macro_rules! command_group_config { ($(#[doc=$doc:literal] $group:ident),*) => { /// Enables or disables certain command groups #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct CommandGroupConfig { $(pub(crate) $group: bool,)* } impl CommandGroupConfig { /// Enables all commands pub fn all_groups(mut self, enabled: bool) -> Self { $( self.$group = enabled; )* self } $( paste::item! { #[doc=$doc] #[inline] pub fn [< $group _group>](mut self, enabled: bool) -> Self { self.$group = enabled; self } } )* } } } command_group_config!( /// Enables core commands core, /// Enables filter commands filter, /// Enables chart commands chart, /// Enables misc commands misc, /// Enables commands that allow path manipulation path, /// Enables system commands system, /// Enables commands to manipulate strings string, /// Enables commands to manipulate bits bit, /// Enables commands to manipulate bytes byte, /// Enables commands that allow file system operations file_system, /// Enables commands that allow using shell features like ansi colors platform, /// Enables commands that allow datetime manipulation date, /// Enables commands that allow creating and switching between nu shell instances shell, /// Enables commands that allow parsing from one data format to another format, /// Enables commands that allow displaying data in certain viewers like a table or grid viewer, /// Enables commands that allow converting from one data format to another conversion, /// Enables commands that allow manipulating environment variables environment, /// Enables math related commands math, /// Enables commands that allow networking network, /// Enables commands that generate random values random, /// Enables commands that generate values for a given input generator, /// Enables commands that work with hash sums hash, /// Enables commands that are still experimental like `is-admin` and `view-source` experimental );