@ -138,9 +138,15 @@ interface UserData {
"The groups the user has joined"
groups(first: Int=10, offset: Int=0): [Group]
"The numbef of groups the user has joined"
"The number of groups the user has joined"
groupCount: Int!
"The events the user is participating in"
events(first: Int=10, offset: Int=0): [Event]
"The number of events the user is participating in"
eventCount: Int!
"the points of the user"
points: Int!
@ -189,6 +195,12 @@ type User implements UserData{
"The numbef of groups the user has joined"
groupCount: Int!
"The events the user is participating in"
events(first: Int=10, offset: Int=0): [Event]
"The number of events the user is participating in"
eventCount: Int!
"the levels of the user depending on the points"
level: Int!
@ -251,6 +263,12 @@ type Profile implements UserData {
"The numbef of groups the user has joined"
groupCount: Int!
"The events the user is participating in"
events(first: Int=10, offset: Int=0): [Event]
"The number of events the user is participating in"
eventCount: Int!
"the points of the user"
points: Int!