use std::mem; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicIsize, AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use regex::Regex; use serenity::async_trait; use serenity::client::Context; use serenity::framework::standard::macros::group; use serenity::http::Http; use serenity::model::channel::Message; use serenity::model::guild::Guild; use serenity::model::id::{ChannelId, GuildId, UserId}; use serenity::model::user::User; use songbird::{ Call, Event, EventContext, EventHandler as VoiceEventHandler, Songbird, TrackEvent, }; use tokio::sync::Mutex; use clear_queue::CLEAR_QUEUE_COMMAND; use current::CURRENT_COMMAND; use join::JOIN_COMMAND; use leave::LEAVE_COMMAND; use lyrics::LYRICS_COMMAND; use pause::PAUSE_COMMAND; use play::PLAY_COMMAND; use play_next::PLAY_NEXT_COMMAND; use playlists::PLAYLISTS_COMMAND; use queue::QUEUE_COMMAND; use save_playlist::SAVE_PLAYLIST_COMMAND; use shuffle::SHUFFLE_COMMAND; use skip::SKIP_COMMAND; use crate::messages::music::update_now_playing_msg; use crate::providers::music::queue::{MusicQueue, Song}; use crate::providers::music::youtube_dl; use crate::providers::settings::{get_setting, Setting}; use crate::utils::context_data::{DatabaseContainer, Store}; use crate::utils::error::{BotError, BotResult}; mod clear_queue; mod current; mod join; mod leave; mod lyrics; mod pause; mod play; mod play_next; mod playlists; mod queue; mod save_playlist; mod shuffle; mod skip; #[group] #[commands( join, leave, play, queue, skip, shuffle, current, play_next, clear_queue, pause, save_playlist, playlists, lyrics )] pub struct Music; struct SongEndNotifier { channel_id: ChannelId, http: Arc, queue: Arc>, handler: Arc>, } #[async_trait] impl VoiceEventHandler for SongEndNotifier { async fn act(&self, _ctx: &EventContext<'_>) -> Option { log::debug!("Song ended in {}. Playing next one", self.channel_id); while !play_next_in_queue(&self.http, &self.channel_id, &self.queue, &self.handler).await { tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; } None } } struct ChannelDurationNotifier { channel_id: ChannelId, guild_id: GuildId, count: Arc, queue: Arc>, leave_in: Arc, handler: Arc>, manager: Arc, } #[async_trait] impl VoiceEventHandler for ChannelDurationNotifier { async fn act(&self, _ctx: &EventContext<'_>) -> Option { let count_before = self.count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); log::debug!( "Playing in channel {} for {} minutes", self.channel_id, count_before ); let queue_lock = self.queue.lock().await; if queue_lock.leave_flag { log::debug!("Waiting to leave"); if self.leave_in.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed) <= 0 { log::debug!("Leaving voice channel"); { let mut handler_lock = self.handler.lock().await; handler_lock.remove_all_global_events(); } if let Some(current) = queue_lock.current() { let _ = current.stop(); } let _ = self.manager.remove(self.guild_id).await; log::debug!("Left the voice channel"); } } else { log::debug!("Resetting leave value");, Ordering::Relaxed) } None } } /// Joins a voice channel async fn join_channel(ctx: &Context, channel_id: ChannelId, guild_id: GuildId) -> Arc> { log::debug!( "Attempting to join channel {} in guild {}", channel_id, guild_id ); let manager = songbird::get(ctx) .await .expect("Songbird Voice client placed in at initialisation.") .clone(); let (handler, _) = manager.join(guild_id, channel_id).await; let mut data =; let store = data.get_mut::().unwrap(); log::debug!("Creating new queue"); let queue = Arc::new(Mutex::new(MusicQueue::new())); store.music_queues.insert(guild_id, queue.clone()); { let mut handler_lock = handler.lock().await; log::debug!("Registering track end handler"); handler_lock.add_global_event( Event::Track(TrackEvent::End), SongEndNotifier { channel_id: channel_id.clone(), http: ctx.http.clone(), queue: Arc::clone(&queue), handler: handler.clone(), }, ); handler_lock.add_global_event( Event::Periodic(Duration::from_secs(60), None), ChannelDurationNotifier { channel_id, guild_id, count: Default::default(), queue: Arc::clone(&queue), handler: handler.clone(), leave_in: Arc::new(AtomicIsize::new(5)), manager: manager.clone(), }, ); } handler } /// Returns the voice channel the author is in fn get_channel_for_author(author_id: &UserId, guild: &Guild) -> BotResult { guild .voice_states .get(author_id) .and_then(|voice_state| voice_state.channel_id) .ok_or(BotError::from("Not in a voice channel.")) } /// Returns the voice manager from the context pub async fn get_voice_manager(ctx: &Context) -> Arc { songbird::get(ctx) .await .expect("Songbird Voice client placed in at initialisation.") .clone() } /// Returns a reference to a guilds music queue pub(crate) async fn get_queue_for_guild( ctx: &Context, guild_id: &GuildId, ) -> BotResult>> { let data =; let store = data.get::().unwrap(); let queue = store .music_queues .get(guild_id) .ok_or(BotError::from("No queue for server"))? .clone(); Ok(queue) } /// Plays the next song in the queue async fn play_next_in_queue( http: &Arc, channel_id: &ChannelId, queue: &Arc>, handler: &Arc>, ) -> bool { let mut queue_lock = queue.lock().await; if let Some(mut next) = { let url = match next.url().await { Some(url) => url, None => { let _ = channel_id .say(&http, format!("'{}' not found", next.title())) .await; return false; } }; log::debug!("Getting source for song '{}'", url); let source = match songbird::ytdl(&url).await { Ok(s) => s, Err(e) => { let _ = channel_id .say( &http, format!("Failed to enqueue {}: {:?}", next.title(), e), ) .await; return false; } }; let mut handler_lock = handler.lock().await; let track = handler_lock.play_only_source(source); log::trace!("Track is {:?}", track); if let Some(np) = &queue_lock.now_playing_msg { if let Err(e) = update_now_playing_msg(http, np, track.metadata(), false).await { log::error!("Failed to update now playing message: {:?}", e); } } queue_lock.set_current(track); } else { if let Some(np) = mem::take(&mut queue_lock.now_playing_msg) { let np =; if let Ok(message) = np.get_message(http).await { let _ = message.delete(http).await; } } queue_lock.clear_current(); } true } /// Returns the list of songs for a given url async fn get_songs_for_query(ctx: &Context, msg: &Message, query: &str) -> BotResult> { let guild_id = msg.guild_id.unwrap(); let mut query = query.to_string(); lazy_static::lazy_static! { // expressions to determine the type of url static ref PLAYLIST_NAME_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"^pl:(\S+)$").unwrap(); static ref YOUTUBE_URL_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"^(https?(://))?(www\.)?(youtube\.com/watch\?.*v=.*)|(/*)|(youtube\.com/playlist\?.*list=.*)$").unwrap(); static ref SPOTIFY_PLAYLIST_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"^(https?(://))?(www\.|open\.)?spotify\.com/playlist/.*").unwrap(); static ref SPOTIFY_ALBUM_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"^(https?(://))?(www\.|open\.)?spotify\.com/album/.*").unwrap(); static ref SPOTIFY_SONG_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"^(https?(://))?(www\.|open\.)?spotify\.com/track/.*").unwrap(); } let mut songs = Vec::new(); let data =; let store = data.get::().unwrap(); let database = data.get::().unwrap(); log::debug!("Querying play input {}", query); if let Some(captures) = PLAYLIST_NAME_REGEX.captures(&query) { log::debug!("Query is a saved playlist"); let pl_name: &str = captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(); log::trace!("Playlist name is {}", pl_name); let playlist_opt = database .get_guild_playlist(guild_id.0, pl_name.to_string()) .await?; log::trace!("Playlist is {:?}", playlist_opt); if let Some(playlist) = playlist_opt { log::debug!("Assigning url for saved playlist to query"); query = playlist.url; } } if YOUTUBE_URL_REGEX.is_match(&query) { log::debug!("Query is youtube video or playlist"); // try fetching the url as a playlist songs = youtube_dl::get_videos_for_playlist(&query) .await? .into_iter() .map(Song::from) .collect(); // if no songs were found fetch the song as a video if songs.len() == 0 { log::debug!("Query is youtube video"); let mut song: Song = youtube_dl::get_video_information(&query).await?.into(); added_one_msg(&ctx, msg, &mut song).await?; songs.push(song); } else { log::debug!("Query is playlist with {} songs", songs.len()); added_multiple_msg(&ctx, msg, &mut songs).await?; } } else if SPOTIFY_PLAYLIST_REGEX.is_match(&query) { // search for all songs in the playlist and search for them on youtube log::debug!("Query is spotify playlist"); songs = store.spotify_api.get_songs_in_playlist(&query).await?; added_multiple_msg(&ctx, msg, &mut songs).await?; } else if SPOTIFY_ALBUM_REGEX.is_match(&query) { // fetch all songs in the album and search for them on youtube log::debug!("Query is spotify album"); songs = store.spotify_api.get_songs_in_album(&query).await?; added_multiple_msg(&ctx, msg, &mut songs).await?; } else if SPOTIFY_SONG_REGEX.is_match(&query) { // fetch the song name and search it on youtube log::debug!("Query is a spotify song"); let mut song = store.spotify_api.get_song_name(&query).await?; added_one_msg(ctx, msg, &mut song).await?; songs.push(song); } else { log::debug!("Query is a youtube search"); let mut song: Song = youtube_dl::search_video_information(query.clone()) .await? .ok_or(BotError::Msg(format!("Noting found for {}", query)))? .into(); log::trace!("Search result is {:?}", song); added_one_msg(&ctx, msg, &mut song).await?; songs.push(song); } Ok(songs) } /// Message when one song was added to the queue async fn added_one_msg(ctx: &Context, msg: &Message, song: &mut Song) -> BotResult<()> { let url = song.url().await.ok_or(BotError::from("Song not found"))?; msg.channel_id .send_message(&ctx.http, |m| { m.embed(|mut e| { e = e.description(format!("Added [{}]({}) to the queue", song.title(), url)); if let Some(thumb) = &song.thumbnail() { e = e.thumbnail(thumb); } e }) }) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Message when multiple songs were added to the queue async fn added_multiple_msg(ctx: &Context, msg: &Message, songs: &mut Vec) -> BotResult<()> { msg.channel_id .send_message(&ctx.http, |m| { m.embed(|e| e.description(format!("Added {} songs to the queue", songs.len()))) }) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Returns if the given user is a dj in the given guild based on the /// setting for the name of the dj role pub async fn is_dj(ctx: &Context, guild: GuildId, user: &User) -> BotResult { let dj_role = get_setting::(ctx, guild, Setting::MusicDjRole).await?; if let Some(role_name) = dj_role { let roles = ctx.http.get_guild_roles(guild.0).await?; let role_result = roles.iter().find(|r| == role_name); if let Some(role) = role_result { Ok(user.has_role(ctx, guild, } else { Ok(false) } } else { Ok(true) } }