You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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//! When typing the opening character of one of the possible pairs defined below,
//! this module provides the functionality to insert the paired closing character.
use crate::{Range, Rope, Selection, Tendril, Transaction};
use smallvec::SmallVec;
// Heavily based on
pub const PAIRS: &[(char, char)] = &[
('(', ')'),
('{', '}'),
('[', ']'),
('\'', '\''),
('"', '"'),
('`', '`'),
const CLOSE_BEFORE: &str = ")]}'\":;> \n\r\u{000B}\u{000C}\u{0085}\u{2028}\u{2029}"; // includes space and newlines
// insert hook:
// Fn(doc, selection, char) => Option<Transaction>
// problem is, we want to do this per range, so we can call default handler for some ranges
// so maybe ret Vec<Option<Change>>
// but we also need to be able to return transactions...
// to simplify, maybe return Option<Transaction> and just reimplement the default
// TODO: delete implementation where it erases the whole bracket (|) -> |
pub fn hook(doc: &Rope, selection: &Selection, ch: char) -> Option<Transaction> {
for &(open, close) in PAIRS {
if open == ch {
if open == close {
return handle_same(doc, selection, open);
} else {
return Some(handle_open(doc, selection, open, close, CLOSE_BEFORE));
if close == ch {
// && char_at pos == close
return Some(handle_close(doc, selection, open, close));
// TODO: special handling for lifetimes in rust: if preceeded by & or < don't auto close '
// for example "&'a mut", or "fn<'a>"
fn next_char(doc: &Rope, pos: usize) -> Option<char> {
if pos >= doc.len_chars() {
return None;
// TODO: selections should be extended if range, moved if point.
// TODO: if not cursor but selection, wrap on both sides of selection (surround)
fn handle_open(
doc: &Rope,
selection: &Selection,
open: char,
close: char,
close_before: &str,
) -> Transaction {
let mut ranges = SmallVec::with_capacity(selection.len());
let mut offs = 0;
let transaction = Transaction::change_by_selection(doc, selection, |range| {
let pos = range.head;
let next = next_char(doc, pos);
let head = pos + offs + open.len_utf8();
// if selection, retain anchor, if cursor, move over
if range.is_empty() {
} else {
range.anchor + offs
match next {
Some(ch) if !close_before.contains(ch) => {
offs += 1;
// TODO: else return (use default handler that inserts open)
(pos, pos, Some(Tendril::from_char(open)))
// None | Some(ch) if close_before.contains(ch) => {}
_ => {
// insert open & close
let mut pair = Tendril::with_capacity(2);
offs += 2;
(pos, pos, Some(pair))
transaction.with_selection(Selection::new(ranges, selection.primary_index()))
fn handle_close(doc: &Rope, selection: &Selection, _open: char, close: char) -> Transaction {
let mut ranges = SmallVec::with_capacity(selection.len());
let mut offs = 0;
let transaction = Transaction::change_by_selection(doc, selection, |range| {
let pos = range.head;
let next = next_char(doc, pos);
let head = pos + offs + close.len_utf8();
// if selection, retain anchor, if cursor, move over
if range.is_empty() {
} else {
range.anchor + offs
if next == Some(close) {
// return transaction that moves past close
(pos, pos, None) // no-op
} else {
offs += close.len_utf8();
// TODO: else return (use default handler that inserts close)
(pos, pos, Some(Tendril::from_char(close)))
transaction.with_selection(Selection::new(ranges, selection.primary_index()))
// handle cases where open and close is the same, or in triples ("""docstring""")
fn handle_same(_doc: &Rope, _selection: &Selection, _token: char) -> Option<Transaction> {
// if not cursor but selection, wrap
// let next = next char
// if next == bracket {
// // if start of syntax node, insert token twice (new pair because node is complete)
// // elseif colsedBracketAt
// // is_triple == allow triple && next 3 is equal
// // cursor jump over
// }
//} else if allow_triple && followed by triple {
//} else if next != word char && prev != bracket && prev != word char {
// // condition checks for cases like I' where you don't want I'' (or I'm)
// insert pair ("")