use std::process; use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; use chrono::Duration as ChronoDuration; use serenity::framework::standard::macros::command; use serenity::framework::standard::CommandResult; use serenity::model::channel::Message; use serenity::prelude::*; use sysinfo::{ProcessExt, SystemExt}; use crate::commands::common::handle_autodelete; use crate::utils::context_data::{get_database_from_context, MusicPlayers}; #[command] #[description("Shows some statistics about the bot")] #[usage("")] #[bucket("general")] async fn stats(ctx: &Context, msg: &Message) -> CommandResult { log::debug!("Reading system stats"); let database = get_database_from_context(ctx).await; let mut system = sysinfo::System::new_all(); system.refresh_all(); let kernel_version = system.kernel_version().unwrap_or("n/a".to_string()); //system.refresh_process(process::id() as i32); let own_process = system.process(process::id() as i32).unwrap(); let memory_usage = own_process.memory(); let cpu_usage = own_process.cpu_usage(); let thread_count = own_process.tasks.len(); let current_user = ctx.http.get_current_user().await?; let guild_count: usize = current_user.guilds(ctx).await?.len(); let bot_info = ctx.http.get_current_application_info().await?; let uptime = own_process.run_time(); let uptime = ChronoDuration::from_std(Duration::from_secs(uptime)).unwrap(); let total_commands_executed = database.get_total_commands_statistic().await?; let shard_count = ctx.cache.shard_count().await; let discord_info = format!( r#" Version: {} Compiled with: rustc {} Build at: {} Owner: <@{}> Guilds: {} Shards: {} Voice Connections: {} Times Used: {} "#, crate::VERSION, rustc_version_runtime::version(), build_time::build_time_utc!("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),, guild_count, shard_count, get_queue_count(ctx).await, total_commands_executed ); log::trace!("Discord info {}", discord_info); let system_info = format!( r#" Kernel Version: {} Memory Usage: {:.2} MiB CPU Usage: {:.2} % Thread Count: {} Uptime: {}d {}h {}m "#, kernel_version, memory_usage as f64 / 1024f64, cpu_usage, thread_count, uptime.num_days(), uptime.num_hours() % 24, uptime.num_minutes() % 60 ); log::trace!("System info {}", system_info); msg.channel_id .send_message(ctx, |m| { m.embed(|e| { e.title("Bot Stats") .field("Bot Information", discord_info, true) .field("System information", system_info, true) }) }) .await?; handle_autodelete(ctx, msg).await?; Ok(()) } /// Returns the total number of queues that are not /// flagged to leave async fn get_queue_count(ctx: &Context) -> usize { let data =; let players = data.get::().unwrap(); players.len() }