RandomUser27 5 years ago
parent 9edf283e75
commit 6fb002e79b

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
type Query {
getUser(userId: Id): User
getPost(postId: Id): Post
getChat(chatId: Id): Chat
getRequest(requestId: Id): Request
type Mutation {
#"Upvote/downvote a Post"
vote(postId: id!, type: [VoteType!]!): Bool
#"Report the post"
report(postId: id!): Bool
#"if u accept a request"
acceptRequest(requestId: id!): bool
#"send a assage in a Chatroom"
sendMassage(chatId: Id!, massage: String!): bool
type User {
#"ProfilPicture of the User"
profilPicture: String!
#"name from the User"
name: String!
#"unique name from the User"
handle: String!
#"Id from the User"
userId: ID!
#"Counted number of al Posts he posted"
numberOfPosts: int
#"show the posts of the User"
getAllPosts(first: int, offset: int): [Post]
#"Date when he/she Created the account"
JoinedDate: Date!
#"all chats for the mainsite(left)"
pinnedChats: [Chats]
#"all friends of the user"
friends: [User]
#"all request for groupChats/friends/events"
friends: [Request]
type Post {
picture: String
#"posted Text"
text: String
#"upvotes from Post"
upvotes: Int!
#"downvotes from Post"
downvotes: Int!
#"The AuthorID of the Post"
author: User!
#"Creationdate of the Post"
creationDate: Date!
#"Upvoteted/Downvoted the User already (NoVote(Null),Upvote,Downvote)"
alreadyVoted: [VoteType]
#"with tags u can find the post in a research"
tags: [String]
type Search {
#"u can find posts with a name(text) or posted time"
findPost(first: int, offset: int, text: String!, postedDate: Date): [Post]
#"u can find a User with his Name or handle"
findUser(first: int, offset: int, name: String!, handle: string!): [User]
type Request {
requestId: Id!
requestType: [RequestType!]!
type ChatRoom {
#"Every User in the room"
members: [Users!]
#"Get the Chat"
getMessages(first: int, offset: int): [String]
chatId: Id!
enum VoteType {
enum RequestType {
#type Event {
#type Comment {
# #"CommentId"
# commentId: Id!
# #"text from the Comment"
# text: String
# #"PostId"
# postId: Id
# #"Upvotes of the comment"
# upvotes: int!
# #"Downvotes of the comment"
# downvotes: int!
# #"Upvoteted/Downvoted the User already (NoVote(Null),Upvote,Downvote)"
# alreadyVoted: [VoteType]
# #"Creationdate of the Post"
# creationDate: Date!
# #"Upvote/downvote a Comment"
# vote(CommentId: id!, type: [VoteType!]!): Bool
# #"Report the Comment"
# report(CommentId: id!): Bool