The text of the licenses are all in this repository each in its own .md (markdown) file above. You don't have to download and use the builder unless you are contributing.
License information and summary of purpose here:
Please use the "+" at the end of the license URI (like: CNPL-NAv7+) to allow future license revisions to apply.
These licenses are based off of the [CSL]( (Cooperative Software License) which is not actually just for software.
- Changes that are not common among license have some special formatting requirements. Check the output of `make` to ensure everything is removed from the licenses it does not apply to.
- If a change only applies to the CNPL or CNPL-NA use the "restriction-cooperative" role attribute
- If a change only applies to the CNPL or NVPL (or in other words, it has to do with requiring attributions) use the "restriction-attribution" role attribute.
- Use `pandoc` to convert the license into the format of your choice. Use `pandoc --list-output-formats` for a list of available document formats. Try some of these:
-`pandoc -f markdown -t pdf -s -o cnpl.pdf` - Build a pdf of the CNPL (requires `texlive-core`)
-`pandoc -f markdown -t odt -s -o cnpl.odt` - Convert the license to an odt file and open it for spell and grammar check in LibreOffice.
-`pandoc -f markdown -t plain -s -o cnpl.txt` - Produce a plaintext version of the license.