use std::collections::VecDeque; use aspotify::Track; use songbird::tracks::TrackHandle; use bot_coreutils::shuffle::Shuffle; use crate::providers::music::responses::{PlaylistEntry, VideoInformation}; use crate::providers::music::song_to_youtube_video; use bot_database::models::YoutubeSong; use bot_serenityutils::core::MessageHandle; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::sync::RwLock; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct MusicQueue { inner: VecDeque, current: Option<(TrackHandle, Song)>, paused: bool, pub now_playing_msg: Option>>, pub leave_flag: bool, } impl MusicQueue { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { inner: VecDeque::new(), current: None, paused: false, leave_flag: false, now_playing_msg: None, } } /// Adds a song to the queue pub fn add(&mut self, song: Song) { self.inner.push_back(song); } /// Adds a song to be played next in the queue pub fn add_next(&mut self, song: Song) { self.inner.push_front(song); } /// Shuffles the queue pub fn shuffle(&mut self) { self.inner.shuffle() } /// Returns a reference to the inner deque pub fn entries(&self) -> &VecDeque { &self.inner } /// Returns the next song from the queue pub fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.inner.pop_front() } /// Sets the currently playing song pub fn set_current(&mut self, handle: TrackHandle, song: Song) { self.current = Some((handle, song)) } /// Clears the currently playing song pub fn clear_current(&mut self) { self.current = None; } /// Returns the reference to the currently playing song pub fn current(&self) -> &Option<(TrackHandle, Song)> { &self.current } /// Clears the queue pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.inner.clear(); } /// Moves a song to a new position pub fn move_position(&mut self, index: usize, new_index: usize) { if let Some(song) = self.inner.remove(index) { self.inner.insert(new_index, song); } } /// Removes a song from the queue pub fn remove(&mut self, index: usize) { self.inner.remove(index); } /// Toggles pause pub fn pause(&mut self) { if let Some(current) = &self.current { if self.paused { let _ =; } else { let _ = current.0.pause(); } self.paused = !self.paused; } else { self.paused = false; } } /// Returns if the queue is paused pub fn paused(&self) -> bool { self.paused } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum SongSource { Spotify(Track), YouTube(String), } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Song { url: Option, title: String, author: String, thumbnail: Option, source: SongSource, } impl Song { /// The url of the song /// fetched when not available pub async fn url(&mut self) -> Option { if let Some(url) = self.url.clone() { Some(url) } else { log::debug!("Lazy fetching video for title"); let information = song_to_youtube_video(&self).await.ok()??; self.url = Some(information.webpage_url.clone()); self.thumbnail = information.thumbnail; = information.uploader; Some(information.webpage_url) } } /// The title of the song pub fn title(&self) -> &String { &self.title } #[allow(dead_code)] /// the author of the song pub fn author(&self) -> &String { & } /// The thumbnail of the song pub fn thumbnail(&self) -> &Option { &self.thumbnail } /// The source of the song pub fn source(&self) -> &SongSource { &self.source } } impl From for Song { fn from(info: VideoInformation) -> Self { Self { url: Some(info.webpage_url.clone()), title: info.title, author: info.uploader, thumbnail: info.thumbnail, source: SongSource::YouTube(info.webpage_url), } } } impl From for Song { fn from(entry: PlaylistEntry) -> Self { Self { url: Some(format!("{}", entry.url)), title: entry.title, author: entry.uploader, thumbnail: None, source: SongSource::YouTube(format!("{}", entry.url)), } } } impl From for Song { fn from(track: Track) -> Self { Self { title:, author: track .clone() .artists .into_iter() .map(|a| .collect::>() .join(" & "), url: None, thumbnail: None, source: SongSource::Spotify(track), } } } impl From for Song { fn from(song: YoutubeSong) -> Self { Self { title: song.title, author: song.artist, url: Some(song.url.clone()), thumbnail: None, source: SongSource::YouTube(song.url), } } } impl From for Song { fn from(i: youtube_metadata::VideoInformation) -> Self { Self { title: i.title, author: i.uploader, url: Some(i.url.clone()), thumbnail: i.thumbnail, source: SongSource::YouTube(i.url), } } }