use serenity::client::Context; use serenity::framework::standard::macros::command; use serenity::framework::standard::CommandResult; use serenity::model::channel::Message; use crate::commands::common::handle_autodelete; use crate::commands::music::{get_queue_for_guild, get_voice_manager, is_dj}; #[command] #[only_in(guilds)] #[description("Leaves a voice channel")] #[usage("")] #[aliases("stop")] async fn leave(ctx: &Context, msg: &Message) -> CommandResult { let guild = msg.guild(&ctx.cache).await.unwrap(); log::debug!("Leave request received for guild {}",; if !is_dj(ctx,, & { msg.channel_id.say(ctx, "Requires DJ permissions").await?; return Ok(()); } let manager = get_voice_manager(ctx).await; let queue = get_queue_for_guild(ctx, &; let queue_lock = queue.lock().await; let handler = manager.get(; if let Some(handler) = handler { let mut handler_lock = handler.lock().await; handler_lock.remove_all_global_events(); } if let Some(current) = queue_lock.current() { current.stop()?; } if manager.get( { manager.remove(; msg.channel_id.say(ctx, "Left the voice channel").await?; log::debug!("Left the voice channel"); } else { msg.channel_id.say(ctx, "Not in a voice channel").await?; log::debug!("Not in a voice channel"); } handle_autodelete(ctx, msg).await?; Ok(()) }