apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1 kind: HelmRelease metadata: name: searxng namespace: searxng spec: releaseName: searxng chart: spec: chart: searxng sourceRef: kind: HelmRepository name: searxng namespace: repos interval: 60m install: remediation: retries: 3 values: env: INSTANCE_NAME: trivial BASE_URL: https://search.trivernis.net resources: requests: memory: 1Gi limits: memory: 2Gi controller: replicas: 2 redis: enabled: true resources: requests: memory: 64Mi limits: memory: 128Mi searxng: config: use_default_settings: true general: # Debug mode, only for development. Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_DEBUG} debug: false # displayed name instance_name: "trivial" # For example: https://example.com/privacy privacypolicy_url: false # use true to use your own donation page written in searx/info/en/donate.md # use false to disable the donation link donation_url: false # mailto:contact@example.com contact_url: false # record stats enable_metrics: true search: # Filter results. 0: None, 1: Moderate, 2: Strict safe_search: 0 # Existing autocomplete backends: "dbpedia", "duckduckgo", "google", "yandex", # "seznam", "startpage", "swisscows", "qwant", "wikipedia" - leave blank to turn it off # by default. autocomplete: "qwant" # minimun characters to type before autocompleter starts autocomplete_min: 4 # Default search language - leave blank to detect from browser information or # use codes from 'languages.py' default_lang: "all" server: limiter: false # rate limit the number of request on the instance, block some bots secret_key: "5adbd8a47c2523a1d3b2db02197bd8ac222b36827e1b89d9315be262082bf258" # Is overwritten by ${SEARXNG_SECRET} # Proxying image results through searx image_proxy: false # 1.0 and 1.1 are supported method: "POST" default_http_headers: X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block X-Download-Options: noopen X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow Referrer-Policy: no-referrer ui: # query_in_title: When true, the result page's titles contains the query # it decreases the privacy, since the browser can records the page titles. query_in_title: false # infinite_scroll: When true, automatically loads the next page when scrolling to bottom of the current page. infinite_scroll: false # ui theme default_theme: simple # center the results ? center_alignment: false # URL prefix of the internet archive, don't forgett trailing slash (if needed). # cache_url: "https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:" # Default interface locale - leave blank to detect from browser information or # use codes from the 'locales' config section default_locale: "" # Open result links in a new tab by default # results_on_new_tab: false theme_args: # style of simple theme: auto, light, dark simple_style: auto # Lock arbitrary settings on the preferences page. To find the ID of the user # setting you want to lock, check the ID of the form on the page "preferences". # # preferences: # lock: # - language # - autocomplete # - method # - query_in_title # Comment or un-comment plugin to activate / deactivate by default. # enabled_plugins: # # these plugins are enabled if nothing is configured .. # - 'Hash plugin' # - 'Search on category select' # - 'Self Information' # - 'Tracker URL remover' # - 'Ahmia blacklist' # activation depends on outgoing.using_tor_proxy # # these plugins are disabled if nothing is configured .. - 'Hostname replace' # see hostname_replace configuration below # - 'Open Access DOI rewrite' - 'Vim-like hotkeys' # - 'Tor check plugin' # # Read the docs before activate: auto-detection of the language could be # # detrimental to users expectations / users can activate the plugin in the # # preferences if they want. # - 'Autodetect search language' # Configuration of the "Hostname replace" plugin: # hostname_replace: # '(.*\.)?youtube\.com$': 'invidious.example.com' # '(.*\.)?youtu\.be$': 'invidious.example.com' # '(.*\.)?youtube-noocookie\.com$': 'yotter.example.com' # '(.*\.)?reddit\.com$': 'teddit.net' # '(.*\.)?redd\.it$': 'teddit.net' '(www\.)?twitter\.com$': 'nitter.sethforprivacy.com' # to remove matching host names from result list, set value to false # 'spam\.example\.com': false categories_as_tabs: general: images: videos: news: map: music: it: science: files: social media: engines: ### Custom Engines ### - name: safebooru shortcut: sboo engine: xpath categories: [boards] paging: true page_size: 40 search_url: https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags={query}&pid={pageno} results_xpath: //div/span[@class='thumb']/a url_xpath: ./@href title_xpath: ./@id content_xpath: ./img/@title thumbnail_xpath: ./img/@src disabled: true timeout: 5.0 tokens: ['12boards24access!'] about: website: https://safebooru.org use_official_api: false results: HTML language: en - name: danbooru shortcut: dboo engine: xpath categories: [boards] paging: true search_url: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags={query}&page={pageno} results_xpath: //div/article url_xpath: ./div/a/@href title_xpath: ./@id content_xpath: ./div/a/picture/img/@title thumbnail_xpath: .//img/@src disabled: true timeout: 5.0 tokens: ['12boards24access!'] about: website: https://danbooru.donmai.us use_official_api: false results: HTML language: en