You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

65 lines
1.5 KiB

;; Queries for helix to select textobjects:
;; function.inside
;; function.around
;; class.inside
;; class.around
;; test.inside
;; test.around
;; parameter.inside
;; comment.inside
;; comment.around
;; Queries for navigating using textobjects
] @comment.inside
(line_comment)+ @comment.around
(block_comment) @comment.around
(entity members: (members)? @class.inside) @class.around
(object members: (members)? @class.inside) @class.around
body: (block)? @function.inside
) @function.around
body: (block)? @function.inside
) @function.around
body: (block)? @function.inside
) @function.around
body: (block)? @function.inside
) @function.outside
((_) @parameter.inside . ","? @parameter.around) @parameter.around
params: ((_) @parameter.inside . ","? @parameter.around) @parameter.around
((_) @parameter.inside . ","? @parameter.around) @parameter.around
((_) @parameter.inside . ","? @parameter.around) @parameter.around
positional: (positional_args
((_) @parameter.inside . ","? @parameter.around)? @parameter.around)
; TODO: get named args right
named: (named_args ((_) @parameter.inside . ","? @parameter.around)? @parameter.around)
provides: (type (nominal_type name: (identifier) @_provides))
members: (members) @test.inside
) @test.outside
(#eq? @_provides "UnitTest")