register /home/trivernis/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_dialog { "sig": { "name": "ask", "usage": "", "extra_usage": "", "search_terms": [], "required_positional": [ { "name": "subcommand", "desc": "The ask subcommand to run", "shape": "String", "var_id": null, "default_value": null } ], "optional_positional": [], "rest_positional": null, "vectorizes_over_list": false, "named": [ { "long": "help", "short": "h", "arg": null, "required": false, "desc": "Display the help message for this command", "var_id": null, "default_value": null } ], "input_type": "Any", "output_type": "Any", "input_output_types": [], "allow_variants_without_examples": false, "is_filter": false, "creates_scope": false, "allows_unknown_args": false, "category": "Default" }, "examples": [] } register /home/trivernis/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_dialog { "sig": { "name": "ask confirm", "usage": "Prompt the user with a confirmation prompt.", "extra_usage": "", "search_terms": [], "required_positional": [ { "name": "prompt", "desc": "The question to ask the user.", "shape": "String", "var_id": null, "default_value": null } ], "optional_positional": [], "rest_positional": null, "vectorizes_over_list": false, "named": [ { "long": "help", "short": "h", "arg": null, "required": false, "desc": "Display the help message for this command", "var_id": null, "default_value": null }, { "long": "abortable", "short": null, "arg": null, "required": false, "desc": "If set users can abort the prompt.", "var_id": null, "default_value": null }, { "long": "default", "short": null, "arg": "Boolean", "required": false, "desc": "The default selection.", "var_id": null, "default_value": null } ], "input_type": "Any", "output_type": "Any", "input_output_types": [], "allow_variants_without_examples": false, "is_filter": false, "creates_scope": false, "allows_unknown_args": false, "category": "Misc" }, "examples": [] } register /home/trivernis/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_dialog { "sig": { "name": "ask password", "usage": "Prompt the user with a password input.", "extra_usage": "", "search_terms": [], "required_positional": [], "optional_positional": [], "rest_positional": null, "vectorizes_over_list": false, "named": [ { "long": "help", "short": "h", "arg": null, "required": false, "desc": "Display the help message for this command", "var_id": null, "default_value": null }, { "long": "prompt", "short": null, "arg": "String", "required": false, "desc": "The prompt to this password input", "var_id": null, "default_value": null }, { "long": "confirm", "short": null, "arg": null, "required": false, "desc": "Prompts the user twice for matching password inputs", "var_id": null, "default_value": null }, { "long": "allow-empty", "short": null, "arg": null, "required": false, "desc": "Allows the user to input an empty password", "var_id": null, "default_value": null } ], "input_type": "Any", "output_type": "Any", "input_output_types": [], "allow_variants_without_examples": false, "is_filter": false, "creates_scope": false, "allows_unknown_args": false, "category": "Misc" }, "examples": [] } register /home/trivernis/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_dialog { "sig": { "name": "ask select", "usage": "Prompt the user with a selection prompt.", "extra_usage": "", "search_terms": [], "required_positional": [ { "name": "items", "desc": "The items out of which one can be selected.", "shape": { "List": "String" }, "var_id": null, "default_value": null } ], "optional_positional": [], "rest_positional": null, "vectorizes_over_list": false, "named": [ { "long": "help", "short": "h", "arg": null, "required": false, "desc": "Display the help message for this command", "var_id": null, "default_value": null }, { "long": "fuzzy", "short": null, "arg": null, "required": false, "desc": "To add a fuzzy search to the select.", "var_id": null, "default_value": null }, { "long": "abortable", "short": null, "arg": null, "required": false, "desc": "If set users can abort the prompt.", "var_id": null, "default_value": null }, { "long": "prompt", "short": null, "arg": "String", "required": false, "desc": "An optional prompt that can be shown to the user for the selection.", "var_id": null, "default_value": null }, { "long": "default", "short": null, "arg": "Number", "required": false, "desc": "The default selection.", "var_id": null, "default_value": null } ], "input_type": "Any", "output_type": "Any", "input_output_types": [], "allow_variants_without_examples": false, "is_filter": false, "creates_scope": false, "allows_unknown_args": false, "category": "Misc" }, "examples": [] } register /home/trivernis/Documents/Programming/nu_plugin_dialog/target/debug/nu_plugin_dialog { "sig": { "name": "confirm", "usage": "Prompt the user with a confirmation prompt.", "extra_usage": "", "search_terms": [], "required_positional": [ { "name": "prompt", "desc": "The question to ask the user.", "shape": "String", "var_id": null, "default_value": null } ], "optional_positional": [], "rest_positional": null, "vectorizes_over_list": false, "named": [ { "long": "help", "short": "h", "arg": null, "required": false, "desc": "Display the help message for this command", "var_id": null, "default_value": null }, { "long": "default", "short": null, "arg": "Boolean", "required": false, "desc": "The default selection.", "var_id": null, "default_value": null } ], "input_type": "Any", "output_type": "Any", "input_output_types": [], "allow_variants_without_examples": false, "is_filter": false, "creates_scope": false, "allows_unknown_args": false, "category": "Misc" }, "examples": [] }