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31 lines
574 B

use serenity::framework::standard::macros::group;
use about::ABOUT_COMMAND;
use add_gif::ADD_GIF_COMMAND;
use gifs::GIFS_COMMAND;
use pain::PAIN_COMMAND;
use ping::PING_COMMAND;
use qalc::QALC_COMMAND;
use shutdown::SHUTDOWN_COMMAND;
use stats::STATS_COMMAND;
use time::TIME_COMMAND;
use timezones::TIMEZONES_COMMAND;
mod about;
mod add_gif;
mod gifs;
pub(crate) mod help;
mod pain;
mod ping;
mod qalc;
mod shutdown;
mod stats;
mod time;
mod timezones;
ping, stats, shutdown, time, timezones, qalc, about, add_gif, gifs, pain
pub struct Misc;