use serenity::client::Context; use serenity::framework::standard::macros::command; use serenity::framework::standard::{CommandError, CommandResult}; use serenity::model::channel::Message; use crate::commands::common::handle_autodelete; use crate::commands::music::get_music_player_for_guild; use crate::messages::music::no_voicechannel::create_no_voicechannel_message; #[command] #[only_in(guilds)] #[description("Shows the lyrics for the currently playing song")] #[usage("")] #[bucket("general")] async fn lyrics(ctx: &Context, msg: &Message) -> CommandResult { let guild = msg.guild(&ctx.cache).unwrap(); tracing::debug!("Fetching lyrics for song playing in {}",; let player = if let Some(player) = get_music_player_for_guild(ctx, { player } else { return create_no_voicechannel_message(&ctx.http, msg.channel_id) .await .map_err(CommandError::from); }; let (lyrics, current) = { let mut player = player.lock().await; let current = player.queue().current().clone(); (player.lyrics().await?, current) }; if let Some(lyrics) = lyrics { let current = current.unwrap(); msg.channel_id .send_message(ctx, |m| { m.embed(|e| { e.title(format!( "Lyrics for {} by {}", current.title(), )) .description(lyrics) .footer(|f| f.text("Powered by lyricsovh")) }) }) .await?; } else { tracing::debug!("No lyrics found"); msg.channel_id.say(ctx, "No lyrics found").await?; } handle_autodelete(ctx, msg).await?; Ok(()) }