2B (Tobi) Discord bot.

A rust rewrite of the originally js 2B bot.

## Current feature set - minecraft information - playing music from youtube - miscellaneous commands ## System Dependencies The bot depends on a few programs to be installed on the system. ### Data Storage - [postgresql](https://www.postgresql.org/) ### Music - [FFmpeg](https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg) - [youtube-dl](https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl) ### Misc Commands - [qalculate](https://github.com/Qalculate/libqalculate) ## API Dependencies The bot depends on the following APIs - [Discord](https://discord.com/developers/applications): It's a discord bot... - [Spotify](https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/): To fetch song names to be searched on youtube for music playback - [lyrics.ohv](https://lyricsovh.docs.apiary.io): To fetch lyrics for playing songs ## Dev Dependencies - Rust - Other stuff that you have to figure out yourself because it just works for me ## Configuration The bot reads all required configuration values from the environment or optionally from a .env file. The required values are: - `BOT_TOKEN` (required): Discord bot token - `BOT_OWNER` (required): Discord UserID of the bot owner - `DATABASE_URL` (required): Connection uri to the postgres database in the schema `postgres://myuser:mypassword@localhost:5432/database` - `SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID` (required): Spotify API Client ID - `SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET` (required): Spotify API Client Secret - `BOT_PREFIX` (optional): The prefix of the bot. Defaults to `~` if not set. - `LOG_DIR` (optional): Directory to store log files in. Defaults to `logs` in the cwd. ## License It's GPL 3.0