();
// The `captures` iterator borrows the `Tree` and the `QueryCursor`, which
// prevents them from being moved. But both of these values are really just
// pointers, so it's actually ok to move them.
let cursor_ref =
unsafe { mem::transmute::<_, &'static mut QueryCursor>(&mut cursor) };
// if reusing cursors & no range this resets to whole range
let mut captures = cursor_ref
// If there's no captures, skip the layer
Some(HighlightIterLayer {
highlight_end_stack: Vec::new(),
scope_stack: vec![LocalScope {
inherits: false,
range: 0..usize::MAX,
local_defs: Vec::new(),
_tree: None,
captures: RefCell::new(captures),
config: layer.config.as_ref(), // TODO: just reuse `layer`
depth: layer.depth, // TODO: just reuse `layer`
layers.sort_unstable_by_key(|layer| layer.sort_key());
let mut result = HighlightIter {
byte_offset: range.map_or(0, |r| r.start),
iter_count: 0,
next_event: None,
last_highlight_range: None,
// Commenting
// comment_strings_for_pos
// is_commented
// Indentation
// suggested_indent_for_line_at_buffer_row
// suggested_indent_for_buffer_row
// indent_level_for_line
// TODO: Folding
bitflags! {
/// Flags that track the status of a layer
/// in the `Sytaxn::update` function
struct LayerUpdateFlags : u32{
const MODIFIED = 0b001;
const MOVED = 0b010;
const TOUCHED = 0b100;
pub struct LanguageLayer {
// mode
// grammar
pub config: Arc<HighlightConfiguration>,
pub(crate) tree: Option<Tree>,
pub ranges: Vec<Range>,
pub depth: u32,
flags: LayerUpdateFlags,
/// This PartialEq implementation only checks if that
/// two layers are theoretically identical (meaning they highlight the same text range with the same language).
/// It does not check whether the layers have the same internal treesitter
/// state.
impl PartialEq for LanguageLayer {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.depth == other.depth
&& self.config.language == other.config.language
&& self.ranges == other.ranges
/// Hash implementation belongs to PartialEq implementation above.
/// See its documentation for details.
impl Hash for LanguageLayer {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
// The transmute is necessary here because tree_sitter::Language does not derive Hash at the moment.
// However it does use #[repr] transparent so the transmute here is safe
// as `Language` (which `Grammar` is an alias for) is just a newtype wrapper around a (thin) pointer.
// This is also compatible with the PartialEq implementation of language
// as that is just a pointer comparison.
let language: *const () = unsafe { transmute(self.config.language) };
impl LanguageLayer {
pub fn tree(&self) -> &Tree {
// TODO: no unwrap
fn parse(&mut self, parser: &mut Parser, source: &Rope) -> Result<(), Error> {
.map_err(|_| Error::InvalidRanges)?;
.map_err(|_| Error::InvalidLanguage)?;
// unsafe { syntax.parser.set_cancellation_flag(cancellation_flag) };
let tree = parser
&mut |byte, _| {
if byte <= source.len_bytes() {
let (chunk, start_byte, _, _) = source.chunk_at_byte(byte);
&chunk.as_bytes()[byte - start_byte..]
} else {
// out of range
// unsafe { ts_parser.parser.set_cancellation_flag(None) };
self.tree = Some(tree);
pub(crate) fn generate_edits(
old_text: &Rope,
changeset: &ChangeSet,
) -> Vec<tree_sitter::InputEdit> {
use Operation::*;
let mut old_pos = 0;
let mut edits = Vec::new();
if changeset.changes.is_empty() {
return edits;
let mut iter = changeset.changes.iter().peekable();
// TODO; this is a lot easier with Change instead of Operation.
fn point_at_pos(text: &Rope, pos: usize) -> (usize, Point) {
let byte = text.char_to_byte(pos); // <- attempted to index past end
let line = text.char_to_line(pos);
let line_start_byte = text.line_to_byte(line);
let col = byte - line_start_byte;
(byte, Point::new(line, col))
fn traverse(point: Point, text: &Tendril) -> Point {
let Point {
mut row,
mut column,
} = point;
// TODO: there should be a better way here.
let mut chars = text.chars().peekable();
while let Some(ch) = chars.next() {
if char_is_line_ending(ch) && !(ch == '\r' && chars.peek() == Some(&'\n')) {
row += 1;
column = 0;
} else {
column += 1;
Point { row, column }
while let Some(change) = iter.next() {
let len = match change {
Delete(i) | Retain(i) => *i,
Insert(_) => 0,
let mut old_end = old_pos + len;
match change {
Retain(_) => {}
Delete(_) => {
let (start_byte, start_position) = point_at_pos(old_text, old_pos);
let (old_end_byte, old_end_position) = point_at_pos(old_text, old_end);
// deletion
edits.push(tree_sitter::InputEdit {
start_byte, // old_pos to byte
old_end_byte, // old_end to byte
new_end_byte: start_byte, // old_pos to byte
start_position, // old pos to coords
old_end_position, // old_end to coords
new_end_position: start_position, // old pos to coords
Insert(s) => {
let (start_byte, start_position) = point_at_pos(old_text, old_pos);
// a subsequent delete means a replace, consume it
if let Some(Delete(len)) = iter.peek() {
old_end = old_pos + len;
let (old_end_byte, old_end_position) = point_at_pos(old_text, old_end);
// replacement
edits.push(tree_sitter::InputEdit {
start_byte, // old_pos to byte
old_end_byte, // old_end to byte
new_end_byte: start_byte + s.len(), // old_pos to byte + s.len()
start_position, // old pos to coords
old_end_position, // old_end to coords
new_end_position: traverse(start_position, s), // old pos + chars, newlines matter too (iter over)
} else {
// insert
edits.push(tree_sitter::InputEdit {
start_byte, // old_pos to byte
old_end_byte: start_byte, // same
new_end_byte: start_byte + s.len(), // old_pos + s.len()
start_position, // old pos to coords
old_end_position: start_position, // same
new_end_position: traverse(start_position, s), // old pos + chars, newlines matter too (iter over)
old_pos = old_end;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::{iter, mem, ops, str, usize};
use tree_sitter::{
Language as Grammar, Node, Parser, Point, Query, QueryCaptures, QueryCursor, QueryError,
QueryMatch, Range, TextProvider, Tree, TreeCursor,
/// Indicates which highlight should be applied to a region of source code.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Highlight(pub usize);
/// Represents the reason why syntax highlighting failed.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Error {
/// Represents a single step in rendering a syntax-highlighted document.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum HighlightEvent {
Source { start: usize, end: usize },
/// Contains the data needed to highlight code written in a particular language.
/// This struct is immutable and can be shared between threads.
pub struct HighlightConfiguration {
pub language: Grammar,
pub query: Query,
injections_query: Query,
combined_injections_patterns: Vec<usize>,
highlights_pattern_index: usize,
highlight_indices: ArcSwap<Vec<Option<Highlight>>>,
non_local_variable_patterns: Vec<bool>,
injection_content_capture_index: Option<u32>,
injection_language_capture_index: Option<u32>,
injection_filename_capture_index: Option<u32>,
injection_shebang_capture_index: Option<u32>,
local_scope_capture_index: Option<u32>,
local_def_capture_index: Option<u32>,
local_def_value_capture_index: Option<u32>,
local_ref_capture_index: Option<u32>,
struct LocalDef<'a> {
name: Cow<'a, str>,
value_range: ops::Range<usize>,
highlight: Option<Highlight>,
struct LocalScope<'a> {
inherits: bool,
range: ops::Range<usize>,
local_defs: Vec<LocalDef<'a>>,
struct HighlightIter<'a> {
source: RopeSlice<'a>,
byte_offset: usize,
cancellation_flag: Option<&'a AtomicUsize>,
layers: Vec<HighlightIterLayer<'a>>,
iter_count: usize,
next_event: Option<HighlightEvent>,
last_highlight_range: Option<(usize, usize, u32)>,
// Adapter to convert rope chunks to bytes
pub struct ChunksBytes<'a> {
chunks: ropey::iter::Chunks<'a>,
impl<'a> Iterator for ChunksBytes<'a> {
type Item = &'a [u8];
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
pub struct RopeProvider<'a>(pub RopeSlice<'a>);
impl<'a> TextProvider<'a> for RopeProvider<'a> {
type I = ChunksBytes<'a>;
fn text(&mut self, node: Node) -> Self::I {
let fragment = self.0.byte_slice(node.start_byte()..node.end_byte());
ChunksBytes {
chunks: fragment.chunks(),
struct HighlightIterLayer<'a> {
_tree: Option<Tree>,
cursor: QueryCursor,
captures: RefCell<iter::Peekable<QueryCaptures<'a, 'a, RopeProvider<'a>>>>,
config: &'a HighlightConfiguration,
highlight_end_stack: Vec<usize>,
scope_stack: Vec<LocalScope<'a>>,
depth: u32,
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for HighlightIterLayer<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl HighlightConfiguration {
/// Creates a `HighlightConfiguration` for a given `Grammar` and set of highlighting
/// queries.
/// # Parameters
/// * `language` - The Tree-sitter `Grammar` that should be used for parsing.
/// * `highlights_query` - A string containing tree patterns for syntax highlighting. This
/// should be non-empty, otherwise no syntax highlights will be added.
/// * `injections_query` - A string containing tree patterns for injecting other languages
/// into the document. This can be empty if no injections are desired.
/// * `locals_query` - A string containing tree patterns for tracking local variable
/// definitions and references. This can be empty if local variable tracking is not needed.
/// Returns a `HighlightConfiguration` that can then be used with the `highlight` method.
pub fn new(
language: Grammar,
highlights_query: &str,
injection_query: &str,
locals_query: &str,
) -> Result<Self, QueryError> {
// Concatenate the query strings, keeping track of the start offset of each section.
let mut query_source = String::new();
let highlights_query_offset = query_source.len();
// Construct a single query by concatenating the three query strings, but record the
// range of pattern indices that belong to each individual string.
let query = Query::new(language, &query_source)?;
let mut highlights_pattern_index = 0;
for i in 0..(query.pattern_count()) {
let pattern_offset = query.start_byte_for_pattern(i);
if pattern_offset < highlights_query_offset {
highlights_pattern_index += 1;
let injections_query = Query::new(language, injection_query)?;
let combined_injections_patterns = (0..injections_query.pattern_count())
.filter(|&i| {
.any(|s| &*s.key == "injection.combined")
// Find all of the highlighting patterns that are disabled for nodes that
// have been identified as local variables.
let non_local_variable_patterns = (0..query.pattern_count())
.map(|i| {
.any(|(prop, positive)| !*positive && prop.key.as_ref() == "local")
// Store the numeric ids for all of the special captures.
let mut injection_content_capture_index = None;
let mut injection_language_capture_index = None;
let mut injection_filename_capture_index = None;
let mut injection_shebang_capture_index = None;
let mut local_def_capture_index = None;
let mut local_def_value_capture_index = None;
let mut local_ref_capture_index = None;
let mut local_scope_capture_index = None;
for (i, name) in query.capture_names().iter().enumerate() {
let i = Some(i as u32);
match name.as_str() {
"local.definition" => local_def_capture_index = i,
"local.definition-value" => local_def_value_capture_index = i,
"local.reference" => local_ref_capture_index = i,
"local.scope" => local_scope_capture_index = i,
_ => {}
for (i, name) in injections_query.capture_names().iter().enumerate() {
let i = Some(i as u32);
match name.as_str() {
"injection.content" => injection_content_capture_index = i,
"injection.language" => injection_language_capture_index = i,
"injection.filename" => injection_filename_capture_index = i,
"injection.shebang" => injection_shebang_capture_index = i,
_ => {}
let highlight_indices = ArcSwap::from_pointee(vec![None; query.capture_names().len()]);
Ok(Self {
/// Get a slice containing all of the highlight names used in the configuration.
pub fn names(&self) -> &[String] {
/// Set the list of recognized highlight names.
/// Tree-sitter syntax-highlighting queries specify highlights in the form of dot-separated
/// highlight names like `punctuation.bracket` and `function.method.builtin`. Consumers of
/// these queries can choose to recognize highlights with different levels of specificity.
/// For example, the string `function.builtin` will match against `function.builtin.constructor`
/// but will not match `function.method.builtin` and `function.method`.
/// When highlighting, results are returned as `Highlight` values, which contain the index
/// of the matched highlight this list of highlight names.
pub fn configure(&self, recognized_names: &[String]) {
let mut capture_parts = Vec::new();
let indices: Vec<_> = self
.map(move |capture_name| {
let mut best_index = None;
let mut best_match_len = 0;
for (i, recognized_name) in recognized_names.iter().enumerate() {
let recognized_name = recognized_name;
let mut len = 0;
let mut matches = true;
for (i, part) in recognized_name.split('.').enumerate() {
match capture_parts.get(i) {
Some(capture_part) if *capture_part == part => len += 1,
_ => {
matches = false;
if matches && len > best_match_len {
best_index = Some(i);
best_match_len = len;
fn injection_pair<'a>(
query_match: &QueryMatch<'a, 'a>,
source: RopeSlice<'a>,
) -> (Option<InjectionLanguageMarker<'a>>, Option<Node<'a>>) {
let mut injection_capture = None;
let mut content_node = None;
for capture in query_match.captures {
let index = Some(capture.index);
if index == self.injection_language_capture_index {
let name = byte_range_to_str(capture.node.byte_range(), source);
injection_capture = Some(InjectionLanguageMarker::Name(name));
} else if index == self.injection_filename_capture_index {
let name = byte_range_to_str(capture.node.byte_range(), source);
let path = Path::new(name.as_ref()).to_path_buf();
injection_capture = Some(InjectionLanguageMarker::Filename(path.into()));
} else if index == self.injection_shebang_capture_index {
let node_slice = source.byte_slice(capture.node.byte_range());
// some languages allow space and newlines before the actual string content
// so a shebang could be on either the first or second line
let lines = if let Ok(end) = node_slice.try_line_to_byte(2) {
} else {
static SHEBANG_REGEX: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(SHEBANG).unwrap());
injection_capture = SHEBANG_REGEX
.map(|cap| InjectionLanguageMarker::Shebang(cap[1].to_owned()))
} else if index == self.injection_content_capture_index {
content_node = Some(capture.node);
(injection_capture, content_node)
fn injection_for_match<'a>(
query: &'a Query,
query_match: &QueryMatch<'a, 'a>,
source: RopeSlice<'a>,
) -> (
) {
let (mut injection_capture, content_node) = self.injection_pair(query_match, source);
let mut included_children = IncludedChildren::default();
for prop in query.property_settings(query_match.pattern_index) {
match prop.key.as_ref() {
// In addition to specifying the language name via the text of a
// captured node, it can also be hard-coded via a `#set!` predicate
// that sets the injection.language key.
"injection.language" if injection_capture.is_none() => {
injection_capture = prop
.map(|s| InjectionLanguageMarker::Name(s.as_ref().into()));
// By default, injections do not include the *children* of an
// `injection.content` node - only the ranges that belong to the
// node itself. This can be changed using a `#set!` predicate that
// sets the `injection.include-children` key.
"injection.include-children" => included_children = IncludedChildren::All,
// Some queries might only exclude named children but include unnamed
// children in their `injection.content` node. This can be enabled using
// a `#set!` predicate that sets the `injection.include-unnamed-children` key.
"injection.include-unnamed-children" => {
included_children = IncludedChildren::Unnamed
_ => {}
(injection_capture, content_node, included_children)
impl<'a> HighlightIterLayer<'a> {
// First, sort scope boundaries by their byte offset in the document. At a
// given position, emit scope endings before scope beginnings. Finally, emit
// scope boundaries from deeper layers first.
fn sort_key(&self) -> Option<(usize, bool, isize)> {
let depth = -(self.depth as isize);
let next_start = self
.map(|(m, i)| m.captures[*i].node.start_byte());
let next_end = self.highlight_end_stack.last().cloned();
match (next_start, next_end) {
(Some(start), Some(end)) => {
if start < end {
Some((start, true, depth))
} else {
Some((end, false, depth))
(Some(i), None) => Some((i, true, depth)),
(None, Some(j)) => Some((j, false, depth)),
_ => None,
enum IncludedChildren {
impl Default for IncludedChildren {
fn default() -> Self {
// Compute the ranges that should be included when parsing an injection.
// This takes into account three things:
// * `parent_ranges` - The ranges must all fall within the *current* layer's ranges.
// * `nodes` - Every injection takes place within a set of nodes. The injection ranges
// are the ranges of those nodes.
// * `includes_children` - For some injections, the content nodes' children should be
// excluded from the nested document, so that only the content nodes' *own* content
// is reparsed. For other injections, the content nodes' entire ranges should be
// reparsed, including the ranges of their children.
fn intersect_ranges(
parent_ranges: &[Range],
nodes: &[Node],
included_children: IncludedChildren,
) -> Vec<Range> {
let mut cursor = nodes[0].walk();
let mut result = Vec::new();
let mut parent_range_iter = parent_ranges.iter();
let mut parent_range = parent_range_iter
.expect("Layers should only be constructed with non-empty ranges vectors");
for node in nodes.iter() {
let mut preceding_range = Range {
start_byte: 0,
start_point: Point::new(0, 0),
end_byte: node.start_byte(),
end_point: node.start_position(),
let following_range = Range {
start_byte: node.end_byte(),
start_point: node.end_position(),
end_byte: usize::MAX,
end_point: Point::new(usize::MAX, usize::MAX),
for excluded_range in node
.children(&mut cursor)
.filter_map(|child| match included_children {
IncludedChildren::None => Some(child.range()),
IncludedChildren::All => None,
IncludedChildren::Unnamed => {
if child.is_named() {
} else {
let mut range = Range {
start_byte: preceding_range.end_byte,
start_point: preceding_range.end_point,
end_byte: excluded_range.start_byte,
end_point: excluded_range.start_point,
preceding_range = excluded_range;
if range.end_byte < parent_range.start_byte {
while parent_range.start_byte <= range.end_byte {
if parent_range.end_byte > range.start_byte {
if range.start_byte < parent_range.start_byte {
range.start_byte = parent_range.start_byte;
range.start_point = parent_range.start_point;
if parent_range.end_byte < range.end_byte {
if range.start_byte < parent_range.end_byte {
result.push(Range {
start_byte: range.start_byte,
start_point: range.start_point,
end_byte: parent_range.end_byte,
end_point: parent_range.end_point,
range.start_byte = parent_range.end_byte;
range.start_point = parent_range.end_point;
} else {
if range.start_byte < range.end_byte {
if let Some(next_range) = parent_range_iter.next() {
parent_range = next_range;
} else {
return result;
impl<'a> HighlightIter<'a> {
fn emit_event(
&mut self,
offset: usize,
event: Option<HighlightEvent>,
) -> Option<Result<HighlightEvent, Error>> {
let result;
if self.byte_offset < offset {
result = Some(Ok(HighlightEvent::Source {
start: self.byte_offset,
end: offset,
self.byte_offset = offset;
self.next_event = event;
} else {
result = event.map(Ok);
fn sort_layers(&mut self) {
while !self.layers.is_empty() {
if let Some(sort_key) = self.layers[0].sort_key() {
let mut i = 0;
while i + 1 < self.layers.len() {
if let Some(next_offset) = self.layers[i + 1].sort_key() {
if next_offset < sort_key {
i += 1;
} else {
let layer = self.layers.remove(i + 1);
PARSER.with(|ts_parser| {
let highlighter = &mut ts_parser.borrow_mut();
if i > 0 {
self.layers[0..(i + 1)].rotate_left(1);
} else {
let layer = self.layers.remove(0);
PARSER.with(|ts_parser| {
let highlighter = &mut ts_parser.borrow_mut();
impl<'a> Iterator for HighlightIter<'a> {
type Item = Result<HighlightEvent, Error>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
'main: loop {
// If we've already determined the next highlight boundary, just return it.
if let Some(e) = self.next_event.take() {
return Some(Ok(e));
// Periodically check for cancellation, returning `Cancelled` error if the
// cancellation flag was flipped.
if let Some(cancellation_flag) = self.cancellation_flag {
self.iter_count += 1;
if self.iter_count >= CANCELLATION_CHECK_INTERVAL {
self.iter_count = 0;
if cancellation_flag.load(Ordering::Relaxed) != 0 {
return Some(Err(Error::Cancelled));
// If none of the layers have any more highlight boundaries, terminate.
if self.layers.is_empty() {
let len = self.source.len_bytes();
return if self.byte_offset < len {
let result = Some(Ok(HighlightEvent::Source {
start: self.byte_offset,
end: len,
self.byte_offset = len;
} else {
// Get the next capture from whichever layer has the earliest highlight boundary.
let range;
let layer = &mut self.layers[0];
let captures = layer.captures.get_mut();
if let Some((next_match, capture_index)) = captures.peek() {
let next_capture = next_match.captures[*capture_index];
range = next_capture.node.byte_range();
// If any previous highlight ends before this node starts, then before
// processing this capture, emit the source code up until the end of the
// previous highlight, and an end event for that highlight.
if let Some(end_byte) = layer.highlight_end_stack.last().cloned() {
if end_byte <= range.start {
return self.emit_event(end_byte, Some(HighlightEvent::HighlightEnd));
// If there are no more captures, then emit any remaining highlight end events.
// And if there are none of those, then just advance to the end of the document.
else if let Some(end_byte) = layer.highlight_end_stack.last().cloned() {
return self.emit_event(end_byte, Some(HighlightEvent::HighlightEnd));
} else {
return self.emit_event(self.source.len_bytes(), None);
let (mut match_, capture_index) = captures.next().unwrap();
let mut capture = match_.captures[capture_index];
// Remove from the local scope stack any local scopes that have already ended.
while range.start > layer.scope_stack.last().unwrap().range.end {
// If this capture is for tracking local variables, then process the
// local variable info.
let mut reference_highlight = None;
let mut definition_highlight = None;
while match_.pattern_index < layer.config.highlights_pattern_index {
// If the node represents a local scope, push a new local scope onto
// the scope stack.
if Some(capture.index) == layer.config.local_scope_capture_index {
definition_highlight = None;
let mut scope = LocalScope {
inherits: true,
range: range.clone(),
local_defs: Vec::new(),
for prop in layer.config.query.property_settings(match_.pattern_index) {
if let "local.scope-inherits" = prop.key.as_ref() {
scope.inherits =
prop.value.as_ref().map_or(true, |r| r.as_ref() == "true");
// If the node represents a definition, add a new definition to the
// local scope at the top of the scope stack.
else if Some(capture.index) == layer.config.local_def_capture_index {
reference_highlight = None;
let scope = layer.scope_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
let mut value_range = 0..0;
for capture in match_.captures {
if Some(capture.index) == layer.config.local_def_value_capture_index {
value_range = capture.node.byte_range();
let name = byte_range_to_str(range.clone(), self.source);
scope.local_defs.push(LocalDef {
highlight: None,
definition_highlight = scope.local_defs.last_mut().map(|s| &mut s.highlight);
// If the node represents a reference, then try to find the corresponding
// definition in the scope stack.
else if Some(capture.index) == layer.config.local_ref_capture_index
&& definition_highlight.is_none()
definition_highlight = None;
let name = byte_range_to_str(range.clone(), self.source);
for scope in layer.scope_stack.iter().rev() {
if let Some(highlight) = scope.local_defs.iter().rev().find_map(|def| {
if def.name == name && range.start >= def.value_range.end {
} else {
}) {
reference_highlight = highlight;
if !scope.inherits {
// Continue processing any additional matches for the same node.
if let Some((next_match, next_capture_index)) = captures.peek() {
let next_capture = next_match.captures[*next_capture_index];
if next_capture.node == capture.node {
capture = next_capture;
match_ = captures.next().unwrap().0;
continue 'main;
// Otherwise, this capture must represent a highlight.
// If this exact range has already been highlighted by an earlier pattern, or by
// a different layer, then skip over this one.
if let Some((last_start, last_end, last_depth)) = self.last_highlight_range {
if range.start == last_start && range.end == last_end && layer.depth < last_depth {
continue 'main;
// If the current node was found to be a local variable, then skip over any
// highlighting patterns that are disabled for local variables.
if definition_highlight.is_some() || reference_highlight.is_some() {
while layer.config.non_local_variable_patterns[match_.pattern_index] {
if let Some((next_match, next_capture_index)) = captures.peek() {
let next_capture = next_match.captures[*next_capture_index];
if next_capture.node == capture.node {
capture = next_capture;
match_ = captures.next().unwrap().0;
continue 'main;
// Once a highlighting pattern is found for the current node, skip over
// any later highlighting patterns that also match this node. Captures
// for a given node are ordered by pattern index, so these subsequent
// captures are guaranteed to be for highlighting, not injections or
// local variables.
while let Some((next_match, next_capture_index)) = captures.peek() {
let next_capture = next_match.captures[*next_capture_index];
if next_capture.node == capture.node {
} else {
let current_highlight = layer.config.highlight_indices.load()[capture.index as usize];
// If this node represents a local definition, then store the current
// highlight value on the local scope entry representing this node.
if let Some(definition_highlight) = definition_highlight {
*definition_highlight = current_highlight;
// Emit a scope start event and push the node's end position to the stack.
if let Some(highlight) = reference_highlight.or(current_highlight) {
self.last_highlight_range = Some((range.start, range.end, layer.depth));
return self
.emit_event(range.start, Some(HighlightEvent::HighlightStart(highlight)));
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum InjectionLanguageMarker<'a> {
Name(Cow<'a, str>),
Filename(Cow<'a, Path>),
const SHEBANG: &str = r"#!\s*(?:\S*[/\\](?:env\s+(?:\-\S+\s+)*)?)?([^\s\.\d]+)";
pub struct Merge<I> {
iter: I,
spans: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (usize, std::ops::Range<usize>)>>,
next_event: Option<HighlightEvent>,
next_span: Option<(usize, std::ops::Range<usize>)>,
queue: Vec<HighlightEvent>,
/// Merge a list of spans into the highlight event stream.
pub fn merge<I: Iterator<Item = HighlightEvent>>(
iter: I,
spans: Vec<(usize, std::ops::Range<usize>)>,
) -> Merge<I> {
let spans = Box::new(spans.into_iter());
let mut merge = Merge {
next_event: None,
next_span: None,
queue: Vec::new(),
merge.next_event = merge.iter.next();
merge.next_span = merge.spans.next();
impl<I: Iterator<Item = HighlightEvent>> Iterator for Merge<I> {
type Item = HighlightEvent;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
use HighlightEvent::*;
if let Some(event) = self.queue.pop() {
return Some(event);
loop {
match (self.next_event, &self.next_span) {
// this happens when range is partially or fully offscreen
(Some(Source { start, .. }), Some((span, range))) if start > range.start => {
if start > range.end {
self.next_span = self.spans.next();
} else {
self.next_span = Some((*span, start..range.end));
_ => break,
match (self.next_event, &self.next_span) {
(Some(HighlightStart(i)), _) => {
self.next_event = self.iter.next();
(Some(HighlightEnd), _) => {
self.next_event = self.iter.next();
(Some(Source { start, end }), Some((_, range))) if start < range.start => {
let intersect = range.start.min(end);
let event = Source {
end: intersect,
if end == intersect {
// the event is complete
self.next_event = self.iter.next();
} else {
// subslice the event
self.next_event = Some(Source {
start: intersect,
(Some(Source { start, end }), Some((span, range))) if start == range.start => {
let intersect = range.end.min(end);
let event = HighlightStart(Highlight(*span));
// enqueue in reverse order
self.queue.push(Source {
end: intersect,
if end == intersect {
// the event is complete
self.next_event = self.iter.next();
} else {
// subslice the event
self.next_event = Some(Source {
start: intersect,
if intersect == range.end {
self.next_span = self.spans.next();
} else {
self.next_span = Some((*span, intersect..range.end));
(Some(event), None) => {
self.next_event = self.iter.next();
// Can happen if cursor at EOF and/or diagnostic reaches past the end.
// We need to actually emit events for the cursor-at-EOF situation,
// even though the range is past the end of the text. This needs to be
// handled appropriately by the drawing code by not assuming that
// all `Source` events point to valid indices in the rope.
(None, Some((span, range))) => {
let event = HighlightStart(Highlight(*span));
self.queue.push(Source {
start: range.start,
end: range.end,
self.next_span = self.spans.next();
(None, None) => None,
e => unreachable!("{:?}", e),
fn node_is_visible(node: &Node) -> bool {
node.is_missing() || (node.is_named() && node.language().node_kind_is_visible(node.kind_id()))
pub fn pretty_print_tree<W: fmt::Write>(fmt: &mut W, node: Node) -> fmt::Result {
if node.child_count() == 0 {
if node_is_visible(&node) {
write!(fmt, "({})", node.kind())
} else {
write!(fmt, "\"{}\"", node.kind())
} else {
pretty_print_tree_impl(fmt, &mut node.walk(), 0)
fn pretty_print_tree_impl<W: fmt::Write>(
fmt: &mut W,
cursor: &mut TreeCursor,
depth: usize,
) -> fmt::Result {
let node = cursor.node();
let visible = node_is_visible(&node);
if visible {
let indentation_columns = depth * 2;
write!(fmt, "{:indentation_columns$}", "")?;
if let Some(field_name) = cursor.field_name() {
write!(fmt, "{}: ", field_name)?;
write!(fmt, "({}", node.kind())?;
// Handle children.
if cursor.goto_first_child() {
loop {
if node_is_visible(&cursor.node()) {
pretty_print_tree_impl(fmt, cursor, depth + 1)?;
if !cursor.goto_next_sibling() {
let moved = cursor.goto_parent();
// The parent of the first child must exist, and must be `node`.
debug_assert!(cursor.node() == node);
if visible {
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::{Rope, Transaction};
fn test_textobject_queries() {
let query_str = r#"
(line_comment)+ @quantified_nodes
((line_comment)+) @quantified_nodes_grouped
((line_comment) (line_comment)) @multiple_nodes_grouped
let source = Rope::from_str(
/// a comment on
/// multiple lines
let loader = Loader::new(Configuration {
language: vec![],
language_server: HashMap::new(),
let language = get_language("rust").unwrap();
let query = Query::new(language, query_str).unwrap();
let textobject = TextObjectQuery { query };
let mut cursor = QueryCursor::new();
let config = HighlightConfiguration::new(language, "", "", "").unwrap();
let syntax = Syntax::new(&source, Arc::new(config), Arc::new(loader)).unwrap();
let root = syntax.tree().root_node();
let mut test = |capture, range| {
let matches: Vec<_> = textobject
.capture_nodes(capture, root, source.slice(..), &mut cursor)
"@{} expected {:?}",
test("quantified_nodes", 1..36);
// NOTE: Enable after implementing proper node group capturing
// test("quantified_nodes_grouped", 1..36);
// test("multiple_nodes_grouped", 1..36);
fn test_parser() {
let highlight_names: Vec<String> = [
let loader = Loader::new(Configuration {
language: vec![],
language_server: HashMap::new(),
let language = get_language("rust").unwrap();
let config = HighlightConfiguration::new(
"", // locals.scm
let source = Rope::from_str(
struct Stuff {}
fn main() {}
let syntax = Syntax::new(&source, Arc::new(config), Arc::new(loader)).unwrap();
let tree = syntax.tree();
let root = tree.root_node();
assert_eq!(root.kind(), "source_file");
"(source_file ",
"(struct_item name: (type_identifier) body: (field_declaration_list)) ",
"(function_item name: (identifier) parameters: (parameters) body: (block)))"
let struct_node = root.child(0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(struct_node.kind(), "struct_item");
fn test_input_edits() {
use tree_sitter::InputEdit;
let doc = Rope::from("hello world!\ntest 123");
let transaction = Transaction::change(
vec![(6, 11, Some("test".into())), (12, 17, None)].into_iter(),
let edits = generate_edits(&doc, transaction.changes());
// transaction.apply(&mut state);
InputEdit {
start_byte: 6,
old_end_byte: 11,
new_end_byte: 10,
start_position: Point { row: 0, column: 6 },
old_end_position: Point { row: 0, column: 11 },
new_end_position: Point { row: 0, column: 10 }
InputEdit {
start_byte: 12,
old_end_byte: 17,
new_end_byte: 12,
start_position: Point { row: 0, column: 12 },
old_end_position: Point { row: 1, column: 4 },
new_end_position: Point { row: 0, column: 12 }
// Testing with the official example from tree-sitter
let mut doc = Rope::from("fn test() {}");
let transaction =
Transaction::change(&doc, vec![(8, 8, Some("a: u32".into()))].into_iter());
let edits = generate_edits(&doc, transaction.changes());
transaction.apply(&mut doc);
assert_eq!(doc, "fn test(a: u32) {}");
&[InputEdit {
start_byte: 8,
old_end_byte: 8,
new_end_byte: 14,
start_position: Point { row: 0, column: 8 },
old_end_position: Point { row: 0, column: 8 },
new_end_position: Point { row: 0, column: 14 }
fn assert_pretty_print(
language_name: &str,
source: &str,
expected: &str,
start: usize,
end: usize,
) {
let source = Rope::from_str(source);
let loader = Loader::new(Configuration {
language: vec![],
language_server: HashMap::new(),
let language = get_language(language_name).unwrap();
let config = HighlightConfiguration::new(language, "", "", "").unwrap();
let syntax = Syntax::new(&source, Arc::new(config), Arc::new(loader)).unwrap();
let root = syntax
.descendant_for_byte_range(start, end)
let mut output = String::new();
pretty_print_tree(&mut output, root).unwrap();
assert_eq!(expected, output);
fn test_pretty_print() {
let source = r#"/// Hello"#;
assert_pretty_print("rust", source, "(line_comment)", 0, source.len());
// A large tree should be indented with fields:
let source = r#"fn main() {
println!("Hello, World!");
" name: (identifier)\n",
" parameters: (parameters)\n",
" body: (block\n",
" (expression_statement\n",
" (macro_invocation\n",
" macro: (identifier)\n",
" (token_tree\n",
" (string_literal))))))",
// Selecting a token should print just that token:
let source = r#"fn main() {}"#;
assert_pretty_print("rust", source, r#""fn""#, 0, 1);
// Error nodes are printed as errors:
let source = r#"}{"#;
assert_pretty_print("rust", source, "(ERROR)", 0, source.len());
// Fields broken under unnamed nodes are determined correctly.
// In the following source, `object` belongs to the `singleton_method`
// rule but `name` and `body` belong to an unnamed helper `_method_rest`.
// This can cause a bug with a pretty-printing implementation that
// uses `Node::field_name_for_child` to determine field names but is
// fixed when using `TreeCursor::field_name`.
let source = "def self.method_name
" object: (self)\n",
" name: (identifier)\n",
" body: (body_statement\n",
" (true)))"
fn test_load_runtime_file() {
// Test to make sure we can load some data from the runtime directory.
let contents = load_runtime_file("rust", "indents.scm").unwrap();
let results = load_runtime_file("rust", "does-not-exist");