Compare commits


3 Commits

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
theme = "dracula-purple"
icons = "nerdfonts"
rulers = [120]
@ -14,14 +15,14 @@ select = "underline"
left = ["mode", "spinner", "file-name"]
left = ["mode", "spinner", "spacer", "file-type-icon", "file-name"]
center = []
right = ["diagnostics", "selections", "position", "position-percentage", "separator", "file-encoding", "file-line-ending", "file-type"]
right = ["diagnostics", "selections", "position", "position-percentage", "separator", "file-encoding", "file-line-ending", "file-type", "separator", "spacer", "version-control", "spacer"]
separator = " │"
style = "tree"
position = "embed"
auto-signature-help = true
display-inlay-hints = true
render = true
@ -30,4 +31,3 @@ rainbow = "dim"
C-j = "half_page_down"
C-k = "half_page_up"
# a = ["insert_mode", "move_char_right"]

@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
name = "nerdfonts"
error = {icon = ""}
warning = {icon = ""}
info = {icon = ""}
hint = {icon = ""}
verified = {icon = "●"}
unverified = {icon = "◯"}
pause-indicator = {icon = "▶"}
added = {icon = "▍"}
deleted = {icon = "▔"}
modified = {icon = "▍"}
file = {icon = ""}
module = {icon = ""}
namespace = {icon = ""}
package = {icon = ""}
class = {icon = "ﴯ"}
method = {icon = ""}
property = {icon = ""}
field = {icon = ""}
constructor = {icon = ""}
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interface = {icon = ""}
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file = {icon = ""}
folder = {icon = ""}
folder_opened = {icon = ""}
vcs_branch = {icon = ""}
# This is heavily based on
".babelrc" = { icon = "ﬥ", color = "#cbcb41" }
".bash_profile" = { icon = "", color = "#89e051" }
".bashrc" = { icon = "", color = "#89e051" }
".DS_Store" = { icon = "", color = "#41535b" }
".gitattributes" = { icon = "", color = "#41535b" }
".gitconfig" = { icon = "", color = "#41535b" }
".gitignore" = { icon = "", color = "#41535b" }
".gitlab-ci.yml" = { icon = "", color = "#e24329" }
".gitmodules" = { icon = "", color = "#41535b" }
".gvimrc" = { icon = "", color = "#019833" }
".npmignore" = { icon = "", color = "#E8274B" }
".npmrc" = { icon = "", color = "#E8274B" }
".settings.json" = { icon = "", color = "#854CC7" }
".vimrc" = { icon = "", color = "#019833" }
".zprofile" = { icon = "", color = "#89e051" }
".zshenv" = { icon = "", color = "#89e051" }
".zshrc" = { icon = "", color = "#89e051" }
"Brewfile" = { icon = "", color = "#701516" }
"CMakeLists.txt" = { icon = "", color = "#6d8086" }
"COMMIT_EDITMSG" = { icon = "", color = "#41535b" }
"COPYING" = { icon = "", color = "#cbcb41" }
"COPYING.LESSER" = { icon = "", color = "#cbcb41" }
"Dockerfile" = { icon = "", color = "#384d54" }
"Gemfile$" = { icon = "", color = "#701516" }
"LICENSE" = { icon = "", color = "#d0bf41" }
"R" = { icon = "ﳒ", color = "#358a5b" }
"Rmd" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"Vagrantfile$" = { icon = "", color = "#1563FF" }
"_gvimrc" = { icon = "", color = "#019833" }
"_vimrc" = { icon = "", color = "#019833" }
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"awk" = { icon = "", color = "#4d5a5e" }
"bash" = { icon = "", color = "#89e051" }
"bat" = { icon = "", color = "#C1F12E" }
"bmp" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"c" = { icon = "", color = "#599eff" }
"c++" = { icon = "", color = "#f34b7d" }
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"cc" = { icon = "", color = "#f34b7d" }
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"cljc" = { icon = "", color = "#8dc149" }
"cljs" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"cljd" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"cmake" = { icon = "", color = "#6d8086" }
"cob" = { icon = "⚙", color = "#005ca5" }
"cobol" = { icon = "⚙", color = "#005ca5" }
"coffee" = { icon = "", color = "#cbcb41" }
"conf" = { icon = "", color = "#6d8086" }
"" = { icon = "", color = "#701516" }
"cp" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"cpp" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"cpy" = { icon = "⚙", color = "#005ca5" }
"cr" = { icon = "" }
"cs" = { icon = "", color = "#596706" }
"csh" = { icon = "", color = "#4d5a5e" }
"cson" = { icon = "", color = "#cbcb41" }
"css" = { icon = "", color = "#42a5f5" }
"csv" = { icon = "", color = "#89e051" }
"cxx" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"d" = { icon = "", color = "#427819" }
"dart" = { icon = "", color = "#03589C" }
"db" = { icon = "", color = "#dad8d8" }
"desktop" = { icon = "", color = "#563d7c" }
"diff" = { icon = "", color = "#41535b" }
"doc" = { icon = "", color = "#185abd" }
"dockerfile" = { icon = "", color = "#384d54" }
"drl" = { icon = "", color = "#ffafaf" }
"dropbox" = { icon = "", color = "#0061FE" }
"dump" = { icon = "", color = "#dad8d8" }
"edn" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"eex" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"ejs" = { icon = "", color = "#cbcb41" }
"elm" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"epp" = { icon = "", color = "#FFA61A" }
"erb" = { icon = "", color = "#701516" }
"erl" = { icon = "", color = "#B83998" }
"ex" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"exs" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"f#" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"favicon.ico" = { icon = "", color = "#cbcb41" }
"fnl" = { icon = "🌜", color = "#fff3d7" }
"fish" = { icon = "", color = "#4d5a5e" }
"fs" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"fsi" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"fsscript" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"fsx" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"gd" = { icon = "", color = "#6d8086" }
"gemspec" = { icon = "", color = "#701516" }
"gif" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"git" = { icon = "", color = "#F14C28" }
"glb" = { icon = "", color = "#FFB13B" }
"go" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"godot" = { icon = "", color = "#6d8086" }
"graphql" = { icon = "", color = "#e535ab" }
"gruntfile" = { icon = "", color = "#e37933" }
"gulpfile" = { icon = "", color = "#cc3e44" }
"h" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"haml" = { icon = "", color = "#eaeae1" }
"hbs" = { icon = "", color = "#f0772b" }
"heex" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"hh" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"hpp" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"hrl" = { icon = "", color = "#B83998" }
"hs" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"htm" = { icon = "", color = "#e34c26" }
"html" = { icon = "", color = "#e44d26" }
"hxx" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"ico" = { icon = "", color = "#cbcb41" }
"import" = { icon = "", color = "#ECECEC" }
"ini" = { icon = "", color = "#6d8086" }
"java" = { icon = "", color = "#cc3e44" }
"jl" = { icon = "", color = "#a270ba" }
"jpeg" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"jpg" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"js" = { icon = "", color = "#cbcb41" }
"json" = { icon = "", color = "#cbcb41" }
"json5" = { icon = "ﬥ", color = "#cbcb41" }
"jsx" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"ksh" = { icon = "", color = "#4d5a5e" }
"kt" = { icon = "", color = "#F88A02" }
"kts" = { icon = "", color = "#F88A02" }
"leex" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"less" = { icon = "", color = "#563d7c" }
"lhs" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"license" = { icon = "", color = "#cbcb41" }
"lua" = { icon = "", color = "#51a0cf" }
"luau" = { icon = "", color = "#51a0cf" }
"makefile" = { icon = "", color = "#6d8086" }
"markdown" = { icon = "", color = "#d74c4c" }
"material" = { icon = "", color = "#B83998" }
"md" = { icon = "", color = "#d74c4c" }
"mdx" = { icon = "", color = "#d74c4c" }
"mint" = { icon = "", color = "#87c095" }
"mix.lock" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"mjs" = { icon = "", color = "#f1e05a" }
"ml" = { icon = "λ", color = "#e37933" }
"mli" = { icon = "λ", color = "#e37933" }
"mo" = { icon = "∞", color = "#9772FB" }
"mustache" = { icon = "", color = "#e37933" }
"nim" = { icon = "👑", color = "#f3d400" }
"nix" = { icon = "", color = "#7ebae4" }
"node_modules" = { icon = "", color = "#E8274B" }
"opus" = { icon = "", color = "#F88A02" }
"otf" = { icon = "", color = "#ECECEC" }
"package.json" = { icon = "", color = "#e8274b" }
"package-lock.json" = { icon = "", color = "#7a0d21" }
"pck" = { icon = "", color = "#6d8086" }
"pdf" = { icon = "", color = "#b30b00" }
"php" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"pl" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"pm" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"png" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"pp" = { icon = "", color = "#FFA61A" }
"ppt" = { icon = "", color = "#cb4a32" }
"pro" = { icon = "", color = "#e4b854" }
"Procfile" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"ps1" = { icon = "", color = "#4d5a5e" }
"psb" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"psd" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"py" = { icon = "", color = "#ffbc03" }
"pyc" = { icon = "", color = "#ffe291" }
"pyd" = { icon = "", color = "#ffe291" }
"pyo" = { icon = "", color = "#ffe291" }
"query" = { icon = "", color = "#90a850" }
"r" = { icon = "ﳒ", color = "#358a5b" }
"rake" = { icon = "", color = "#701516" }
"rakefile" = { icon = "", color = "#701516" }
"rb" = { icon = "", color = "#701516" }
"rlib" = { icon = "", color = "#dea584" }
"rmd" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"rproj" = { icon = "鉶", color = "#358a5b" }
"rs" = { icon = "", color = "#dea584" }
"rss" = { icon = "", color = "#FB9D3B" }
"sass" = { icon = "", color = "#f55385" }
"sbt" = { icon = "", color = "#cc3e44" }
"scala" = { icon = "", color = "#cc3e44" }
"scm" = { icon = "ﬦ" }
"scss" = { icon = "", color = "#f55385" }
"sh" = { icon = "", color = "#4d5a5e" }
"sig" = { icon = "λ", color = "#e37933" }
"slim" = { icon = "", color = "#e34c26" }
"sln" = { icon = "", color = "#854CC7" }
"sml" = { icon = "λ", color = "#e37933" }
"sql" = { icon = "", color = "#dad8d8" }
"sqlite" = { icon = "", color = "#dad8d8" }
"sqlite3" = { icon = "", color = "#dad8d8" }
"styl" = { icon = "", color = "#8dc149" }
"sublime" = { icon = "", color = "#e37933" }
"suo" = { icon = "", color = "#854CC7" }
"sv" = { icon = "", color = "#019833" }
"svelte" = { icon = "", color = "#ff3e00" }
"svh" = { icon = "", color = "#019833" }
"svg" = { icon = "ﰟ", color = "#FFB13B" }
"swift" = { icon = "", color = "#e37933" }
"t" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"tbc" = { icon = "﯑", color = "#1e5cb3" }
"tcl" = { icon = "﯑", color = "#1e5cb3" }
"terminal" = { icon = "", color = "#31B53E" }
"tex" = { icon = "ﭨ", color = "#3D6117" }
"tf" = { icon = "", color = "#5F43E9" }
"tfvars" = { icon = "", color = "#5F43E9" }
"toml" = { icon = "", color = "#6d8086" }
"tres" = { icon = "", color = "#cbcb41" }
"ts" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"tscn" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"tsx" = { icon = "", color = "#519aba" }
"twig" = { icon = "", color = "#8dc149" }
"txt" = { icon = "", color = "#89e051" }
"v" = { icon = "", color = "#019833" }
"vh" = { icon = "", color = "#019833" }
"vhd" = { icon = "", color = "#019833" }
"vhdl" = { icon = "", color = "#019833" }
"vim" = { icon = "", color = "#019833" }
"vue" = { icon = "﵂", color = "#8dc149" }
"webmanifest" = { icon = "", color = "#f1e05a" }
"webp" = { icon = "", color = "#a074c4" }
"webpack" = { icon = "ﰩ", color = "#519aba" }
"xcplayground" = { icon = "", color = "#e37933" }
"xls" = { icon = "", color = "#207245" }
"xml" = { icon = "謹", color = "#e37933" }
"xul" = { icon = "", color = "#e37933" }
"yaml" = { icon = "", color = "#6d8086" }
"yml" = { icon = "", color = "#6d8086" }
"zig" = { icon = "", color = "#f69a1b" }
"zsh" = { icon = "", color = "#89e051" }
"sol" = { icon = "ﲹ", color = "#519aba" }
".env" = { icon = "", color = "#faf743" }
"prisma" = { icon = "卑" }
"lock" = { icon = "", color = "#bbbbbb" }
"log" = { icon = "" }

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"ui.window" = { fg = "foreground" }
"ui.virtual.ruler" = { bg = "ruler" }
"ui.virtual.indent-guide" = { fg = "ruler" }
"ui.virtual" = { fg = "hint" }
"ui.statusline" = { fg = "foreground", bg = "background_dark" }
"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "comment", bg = "background_dark" }
@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ background_dark = "#2B1C3D"
foreground = "#f8f8f2"
ruler = "#453254"
comment = "#886C9C"
hint = "#8a56b0"
red = "#ff5555"
orange = "#ffb86c"
yellow = "#f1fa8c"

@ -100,11 +100,21 @@ register /home/trivernis/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_dialog {
register /home/trivernis/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_dialog {
"sig": {
"name": "ask password",
"usage": "Prompt the user with a password input.",
"name": "ask multiselect",
"usage": "Prompt the user with a selection prompt.",
"extra_usage": "",
"search_terms": [],
"required_positional": [],
"required_positional": [
"name": "items",
"desc": "The items out of which one can be selected.",
"shape": {
"List": "String"
"var_id": null,
"default_value": null
"optional_positional": [],
"rest_positional": null,
"vectorizes_over_list": false,
@ -119,29 +129,29 @@ register /home/trivernis/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_dialog {
"default_value": null
"long": "prompt",
"long": "abortable",
"short": null,
"arg": "String",
"arg": null,
"required": false,
"desc": "The prompt to this password input",
"desc": "If set users can abort the prompt.",
"var_id": null,
"default_value": null
"long": "confirm",
"long": "prompt",
"short": null,
"arg": null,
"arg": "String",
"required": false,
"desc": "Prompts the user twice for matching password inputs",
"desc": "An optional prompt that can be shown to the user for the selection.",
"var_id": null,
"default_value": null
"long": "allow-empty",
"long": "default",
"short": null,
"arg": null,
"arg": "String",
"required": false,
"desc": "Allows the user to input an empty password",
"desc": "The default selections as a comma separated string of indices",
"var_id": null,
"default_value": null
@ -160,21 +170,11 @@ register /home/trivernis/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_dialog {
register /home/trivernis/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_dialog {
"sig": {
"name": "ask select",
"usage": "Prompt the user with a selection prompt.",
"name": "ask password",
"usage": "Prompt the user with a password input.",
"extra_usage": "",
"search_terms": [],
"required_positional": [
"name": "items",
"desc": "The items out of which one can be selected.",
"shape": {
"List": "String"
"var_id": null,
"default_value": null
"required_positional": [],
"optional_positional": [],
"rest_positional": null,
"vectorizes_over_list": false,
@ -189,38 +189,29 @@ register /home/trivernis/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_dialog {
"default_value": null
"long": "fuzzy",
"long": "prompt",
"short": null,
"arg": null,
"arg": "String",
"required": false,
"desc": "To add a fuzzy search to the select.",
"desc": "The prompt to this password input",
"var_id": null,
"default_value": null
"long": "abortable",
"long": "confirm",
"short": null,
"arg": null,
"required": false,
"desc": "If set users can abort the prompt.",
"var_id": null,
"default_value": null
"long": "prompt",
"short": null,
"arg": "String",
"required": false,
"desc": "An optional prompt that can be shown to the user for the selection.",
"desc": "Prompts the user twice for matching password inputs",
"var_id": null,
"default_value": null
"long": "default",
"long": "allow-empty",
"short": null,
"arg": "Number",
"arg": null,
"required": false,
"desc": "The default selection.",
"desc": "Allows the user to input an empty password",
"var_id": null,
"default_value": null
@ -237,17 +228,19 @@ register /home/trivernis/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_dialog {
"examples": []
register /home/trivernis/Documents/Programming/nu_plugin_dialog/target/debug/nu_plugin_dialog {
register /home/trivernis/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_dialog {
"sig": {
"name": "confirm",
"usage": "Prompt the user with a confirmation prompt.",
"name": "ask select",
"usage": "Prompt the user with a selection prompt.",
"extra_usage": "",
"search_terms": [],
"required_positional": [
"name": "prompt",
"desc": "The question to ask the user.",
"shape": "String",
"name": "items",
"desc": "The items out of which one can be selected.",
"shape": {
"List": "String"
"var_id": null,
"default_value": null
@ -265,10 +258,37 @@ register /home/trivernis/Documents/Programming/nu_plugin_dialog/target/debug/nu_
"var_id": null,
"default_value": null
"long": "fuzzy",
"short": null,
"arg": null,
"required": false,
"desc": "To add a fuzzy search to the select.",
"var_id": null,
"default_value": null
"long": "abortable",
"short": null,
"arg": null,
"required": false,
"desc": "If set users can abort the prompt.",
"var_id": null,
"default_value": null
"long": "prompt",
"short": null,
"arg": "String",
"required": false,
"desc": "An optional prompt that can be shown to the user for the selection.",
"var_id": null,
"default_value": null
"long": "default",
"short": null,
"arg": "Boolean",
"arg": "Number",
"required": false,
"desc": "The default selection.",
"var_id": null,

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ local act = wezterm.action
local config = {}
config.enable_scroll_bar = true
config.scrollback_lines = 12000
config.font = wezterm.font_with_fallback {
'Fira Code',
'FiraCode NF',
@ -74,7 +75,12 @@ config.keys = {
key = 'w',
mods = 'CTRL|SHIFT',
action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1)
key = 'n',
mods = 'CTRL',
action = act.SpawnWindow
if wezterm.target_triple == 'x86_64-pc-windows-msvc' then
