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use crate::commands::common::handle_autodelete;
use crate::commands::music::{get_music_player_for_guild, DJ_CHECK};
use crate::messages::music::no_voicechannel::create_no_voicechannel_message;
use serenity::client::Context;
use serenity::framework::standard::macros::command;
use serenity::framework::standard::{Args, CommandError, CommandResult};
use serenity::model::channel::Message;
use serenity_rich_interaction::core::SHORT_TIMEOUT;
use serenity_rich_interaction::ephemeral_message::EphemeralMessage;
#[description("Moves a song in the queue from one position to a new one")]
#[usage("<old-pos> <new-pos>")]
#[example("102 2")]
#[aliases("mvs", "movesong", "move-song")]
async fn move_song(ctx: &Context, msg: &Message, mut args: Args) -> CommandResult {
let guild = msg.guild(&ctx.cache).await.unwrap();
log::debug!("Moving song for guild {}",;
let pos1 = args.single::<usize>()?;
let pos2 = args.single::<usize>()?;
let player = if let Some(player) = get_music_player_for_guild(ctx, {
} else {
return create_no_voicechannel_message(&ctx.http, msg.channel_id)
let mut player = player.lock().await;
player.queue().move_position(pos1, pos2);
EphemeralMessage::create(&ctx.http, msg.channel_id, SHORT_TIMEOUT, |m| {
"↕ Moved Song `{}` to new position `{}`",
pos1, pos2
handle_autodelete(ctx, msg).await?;