You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

484 lines
10 KiB

; ------------
; Variables identifiers
; ------------
(identifier) @variable
; Remaining identifiers that start with capital letters should be types (PascalCase)
(identifier) @type
(#match? @type "^[A-Z]"))
(identifier) @constant
(#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*$"))
. (identifier) @constant))
; Field expressions are either module content or struct fields.
; Module types and constants should already be captured, so this
; assumes the remaining identifiers to be struct fields.
(identifier) @variable.other.member)
":" @string.special.symbol
] @string.special.symbol)
; ------
; Macros
; ------
name: (identifier) @function.macro)
"@" @function.macro
(identifier) @function.macro)
; -------------------
; Modules and Imports
; -------------------
name: (identifier) @namespace)
(identifier) @namespace)
. (identifier) @namespace)
(identifier) @namespace)
; -------------------
; Function definition
; -------------------
name: [
(identifier) @function
(identifier) @namespace
(identifier) @function)
; prevent constructors (PascalCase) to be highlighted as functions
(#match? @function "^[^A-Z]"))
name: [
(identifier) @function
(identifier) @namespace
(identifier) @function)
; prevent constructors (PascalCase) to be highlighted as functions
(#match? @function "^[^A-Z]"))
; ---------------
; Functions calls
; ---------------
(identifier) @function)
; prevent constructors (PascalCase) to be highlighted as functions
(#match? @function "^[^A-Z]"))
(field_expression (identifier) @function .))
(#match? @function "^[^A-Z]"))
(identifier) @function)
(#match? @function "^[^A-Z]"))
(field_expression (identifier) @function .))
(#match? @function "^[^A-Z]"))
; -------------------
; Functions builtins
; -------------------
((identifier) @function.builtin
(#any-of? @function.builtin
"_abstracttype" "_apply_iterate" "_apply_pure" "_call_in_world" "_call_in_world_total"
"_call_latest" "_equiv_typedef" "_expr" "_primitivetype" "_setsuper!" "_structtype" "_typebody!"
"_typevar" "applicable" "apply_type" "arrayref" "arrayset" "arraysize" "const_arrayref"
"donotdelete" "fieldtype" "get_binding_type" "getfield" "ifelse" "invoke" "isa" "isdefined"
"modifyfield!" "nfields" "replacefield!" "set_binding_type!" "setfield!" "sizeof" "svec"
"swapfield!" "throw" "tuple" "typeassert" "typeof"))
; -----------
; Parameters
; -----------
(identifier) @variable.parameter)
. (identifier) @variable.parameter)
(identifier) @variable.parameter)
parameter: (identifier)? @variable.parameter
type: (_) @type)
. (identifier) @variable.parameter) ; Single parameter arrow functions
; -----
; Types
; -----
; Definitions
name: (identifier) @type.definition) @keyword
name: (identifier) @type.definition) @keyword
name: (identifier) @type)
. (_)
(identifier) @variable.other.member)
. (_)
. (identifier) @variable.other.member))
(identifier) @type
(identifier) @type .)
; Annotations
(_) @type
(_) @type))
(identifier) @type)
(identifier) @type . )
return_type: (identifier) @type)
return_type: (identifier) @type)
(identifier) @type)
(_) @type))
; ---------
; Builtins
; ---------
; This list was generated with:
; istype(x) = typeof(x) === DataType || typeof(x) === UnionAll
; get_types(m) = filter(x -> istype(Base.eval(m, x)), names(m))
; type_names = sort(union(get_types(Core), get_types(Base)))
((identifier) @type.builtin
(#any-of? @type.builtin
"AbstractArray" "AbstractChannel" "AbstractChar" "AbstractDict" "AbstractDisplay"
"AbstractFloat" "AbstractIrrational" "AbstractLock" "AbstractMatch" "AbstractMatrix"
"AbstractPattern" "AbstractRange" "AbstractSet" "AbstractSlices" "AbstractString"
"AbstractUnitRange" "AbstractVecOrMat" "AbstractVector" "Any" "ArgumentError" "Array"
"AssertionError" "Atomic" "BigFloat" "BigInt" "BitArray" "BitMatrix" "BitSet" "BitVector" "Bool"
"BoundsError" "By" "CanonicalIndexError" "CapturedException" "CartesianIndex" "CartesianIndices"
"Cchar" "Cdouble" "Cfloat" "Channel" "Char" "Cint" "Cintmax_t" "Clong" "Clonglong" "Cmd" "Colon"
"ColumnSlices" "Complex" "ComplexF16" "ComplexF32" "ComplexF64" "ComposedFunction"
"CompositeException" "ConcurrencyViolationError" "Condition" "Cptrdiff_t" "Cshort" "Csize_t"
"Cssize_t" "Cstring" "Cuchar" "Cuint" "Cuintmax_t" "Culong" "Culonglong" "Cushort" "Cvoid"
"Cwchar_t" "Cwstring" "DataType" "DenseArray" "DenseMatrix" "DenseVecOrMat" "DenseVector" "Dict"
"DimensionMismatch" "Dims" "DivideError" "DomainError" "EOFError" "Enum" "ErrorException"
"Exception" "ExponentialBackOff" "Expr" "Float16" "Float32" "Float64" "Function" "GlobalRef"
"HTML" "IO" "IOBuffer" "IOContext" "IOStream" "IdDict" "IndexCartesian" "IndexLinear"
"IndexStyle" "InexactError" "InitError" "Int" "Int128" "Int16" "Int32" "Int64" "Int8" "Integer"
"InterruptException" "InvalidStateException" "Irrational" "KeyError" "LazyString" "LinRange"
"LineNumberNode" "LinearIndices" "LoadError" "Lt" "MIME" "Matrix" "Method" "MethodError"
"Missing" "MissingException" "Module" "NTuple" "NamedTuple" "Nothing" "Number" "Ordering"
"OrdinalRange" "OutOfMemoryError" "OverflowError" "Pair" "ParseError" "PartialQuickSort" "Perm"
"PermutedDimsArray" "Pipe" "ProcessFailedException" "Ptr" "QuoteNode" "Rational" "RawFD"
"ReadOnlyMemoryError" "Real" "ReentrantLock" "Ref" "Regex" "RegexMatch" "Returns"
"ReverseOrdering" "RoundingMode" "RowSlices" "SegmentationFault" "Set" "Signed" "Slices" "Some"
"SpinLock" "StackFrame" "StackOverflowError" "StackTrace" "Stateful" "StepRange" "StepRangeLen"
"StridedArray" "StridedMatrix" "StridedVecOrMat" "StridedVector" "String" "StringIndexError"
"SubArray" "SubString" "SubstitutionString" "Symbol" "SystemError" "Task" "TaskFailedException"
"Text" "TextDisplay" "Timer" "Tmstruct" "Tuple" "Type" "TypeError" "TypeVar" "UInt" "UInt128"
"UInt16" "UInt32" "UInt64" "UInt8" "UndefInitializer" "UndefKeywordError" "UndefRefError"
"UndefVarError" "Union" "UnionAll" "UnitRange" "Unsigned" "Val" "VecElement" "VecOrMat" "Vector"
"VersionNumber" "WeakKeyDict" "WeakRef"))
((identifier) @variable.builtin
(#any-of? @variable.builtin "begin" "end")
(#has-ancestor? @variable.builtin index_expression))
((identifier) @variable.builtin
(#any-of? @variable.builtin "begin" "end")
(#has-ancestor? @variable.builtin range_expression))
; --------
; Keywords
; --------
] @keyword
] @keyword)
] @keyword)
] @keyword)
] @keyword.control.conditional)
"elseif" @keyword.control.conditional)
"else" @keyword.control.conditional)
"if" @keyword.control.conditional) ; `if` clause in comprehensions
] @keyword.control.conditional)
] @keyword.control.exception)
"finally" @keyword.control.exception)
"catch" @keyword.control.exception)
] @keyword.control.repeat)
] @keyword.control.repeat)
"for" @keyword.control.repeat)
] @keyword.control.repeat
] @keyword.control.import)
] @keyword.control.import)
"as" @keyword.control.import)
"export" @keyword.control.import)
":" @punctuation.delimiter)
] @keyword)
] @keyword)
] @keyword.function)
] @keyword.function)
"return" @keyword.control.return)
; ---------
; Operators
; ---------
] @operator
"'" @operator)
":" @operator)
((operator) @keyword.operator
(#any-of? @keyword.operator "in" "isa"))
"in" @keyword.operator)
"where" @keyword.operator)
"where" @keyword.operator)
(operator) @operator
(identifier) @function
(#any-of? @operator "|>" ".|>"))
; ------------
; Punctuations
; ------------
] @punctuation.delimiter
"..." @punctuation.special
] @punctuation.bracket
; ---------
; Literals
; ---------
(boolean_literal) @constant.builtin.boolean
(integer_literal) @constant.numeric.integer
(float_literal) @constant.numeric.float
((identifier) @constant.numeric.float)
(#match? @constant.numeric.float "^((Inf|NaN)(16|32|64)?)$"))
((identifier) @constant.builtin)
(#match? @constant.builtin "^(nothing|missing|undef)$"))
(character_literal) @constant.character
(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape
(string_literal) @string
prefix: (identifier) @function.macro) @string
(command_literal) @string
prefix: (identifier) @function.macro) @string
; ---------
; Comments
; ---------
] @comment