local utils = require 'utils' local silo = require 'silo' local log = require 'log' local path = require 'path' local exports = {} local shasum = utils.ext_piped "shasum" local ha_checksum = "" local homenix = path.join { silo.dirs.config, "home-manager/home.nix" } if path.exists(homenix) then ha_checksum = (shasum {homenix}).stdout log.debug(ha_checksum) end local function clear_invalid_links() utils.nu [[ ( glob /home/jri/.local/share/applications/*.desktop | each { ls -l $in } | flatten | where target? != null | par-each {|entry| get target | open $in | parse -r '\nTryExec\s?=\s?(?[^\n]+)' | get -i 0 | default {} | merge $entry } | where bin? != null | where {|e| which $e.bin | is-empty } | each {|e| rm $e.name; print $"Cleared ($e.name)" } ) ]] end local function link_apps() utils.nu [[ ( glob ~/.nix-profile/share/applications/*.desktop | par-each { try { ln -s $in ~/.local/share/applications/; print $"Linked ($in)" } } ) ]] end exports.after_apply_all = function() if utils.which "home-manager"~= nil and (shasum {homenix}).stdout ~= ha_checksum then local hm = utils.ext "home-manager" log.info("Applying home-manager config") hm { "switch" } log.info "Expiring old home manager configurations" hm { "expire-generations", "-1 days" } log.info "Clear invalid links" clear_invalid_links() log.info "Linking applications" link_apps() else log.info "Home manager does not need to be updated" end end return exports