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alias ide = {{}}/scripts/
{{#if-installed helix}}
alias hx = helix
alias t =
{{#if-installed fuck}}
alias fuck = with-env {TF_ALIAS: "fuck", PYTHONIOENCODING: "utf-8"} {
thefuck (history | last 1 | get command.0)
{{#if flags.unix}}
alias `shx` = sudo -E helix -c '{{dirs.config}}/helix/config.toml'
{{#if-installed nix}}
alias devshell = nix develop -c $env.SHELL
{{#if-installed git}}
alias gc = git commit
alias gp = git push
alias ga = git add
alias ga. = git add .
alias gu = git pull
def `git yeet` [] {
git add .
git commit -m (http get
git push
alias gy = git yeet
def --env `silo cd` [] { silo repo | cd $in }