package com.last.commit.screen import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx import import import import import import import import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3 import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Json import com.last.commit.Game import com.last.commit.Player import import com.last.commit.config.ActionCommand import com.last.commit.config.GameConfig import import import com.last.commit.stages.UIStage import kotlin.math.floor /** First screen of the application. Displayed after the application is created. */ class FirstScreen(private val parent: Game) : TimeTravelScreen() { val gameState = parent.state val viewportSize = 1200f private var delta = 0.008f private var isColliding = false val batch = SpriteBatch() val camera = OrthographicCamera(viewportSize, viewportSize) var map: TimeMap val playerTexture = Texture("sprites/characters.png") val player = Player(TextureRegion(playerTexture, 300, 44, 35, 43), gameState) var shapeRenderer = ShapeRenderer() val highlightColor = Color(0f, 0f, 1f, 0.5f) var pause = true var uiStage: UIStage init { val gameConfig = this.loadGameConfig() val randomMap = gameConfig.getRandomMap() map = TimeMap(randomMap, gameState) this.spawnPlayer() this.updateCamera() handleRatioChange() uiStage = UIStage("sprites/genericItems_spritesheet_colored", gameState) shapeRenderer.setAutoShapeType(true) player.addItemToInventory("drill"), 0.25f) } override fun handleKeyInput(action: ActionCommand) { if (!pause) { when (action) { ActionCommand.INTERACT -> { openDoor() } ActionCommand.TIME_TRAVEL -> { map.teleport(player) } else -> {} } if (action == ActionCommand.OPEN_MENU) { // parent.changeScreen(Screens.MAIN_MENU) } } } override fun handleMouseInput(screenX: Int, screenY: Int, pointer: Int, button: Int) { if (!pause) { val mouseCoordinates: Vector2 = toWorldCoordinates(screenX.toFloat(), screenY.toFloat()) val playerDirection: Vector2 = player.getAbsoluteDirection() map.interactWith(playerDirection.x, playerDirection.y, player.getCollider()) } } override fun show() { // Prepare your screen here. resume() } fun loadGameConfig(): GameConfig { val jsonFileHandle = Gdx.files.local("config.json") val json = Json() return json.fromJson(, jsonFileHandle) } override fun render(delta: Float) { if (!pause) { handleInput(delta) handleMapBorderCollision() val mousePosition: Vector2 = getMousePosition() player.lookAt(mousePosition) batch.projectionMatrix = camera.combined batch.begin(), camera, delta) this.player.render(batch) batch.end() val interactables = map.getInteractablesAt(player.getAbsoluteDirection()) renderInteractables(interactables) uiStage.act(delta) uiStage.draw() } } fun renderInteractables(interactables: List) {, GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) shapeRenderer.setProjectionMatrix( shapeRenderer.setColor(highlightColor) shapeRenderer.begin(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.Filled) for (interactable in interactables) { shapeRenderer.rect( interactable.getCollider().x, interactable.getCollider().y, interactable.getCollider().width, interactable.getCollider().height ) } shapeRenderer.end() } private fun getMousePosition(): Vector2 { val unprojectedMousePosition = camera.unproject(Vector3(Gdx.input.x.toFloat(), Gdx.input.y.toFloat(), 0f)) return Vector2(unprojectedMousePosition.x, unprojectedMousePosition.y) } private fun handleMapBorderCollision() { val mapWidth: Int = map.width val mapHeight: Int = map.height val playerSize: Float = player.getSize() val playerX: Float = MathUtils.clamp(this.player.getX(), 0f, mapWidth - playerSize) val playerY: Float = MathUtils.clamp(this.player.getY(), 0f, mapHeight - playerSize) this.player.setPosition(playerX, playerY) } private fun handleInput(delta: Float) { val horizontalMovement = Vector2() if (isKeyPressed(gameState.settings.getKeyCode(ActionCommand.LEFT))) { horizontalMovement.sub(Vector2.X) } if (isKeyPressed(gameState.settings.getKeyCode(ActionCommand.RIGHT))) { horizontalMovement.add(Vector2.X) } this.player.move(horizontalMovement, delta) checkCollision() if (this.isColliding) { horizontalMovement.rotateDeg(180f) this.player.move(horizontalMovement, delta) } val verticalMovement = Vector2() if (isKeyPressed(gameState.settings.getKeyCode(ActionCommand.UP))) { verticalMovement.add(Vector2.Y) } if (isKeyPressed(gameState.settings.getKeyCode(ActionCommand.DOWN))) { verticalMovement.sub(Vector2.Y) } this.player.move(verticalMovement, delta) checkCollision() if (this.isColliding) { verticalMovement.rotateDeg(180f) this.player.move(verticalMovement, delta) } val hasMoved = !horizontalMovement.isZero || !verticalMovement.isZero if (hasMoved) { updateCamera() } } private fun isKeyPressed(keyCodes: List): Boolean { for (key in keyCodes) { if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(key)) { return true } } return false } private fun spawnPlayer() { val playerSpawn: Vector2 = map.getPlayerSpawn() this.player.position = playerSpawn } private fun checkCollision() { this.isColliding = map.isCollidingWith(player) } fun updateCamera() { val cX: Float val cY: Float val halfScreenWidth = camera.viewportWidth / 2 val halfScreenHeight = camera.viewportHeight / 2 val playerXPosition: Float = this.player.getX() val playerYPosition: Float = this.player.getY() val mapWidth: Int = map.width val mapHeight: Int = map.height cX = if (playerXPosition < halfScreenWidth) { halfScreenWidth } else if (playerXPosition > mapWidth - halfScreenWidth) { mapWidth - halfScreenWidth } else { playerXPosition } cY = if (playerYPosition < halfScreenHeight) { halfScreenHeight } else if (playerYPosition > mapHeight - halfScreenHeight) { mapHeight - halfScreenHeight } else { playerYPosition } camera.position[cX, cY] = 0f camera.update() } override fun resize(width: Int, height: Int) { // Resize your screen here. The parameters represent the new window size. uiStage.resize(width, height) handleRatioChange() } fun handleRatioChange() { val height = val width = val wRatio = width.toFloat() / height.toFloat() val hRatio = height.toFloat() / width.toFloat() if (wRatio < 1) { camera.viewportWidth = viewportSize * wRatio camera.viewportHeight = viewportSize } else { camera.viewportHeight = viewportSize * hRatio camera.viewportWidth = viewportSize } updateCamera() } override fun pause() { pause = true gameState.soundEngine.stop() } override fun resume() { pause = false gameState.soundEngine.resume(); // Invoked when your application is resumed after pause. } override fun hide() { pause() } override fun dispose() { // Destroy screen's assets here. batch.dispose() shapeRenderer.dispose() } fun openDoor() { println("Attempt to toggle door") val playerDirection: Vector2 = player.getAbsoluteDirection() map.interactWith(playerDirection.x, playerDirection.y, player.getCollider()) } fun toWorldCoordinates(x: Float, y: Float): Vector2 { val mouseInWorldPosition = camera.unproject(Vector3(x, y, 0f)) return Vector2( floor(mouseInWorldPosition.x.toDouble() /, floor(mouseInWorldPosition.y.toDouble() / ) } }