use crate::utils::call_counter::{get_counter_from_context, increment_counter_for_event}; use crate::utils::protocol::TestProtocolListener; use crate::utils::{get_free_port, start_server_and_client}; use bromine::prelude::*; use byteorder::ReadBytesExt; use futures::StreamExt; use std::io::Read; use std::time::Duration; mod utils; /// When awaiting the reply to an event the handler for the event doesn't get called. /// Therefore we expect it to have a call count of 0. #[tokio::test] async fn it_receives_responses() { let port = get_free_port(); let ctx = get_client_with_server(port).await; let mut reply_stream = ctx .emit("stream", EmptyPayload) .stream_replies() .await .unwrap(); let mut reply_stream_2 = ctx .emit("stream", EmptyPayload) .stream_replies() .await .unwrap(); for i in 0u8..=100 { if let Some(Ok(event)) = { assert_eq!(event.payload::().unwrap().0, i) } else { panic!("stream 1 has no value {}", i); } if let Some(Ok(event)) = { assert_eq!(event.payload::().unwrap().0, i) } else { panic!("stream 2 has no value {}", i); } } let counter = get_counter_from_context(&ctx).await; assert_eq!(counter.get("stream").await, 2); } async fn get_client_with_server(port: u8) -> Context { start_server_and_client(move || get_builder(port)).await } fn get_builder(port: u8) -> IPCBuilder { IPCBuilder::new() .address(port) .timeout(Duration::from_millis(100)) .on("stream", callback!(handle_stream_event)) } async fn handle_stream_event(ctx: &Context, event: Event) -> IPCResult { increment_counter_for_event(ctx, &event).await; for i in 0u8..=99 { ctx.emit("number", NumberPayload(i)).await?; } ctx.response(NumberPayload(100)) } pub struct EmptyPayload; impl IntoPayload for EmptyPayload { fn into_payload(self, _: &Context) -> IPCResult> { Ok(vec![]) } } pub struct NumberPayload(u8); impl IntoPayload for NumberPayload { fn into_payload(self, _: &Context) -> IPCResult> { Ok(vec![self.0]) } } impl FromPayload for NumberPayload { fn from_payload(mut reader: R) -> IPCResult { let num = reader.read_u8()?; Ok(NumberPayload(num)) } }