use crate::messages::music::now_playing::update_now_playing_msg; use crate::providers::music::lavalink::Lavalink; use crate::providers::music::lyrics::get_lyrics; use crate::providers::music::queue::MusicQueue; use crate::utils::context_data::MusicPlayers; use crate::utils::error::{BotError, BotResult}; use lavalink_rs::LavalinkClient; use serenity::prelude::TypeMap; use serenity::{ client::Context, http::Http, model::id::{ChannelId, GuildId}, }; use serenity_rich_interaction::core::{MessageHandle, SHORT_TIMEOUT}; use serenity_rich_interaction::ephemeral_message::EphemeralMessage; use songbird::Songbird; use std::mem; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use tokio::sync::{Mutex, RwLock}; pub struct MusicPlayer { client: Arc, http: Arc, queue: MusicQueue, guild_id: GuildId, now_playing_msg: Option>>, msg_channel: ChannelId, leave_flag: bool, paused: bool, equalizer: [f64; 15], } impl MusicPlayer { /// Creates a new music player pub fn new( client: Arc, http: Arc, guild_id: GuildId, msg_channel: ChannelId, ) -> Self { Self { client, http, guild_id, queue: MusicQueue::new(), msg_channel, now_playing_msg: None, leave_flag: false, paused: false, equalizer: [0f64; 15], } } /// Joins a given voice channel pub async fn join( ctx: &Context, guild_id: GuildId, voice_channel_id: ChannelId, msg_channel_id: ChannelId, ) -> BotResult>> { let manager = songbird::get(ctx).await.unwrap(); let (handler, connection) = manager.join_gateway(guild_id, voice_channel_id).await; let connection = connection?; { let mut handler = handler.lock().await; handler.deafen(true).await?; } let player = { let mut data =; let client = data.get::().unwrap(); client.create_session_with_songbird(&connection).await?; let player = MusicPlayer::new( Arc::clone(client), Arc::clone(&ctx.http), guild_id, msg_channel_id, ); let player = Arc::new(Mutex::new(player)); let players = data.get_mut::().unwrap(); players.insert(guild_id.0, Arc::clone(&player)); player }; wait_for_disconnect( Arc::clone(&, Arc::clone(&player), manager, guild_id, ); Ok(player) } /// Returns a mutable reference to the inner queue pub fn queue(&mut self) -> &mut MusicQueue { &mut self.queue } /// Skips to the next song pub async fn skip(&mut self) -> BotResult<()> { self.client.stop(self.guild_id.0).await?; Ok(()) } /// Stops playback and leaves the channel pub async fn stop(&mut self) -> BotResult<()> { self.queue.clear(); self.client.stop(self.guild_id.0).await?; Ok(()) } /// Returns the lyrics for the currently playing song pub async fn lyrics(&self) -> BotResult> { if let Some(current) = self.queue.current() { let title = current.title(); let artist =; get_lyrics(artist, title).await } else { Ok(None) } } /// Plays the next song in the queue pub async fn play_next(&mut self) -> BotResult<()> { while !self.try_play_next().await? {} if self.paused { self.client.pause(self.guild_id).await?; } Ok(()) } /// Tries to play the next song pub async fn try_play_next(&mut self) -> BotResult { let mut next = if let Some(n) = { log::trace!("Next is {:?}", n); n } else { return Ok(true); }; let url = if let Some(url) = next.url().await { url } else { self.send_error_message(format!( "‼️ Could not find a video to play for '{}' by '{}'", next.title(), )) .await?; log::debug!("Could not find playable candidate for song."); return Ok(false); }; let query_information = match self.client.auto_search_tracks(url).await { Ok(i) => i, Err(e) => { log::error!("Failed to search for song: {}", e); self.send_error_message(format!( "‼️ Failed to retrieve information for song '{}' by '{}': {:?}", next.title(),, e )) .await?; return Ok(false); } }; if query_information.tracks.len() == 0 { return Ok(false); } let track = query_information.tracks[0].clone();, track).start().await?; self.queue.set_current(next); Ok(true) } /// Sets the new now playing message of the queue pub async fn set_now_playing(&mut self, message: Arc>) { let _ = self.delete_now_playing().await; self.now_playing_msg = Some(message) } /// Updates the now playing message pub async fn update_now_playing(&self) -> BotResult<()> { if let (Some(current), Some(np)) = (self.queue.current(), &self.now_playing_msg) { update_now_playing_msg(&self.http, np, &mut current.clone(), self.is_paused()).await?; } Ok(()) } /// Deletes the now playing message pub async fn delete_now_playing(&mut self) -> BotResult<()> { if let Some(np) = mem::take(&mut self.now_playing_msg) { let np =; let msg = np.get_message(&self.http).await?; msg.delete(&self.http).await?; } Ok(()) } /// Pauses playback pub async fn toggle_paused(&mut self) -> BotResult<()> { self.paused = !self.paused; self.client.set_pause(self.guild_id.0, self.paused).await?; Ok(()) } /// Returns if playback is paused pub fn is_paused(&self) -> bool { self.paused } /// Returns the now playing message of the player pub fn now_playing_message(&self) -> &Option>> { &self.now_playing_msg } /// Deletes the now playing message from the player pub fn clear_now_playing(&mut self) { self.now_playing_msg = None; } /// Sets the leave flag to the given value pub fn set_leave_flag(&mut self, flag: bool) { self.leave_flag = flag; } /// Sends a play error message to the players test channel async fn send_error_message(&self, content: String) -> BotResult<()> { EphemeralMessage::create(&self.http, self.msg_channel, SHORT_TIMEOUT, |m| { m.content(content) }) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Returns the equalizer pub fn get_equalizer(&self) -> &[f64; 15] { &self.equalizer } /// Equalizes a specified band pub async fn equalize(&mut self, band: u8, value: f64) -> BotResult<()> { if band > 15 { return Err(BotError::from("Invalid Equalizer band")); } if value < -0.25 || value > 0.25 { return Err(BotError::from("Invalid Equalizer value")); } self.equalizer[band as usize] = value; self.client .equalize_all(self.guild_id, self.equalizer) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Equalizes all bands at the same time pub async fn equalize_all(&mut self, bands: [f64; 15]) -> BotResult<()> { self.equalizer = bands; self.client .equalize_all(self.guild_id, self.equalizer) .await?; Ok(()) } } /// Stats a tokio coroutine to check for player disconnect conditions fn wait_for_disconnect( data: Arc>, player: Arc>, manager: Arc, guild_id: GuildId, ) { let mut leave_in: i32 = 5; tokio::spawn(async move { loop { tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(60)).await; if manager.get(guild_id).is_none() { return; // leave when there's no connection to handle } let mut player_lock = player.lock().await; if player_lock.leave_flag { log::debug!("Waiting to leave"); if leave_in <= 0 { log::debug!("Leaving voice channel"); if let Some(handler) = manager.get(guild_id) { let mut handler_lock = handler.lock().await; let _ = handler_lock.leave().await; } let _ = manager.remove(guild_id).await; let mut data = data.write().await; let players = data.get_mut::().unwrap(); players.remove(&guild_id.0); let _ = player_lock.stop().await; let _ = player_lock.delete_now_playing().await; log::debug!("Left the voice channel"); return; } leave_in -= 1; } else { log::debug!("Resetting leave value"); leave_in = 5 } } }); }