@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ type Query {
findPost(first: Int, offset: Int, text: String!, postedDate: String): [Post]
"find a user by user name or handle"
findUser(first: Int, offset: Int, name: String!, handle: String!): [User]
findUser(first: Int, offset: Int, name: String, handle: String): [User]
"returns the post filtered by the sort type with pagination."
getPosts(first: Int=20, offset: Int=0, sort: SortType = NEW): [Post]
@ -62,16 +62,16 @@ type Mutation {
sendMessage(chatId: ID!, content: String!): ChatMessage
"create the post"
createPost(content: String!): Post
createPost(content: String!): Post!
"delete the post for a given post id"
deletePost(postId: ID!): Boolean
deletePost(postId: ID!): Boolean!
"Creates a chat between the user (and optional an other user)"
createChat(members: [ID!]): ChatRoom
createChat(members: [ID!]): ChatRoom!
"Creates a new group with a given name and additional members"
createGroup(name: String!, members: [ID!]): Group
createGroup(name: String!, members: [ID!]): Group!
"Joins a group with the given id"
joinGroup(id: ID!): Group
@ -108,23 +108,35 @@ interface UserData {
"Id of the User"
id: ID!
"the total number of posts the user posted"
numberOfPosts: Int
"DEPRECATED! the total number of posts the user posted"
numberOfPosts: Int!
"the number of posts the user has created"
postCount: Int!
"returns a given number of posts of a user"
posts(first: Int=10, offset: Int): [Post]
posts(first: Int=10, offset: Int=0): [Post]
"creation date of the user account"
joinedAt: String!
"all friends of the user"
friends: [User]
friends(first: Int=10, offset: Int=0): [User]
"The number of friends the user has"
friendCount: Int!
"The groups the user has joined"
groups(first: Int=10, offset: Int=0): [Group]
"The numbef of groups the user has joined"
groupCount: Int!
"the points of the user"
points: Int
points: Int!
"the levels of the user depending on the points"
level: Int
level: Int!
"represents a single user account"
@ -142,25 +154,34 @@ type User implements UserData{
id: ID!
"the total number of posts the user posted"
numberOfPosts: Int
numberOfPosts: Int!
"returns a given number of posts of a user"
posts(first: Int=10, offset: Int): [Post]
"the number of posts the user has created"
postCount: Int!
"creation date of the user account"
joinedAt: String!
"all friends of the user"
friends: [User]
friends(first: Int=10, offset: Int=0): [User]
"The number of friends the user has"
friendCount: Int!
"the points of the user"
points: Int
points: Int!
"the groups the user has joined"
groups: [Group]
groups(first: Int=10, offset: Int=0): [Group]
"The numbef of groups the user has joined"
groupCount: Int!
"the levels of the user depending on the points"
level: Int
level: Int!
type Profile implements UserData {
@ -176,6 +197,9 @@ type Profile implements UserData {
"returns the chatrooms the user joined."
chats(first: Int=10, offset: Int): [ChatRoom]
"the count of the users chats"
chatCount: Int!
"unique identifier name from the User"
handle: String!
@ -183,37 +207,46 @@ type Profile implements UserData {
id: ID!
"the total number of posts the user posted"
numberOfPosts: Int
numberOfPosts: Int!
"the number of posts the user has created"
postCount: Int!
"returns a given number of posts of a user"
posts(first: Int=10, offset: Int): [Post]
posts(first: Int=10, offset: Int): [Post!]!
"creation date of the user account"
joinedAt: String!
"all friends of the user"
friends: [User]
friends(first: Int=10, offset: Int=0): [User!]!
"The number of friends the user has"
friendCount: Int!
"all sent request for groupChats/friends/events"
sentRequests: [Request]
sentRequests: [Request!]!
"all received request for groupChats/friends/events"
receivedRequests: [Request]
receivedRequests: [Request!]!
"all groups the user is an admin of"
administratedGroups: [Group]
administratedGroups: [Group!]!
"all groups the user has created"
createdGroups: [Group]
createdGroups: [Group!]!
"all groups the user has joined"
groups: [Group]
groups(first: Int=10, offset: Int=0): [Group!]!
"The numbef of groups the user has joined"
groupCount: Int!
"the points of the user"
points: Int
points: Int!
"the levels of the user depending on the points"
level: Int
level: Int!
"represents a single user post"
@ -266,7 +299,7 @@ type ChatRoom {
namespace: String
"the members of the chatroom"
members: [User!]
members(first: Int=10, offset: Int=0): [User!]
"return a specfic range of messages posted in the chat"
messages(first: Int = 10, offset: Int, containing: String): [ChatMessage]!
@ -306,7 +339,7 @@ type Group {
creator: User
"all admins of the group"
admins: [User]!
admins(first: Int=10, offset: Int=0): [User]!
"the members of the group with pagination"
members(first: Int = 10, offset: Int = 0): [User]!
@ -315,7 +348,7 @@ type Group {
chat: ChatRoom
"the events of the group"
events: [Event!]!
events(first: Int=10, offset: Int=0): [Event!]!
type Event {
@ -332,7 +365,7 @@ type Event {
group: Group!
"The participants of the event."
participants: [User!]!
participants(first: Int=10, offset: Int=0): [User!]!
"represents the type of vote performed on a post"