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2 years ago
# gamejam22
A [libGDX]( project generated with [gdx-liftoff](
This project was generated with a template including simple application launchers and a main class extending `Game` that sets the first screen.
## Gradle
This project uses [Gradle]( to manage dependencies.
The Gradle wrapper was included, so you can run Gradle tasks using `gradlew.bat` or `./gradlew` commands.
Useful Gradle tasks and flags:
- `--continue`: when using this flag, errors will not stop the tasks from running.
- `--daemon`: thanks to this flag, Gradle daemon will be used to run chosen tasks.
- `--offline`: when using this flag, cached dependency archives will be used.
- `--refresh-dependencies`: this flag forces validation of all dependencies. Useful for snapshot versions.
- `build`: builds sources and archives of every project.
- `cleanEclipse`: removes Eclipse project data.
- `cleanIdea`: removes IntelliJ project data.
- `clean`: removes `build` folders, which store compiled classes and built archives.
- `eclipse`: generates Eclipse project data.
- `idea`: generates IntelliJ project data.
- `lwjgl3:jar`: builds application's runnable jar, which can be found at `lwjgl3/build/libs`.
- `lwjgl3:run`: starts the application.
- `test`: runs unit tests (if any).
Note that most tasks that are not specific to a single project can be run with `name:` prefix, where the `name` should be replaced with the ID of a specific project.
For example, `core:clean` removes `build` folder only from the `core` project.