You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

146 lines
4.2 KiB

# aura ported by:
# Author: elainabialkowski
# aura originally by:
# Author: Dalton Menezes
# License: MIT
"ui.background" = { fg = "white", bg = "black"}
"ui.linenr" = { fg = "accent17"}
"ui.linenr.selected" = { bg = "accent33", modifiers = ["bold"]}
"ui.statusline" = { fg = "accent10", bg = "accent24"}
"ui.selection" = { bg = "purple_selection"}
"ui.selection.background" = { fg = "purple_selection"}
"ui.cursor" = { fg = "black", bg = "pink" }
"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "purple", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"ui.text" = { fg = "white"}
"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "white", bg = "purple_selection_solid" }
"ui.text.inactive" = { fg = "gray" }
"ui.virtual.indent-guide" = "accent13"
"ui.virtual.ruler" = { bg = "accent13" }
"ui.virtual.whitespace" = { fg = "accent13" }
"ui.virtual.inlay-hint" = { fg = "accent9", bg = "accent33" }
"ui.virtual.jump-label" = { fg = "pink" , modifiers = ["bold"] }
"ui.highlight" = { bg = "accent33", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"" = { fg = "accent9", bg = "accent24"}
"" = { fg = "purple", bg = "accent33"}
"ui.popup" = { fg = "accent9", bg = "accent24"}
"ui.window" = { fg = "green" }
"diagnostic.error" = { underline = { color = "red", style = "curl" } }
"diagnostic.warning" = { underline = { color = "orange" , style = "curl" } }
"" = { underline = { color = "blue" , style = "curl" } }
"diagnostic.hint" = { underline = { color = "blue" , style = "curl" } }
"diagnostic.unnecessary" = { modifiers = ["dim"] }
"diagnostic.deprecated" = { modifiers = ["crossed_out"] }
error = "red"
warning = "orange"
info = "blue"
hint = "blue"
attributes = "purple"
type = "blue"
constructor = "blue"
constant = "green"
string = "green"
comment = {fg = "gray" }
variable = "white" # should be dimmed
"variable.builtin" = "purple"
"variable.other" = "pink"
"punctuation.delimeter" = "pink"
"punctuation.special" = "white"
keyword = "purple"
operator = "purple"
function = "orange"
tag = "purple"
markup = "purple"
"markup.heading" = "orange"
"markup.quote" = "gray"
"markup.list" = "purple"
"" = { fg = "green" , modifiers = ["underlined"]}
"" = "green"
"" = "orange"
"diff.minus" = "red"
# dark soft/dim
purple = "#8464c6" # 132,100,198 accent1 primary color
purple_selection = "#3d375e7f" # 61,55,94 accent20 selections
purple_selection_solid = "#29263c" # 41,38,60 accent38 selections (without alpha)
green = "#54c59f" # 84,197,159 accent2 secondary color
orange = "#c7a06f" # 199,160,111 accent3 tertiary color
pink = "#c17ac8" # 193,122,200 accent6 quaternary color
blue = "#6cb2c7" # 108,178,199 accent32 quinary color
red = "#c55858" # 197,88,88 accent5 senary color
white = "#bdbdbd" # 189,189,189 accent7 foregrounds
gray = "#6d6d6d" # 109,109,109 accent8 comments
black = "#15141b" # 21,20,27 accent12 backgrounds
# commonColors = {
# accent0 = "#0f0f0f" # black
# ...
# accent4 = "#9dff65" # bright green
# ...
# accent31 = "#ffca85" # bright orange
# accent32 = "#82e2ff" # light blue!!
# accent33 = "#24222c" # black
# accent34 = "#00000000" # fully transparent,
# accent35 = "#525156" # activity bar inactive foreground,
# # }
# export const commonUI = {
accent9 = "#cdccce" # black
accent10 = "#adacae" # light grey
accent13 = "#2d2d2d" # black
# accent14 = "#af8aff7f" # light purple
# accent15 = "#4d4d4d"
# accent16 = "#ffffff00"
accent17 = "#a394f033" # secondary-selection
# accent18 = "#a394f000" # light purple
# accent19 = "#3ea7847f"
# accent20 = "#3d375e7f" # primary-selection
# accent22 = "#4d466e"
# accent23 = "#3b334b"
# accent25 = "#49c29a"
# accent26 = "#00d89023"
# accent27 = "#ff474720"
# accent28 = "#121016"
# accent29 = "#000000"
# accent30 = "#2d2b38"
accent33 = "#2e2b38"
# accent36 = "#a19c77" # debugging background
# accent37 = "#353424" # breakpoint frame highlight
# accent38 = "#29263c" # primary-selection without alpha
# accent39 = "#211D26"
# }c',
# accent34 = "#00000000" # fully transparent,
# accent35 = "#525156" # activity bar inactive foreground,
# }
accent24 = "#1f1a27" # soft dark