use def agree [ prompt --default-not (-n) ] { let prompt = if ($prompt | str ends-with '!') { $'(ansi red)($prompt)(ansi reset)' } else { $'($prompt)' } (if $default_not { [no yes] } else { [yes no] } | input list $prompt) == 'yes' } def tips [ msg ] { print -e $"(ansi light_gray)($msg)(ansi reset)" } def --wrapped with-flag [...flag] { if ($in | is-empty) { [] } else { [...$flag $in] } } export def `git yeet` [] { git add . git commit -m (http get git push } export alias gy = git yeet # git status export def gs [] { git status } # git stash export def gst [ --apply (-a) --clear (-c) --drop (-d) --list (-l) --pop (-p) --show (-s) --all (-A) --include-untracked (-i) ] { if $apply { git stash apply } else if $clear { git stash clear } else if $drop { git stash drop } else if $list { git stash list } else if $pop { git stash pop } else if $show { git stash show --text } else if $all { git stash --all ...(if $include_untracked {[--include-untracked]} else {[]}) } else { git stash } } # git log export def gl [ commit?: string@"nu-complete git log" --verbose(-v) --num(-n):int=32 ] { if ($commit|is-empty) { _git_log $verbose $num } else { git log --stat -p -n 1 $commit } } # git branch export def gb [ branch?: string@"nu-complete git branches" --remote (-r)='origin': string@"nu-complete git remotes" --delete (-d) --no-merged (-n) ] { let bs = git branch | lines | each {|x| $x | str substring 2..} if $delete { let remote_branches = (remote_branches) if ($branch | is-empty) { let dels = if $no_merged { gb } else { gb | where { $in.merged | is-not-empty } } | where { ($in.remote | is-empty) and ($in.current | is-empty) } | each {|x| let pf = if ($x.current | is-empty) { " " } else { $"(ansi cyan)* " } let nm = if ($x.merged | is-not-empty ) { $"(ansi green)☑ " } else { " " } $x | insert display $"($nm)($pf)(ansi reset)($x.branch)" } if ($dels | is-empty) { tips "no branches to delete" return } let $dels = $dels | input list -d display --multi | get branch for b in $dels { tips $"delete (ansi yellow)($b)" git branch -D $b } if ($dels | is-not-empty) and (agree 'delete remote branch?!') { for b in ($dels | filter { $"($remote)/($in)" in $remote_branches }) { tips $"delete (ansi yellow)($remote)/($b)" git branch -D -r $'($remote)/($b)' git push $remote -d $b } } } else { if $branch in $bs and (agree 'branch will be delete!') { git branch -D $branch } if $"($remote)/($branch)" in $remote_branches and (agree 'delete remote branch?!') { git branch -D -r $'($remote)/($branch)' git push $remote -d $branch } } } else if ($branch | is-empty) { let merged = git branch --merged | lines | each { $in | parse -r '\s*\*?\s*(?[^\s]+)' | get 0.b } { local: (git branch) remote: (git branch --remote) } | transpose k v | each {|x| $x.v | lines | each {|n| let n = $n | parse -r '\s*(?\*)?\s*(?[^\s]+)( -> )?(?[^\s]+)?' | get 0 let c = if ($n.c | is-empty) { null } else { true } let r = if ($n.r | is-empty) { null } else { $n.r } let m = if $n.b in $merged { true } else { null } let rm = if $x.k == 'remote' { true } else { null } { current: $c, remote: $rm, branch: $n.b, ref: $r, merged: $m } } } | flatten } else if $branch in $bs { git checkout $branch } else { if (agree 'create new branch?') { git checkout -b $branch } } } # git clone, init export def --env gn [ repo?: string@"nu-complete git branches" local?: path --submodule (-s) # git submodule --init (-i) # git init ] { if $init { if ($repo | is-empty) { git init --initial-branch main } else { git init $repo --initial-branch main cd $repo } if $submodule { git submodule init } } else { let local = if ($local | is-empty) { $repo | path basename | split row '.' | get 0 } else { $local } git clone ...(if $submodule {[--recurse-submodules]} else {[]}) $repo $local cd $local } } # edit .gitignore export def gig [--empty-dir] { if $empty_dir { [ '# Ignore everything in this directory' '*' '# Except this file' '!.gitignore' ] | str join (char newline) | save .gitignore } else { ^$env.EDITOR $"(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/.gitignore" } } # git pull, push and switch export def gp [ branch?: string@"nu-complete git branches" --remote (-r)='origin': string@"nu-complete git remotes" --force (-f) # git push -f --override --submodule (-s) # git submodule --init (-i) # git init --merge (-m) # git pull (no)--rebase --autostash (-a) # git pull --autostash --back-to-prev (-b) # back to branch ] { if $submodule { git submodule update } else if $override { git pull --rebase git add --all git commit -v -a --no-edit --amend git push --force } else { let m = if $merge { [] } else { [--rebase] } let a = if $autostash {[--autostash]} else {[]} let branch = if ($branch | is-empty) { (_git_status).branch } else { $branch } let branch_repr = $'(ansi yellow)($branch)(ansi light_gray)' let lbs = git branch | lines | each { $in | str substring 2..} let rbs = (remote_branches) let prev = (_git_status).branch if $"($remote)/($branch)" in $rbs { if $branch in $lbs { let bmsg = $'both local and remote have ($branch_repr) branch' if $force { tips $'($bmsg), with `--force`, push' git branch -u $'($remote)/($branch)' $branch git push --force } else { tips $'($bmsg), pull' if $prev != $branch { tips $'switch to ($branch_repr)' git checkout $branch } git pull ...$m ...$a } } else { tips $"local doesn't have ($branch_repr) branch, fetch" git checkout -b $branch git fetch $remote $branch git branch -u $'($remote)/($branch)' $branch git pull ...$m ...$a -v } } else { let bmsg = $"remote doesn't have ($branch_repr) branch" let force = if $force {[--force]} else {[]} if $branch in $lbs { tips $'($bmsg), set upstream and push' git checkout $branch } else { tips $'($bmsg), create and push' git checkout -b $branch } git push ...$force --set-upstream $remote $branch } if $back_to_prev { git checkout $prev } let s = (_git_status) if $s.ahead > 0 { tips 'remote is behind, push' git push } } } # git add, rm and restore export def ga [ file?: path --all (-A) --patch (-p) --update (-u) --verbose (-v) --delete (-d) # git rm --cached (-c) --force (-f) --restore (-r) # git restore --staged (-s) --source (-o): string ] { if $delete { let c = if $cached {[--cached]} else {[]} let f = if $force {[--force]} else {[]} git rm ...$c ...$f -r $file } else if $restore { let o = $source | with-flag --source let s = if $staged {[--staged]} else {[]} let file = if ($file | is-empty) { [.] } else { [$file] } git restore ...$o ...$s ...$file } else { let a = if $all {[--all]} else {[]} let p = if $patch {[--patch]} else {[]} let u = if $update {[--update]} else {[]} let v = if $verbose {[--verbose]} else {[]} let f = if $force {[--force]} else {[]} let file = if ($file | is-empty) { [.] } else { [$file] } git add ...([$a $p $u $v $f $file] | flatten) } } # git commit export def gc [ message?: string --all (-A) --amend (-a) --keep (-k) ] { let m = $message | with-flag -m let a = if $all {[--all]} else {[]} let n = if $amend {[--amend]} else {[]} let k = if $keep {[--no-edit]} else {[]} git commit -v ...$m ...$a ...$n ...$k } # git diff export def gd [ file?: path --cached (-c) # cached --word-diff (-w) # word-diff --staged (-s) # staged ] { let w = if $word_diff {[--word-diff]} else {[]} let c = if $cached {[--cached]} else {[]} let s = if $staged {[--staged]} else {[]} git diff ...$c ...$s ...$w ...($file | with-flag) } # git merge export def gm [ branch?: string@"nu-complete git branches" --abort (-a) --continue (-c) --quit (-q) --no-squash (-n) # git merge (no)--squash ] { let x = if $no_squash { [] } else { [--squash] } if ($branch | is-empty) { git merge ...$x $"origin/(git_main_branch)" } else { git merge ...$x $branch } if not $no_squash { git commit -v } } # git rebase # TODO: --onto: (commit_id) export def gr [ branch?: string@"nu-complete git branches" --interactive (-i) --onto (-o): string --abort (-a) --continue (-c) --skip (-s) --quit (-q) ] { if $abort { git rebase --abort } else if $continue { git rebase --continue } else if $skip { git rebase --skip } else if $quit { git rebase --quit } else if ($onto | is-not-empty) { git rebase --onto $branch } else { let i = if $interactive {[--interactive]} else {[]} if ($branch | is-empty) { git rebase ...$i (git_main_branch) } else { git rebase ...$i $branch } } } # git cherry-pick export def gcp [ commit?: string@"nu-complete git log all" --abort (-a) --continue (-c) --skip (-s) --quit (-q) ] { if $abort { git cherry-pick --abort } else if $continue { git cherry-pick --continue } else if $skip { git cherry-pick --skip } else if $quit { git cherry-pick --quit } else { git cherry-pick $commit } } # copy file from other branch export def gcf [ branch: string@"nu-complete git branches" ...file: string@"nu-complete git branch files" ] { ^git checkout $branch $file } # git reset export def grs [ commit?: string@"nu-complete git log" --hard (-h) --clean (-c) ] { let h = if $hard {[--hard]} else {[]} let cm = $commit | with-flag git reset ...$h ...$cm if $clean { git clean -fd } } # git remote export def grm [ remote?: string@"nu-complete git remotes" uri?: string --add (-a) --rename (-r) --delete (-d) --update (-u) --set (-s) ] { if ($remote | is-empty) { git remote -v } else if $add { git remote add $remote $uri } else if $set { git remote set-url $remote $uri } else if $rename { let old = $remote let new = $uri git remote rename $old $new } else if $delete { git remote remove $remote } else if $update { git remote update $remote } else { git remote show $remote } } # git bisect export def gbs [ --bad (-b) --good (-g) --reset (-r) --start (-s) ] { if $good { git bisect good } else if $bad { git bisect bad } else if $reset { git bisect reset } else if $start { git bisect start } else { git bisect } } export def gha [] { git log --pretty=%h»¦«%aN»¦«%s»¦«%aD | lines | split column "»¦«" sha1 committer desc merged_at | histogram committer merger | sort-by merger | reverse } export def ggc [] { git reflog expire --all --expire=now git gc --prune=now --aggressive } export alias gcl = git config --list export alias gsw = git switch export alias gswc = git switch -c export alias gts = git tag -s export def _git_status [] { # TODO: show-stash let raw_status = do -i { git --no-optional-locks status --porcelain=2 --branch | lines } let stashes = do -i { git stash list | lines | length } mut status = { idx_added_staged : 0 idx_modified_staged : 0 idx_deleted_staged : 0 idx_renamed : 0 idx_type_changed : 0 wt_untracked : 0 wt_modified : 0 wt_deleted : 0 wt_type_changed : 0 wt_renamed : 0 ignored : 0 conflicts : 0 ahead : 0 behind : 0 stashes : $stashes repo_name : no_repository tag : no_tag branch : no_branch remote : '' } if ($raw_status | is-empty) { return $status } for s in $raw_status { let r = $s | split row ' ' match $r.0 { '#' => { match ($r.1 | str substring 7..) { 'oid' => { $status.commit_hash = ($r.2 | str substring 0..8) } 'head' => { $status.branch = $r.2 } 'upstream' => { $status.remote = $r.2 } 'ab' => { $status.ahead = ($r.2 | into int) $status.behind = ($r.3 | into int | math abs) } } } '1'|'2' => { match ($r.1 | str substring 0..1) { 'A' => { $status.idx_added_staged += 1 } 'M' => { $status.idx_modified_staged += 1 } 'R' => { $status.idx_renamed += 1 } 'D' => { $status.idx_deleted_staged += 1 } 'T' => { $status.idx_type_changed += 1 } } match ($r.1 | str substring 1..2) { 'M' => { $status.wt_modified += 1 } 'R' => { $status.wt_renamed += 1 } 'D' => { $status.wt_deleted += 1 } 'T' => { $status.wt_type_changed += 1 } } } '?' => { $status.wt_untracked += 1 } 'u' => { $status.conflicts += 1 } } } $status } export def _git_log_stat [n] { do -i { git log --reverse -n $n --pretty=»¦«%h --stat | lines | reduce -f { c: '', r: [] } {|it, acc| if ($it | str starts-with '»¦«') { $acc | upsert c ($it | str substring 6.. ) } else if ($it | find -r '[0-9]+ file.+change' | is-empty) { $acc } else { let x = $it | split row ',' | each {|x| $x | str trim | parse -r "(?[0-9]+) (?.+)" | get 0 } | reduce -f {sha: $acc.c file:0 ins:0 del:0} {|i,a| let col = if ($i.col | str starts-with 'file') { 'file' } else { $i.col | str substring ..3 } let num = $i.num | into int $a | upsert $col $num } $acc | upsert r ($acc.r | append $x) } } | get r } } export def _git_log [verbose num] { let r = do -i { git log --reverse -n $num --pretty=%h»¦«%s»¦«%aN»¦«%aE»¦«%aD»¦«%D | lines | split column "»¦«" sha message author email date refs | each {|x| let refs = if ($x.refs | is-empty) { $x.refs } else { $x.refs | split row ", " } $x | update date { $ | into datetime } | update refs $refs } } if $verbose { $r | merge ( _git_log_stat $num ) } else { $r } } def "nu-complete git log" [] { git log -n 32 --pretty=%h»¦«%s | lines | split column "»¦«" value description | each {|x| $x | update value $"($x.value)"} } def "nu-complete git log all" [] { git log --all -n 32 --pretty=%h»¦«%d»¦«%s | lines | split column "»¦«" value branch description | each {|x| $x | update description $"($x.branch) ($x.description)" } } def "nu-complete git branch files" [context: string, offset:int] { let token = $context | split row ' ' let branch = $token | get 1 let files = $token | skip 2 git ls-tree -r --name-only $branch | lines | filter {|x| not ($x in $files)} } def "nu-complete git branches" [] { git branch | lines | filter {|x| not ($x | str starts-with '*')} | each {|x| $"($x|str trim)"} } export def remote_branches [] { git branch -r | lines | str trim | filter {|x| not ($x | str starts-with 'origin/HEAD') } } def "nu-complete git remotes" [] { ^git remote | lines | each { |line| $line | str trim } } def git_main_branch [] { git remote show origin | lines | str trim | find --regex 'HEAD .*?[:: ].+' | first | str replace --regex 'HEAD .*?[:: ](.+)' '$1' }