You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1371 lines
48 KiB

use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Error};
use futures_util::future::BoxFuture;
use futures_util::FutureExt;
use helix_core::auto_pairs::AutoPairs;
use helix_core::Range;
use serde::de::{self, Deserialize, Deserializer};
use serde::Serialize;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::Display;
4 years ago
use std::future::Future;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use helix_core::{
history::{History, UndoKind},
indent::{auto_detect_indent_style, IndentStyle},
syntax::{self, LanguageConfiguration},
ChangeSet, Diagnostic, LineEnding, Rope, RopeBuilder, Selection, State, Syntax, Transaction,
use crate::{DocumentId, Editor, ViewId};
/// 8kB of buffer space for encoding and decoding `Rope`s.
const BUF_SIZE: usize = 8192;
const DEFAULT_INDENT: IndentStyle = IndentStyle::Tabs;
pub const SCRATCH_BUFFER_NAME: &str = "[scratch]";
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Mode {
Normal = 0,
Select = 1,
Insert = 2,
impl Display for Mode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Mode::Normal => f.write_str("normal"),
Mode::Select => f.write_str("select"),
Mode::Insert => f.write_str("insert"),
impl FromStr for Mode {
type Err = Error;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
match s {
"normal" => Ok(Mode::Normal),
"select" => Ok(Mode::Select),
"insert" => Ok(Mode::Insert),
_ => bail!("Invalid mode '{}'", s),
// toml deserializer doesn't seem to recognize string as enum
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Mode {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
let s = String::deserialize(deserializer)?;
impl Serialize for Mode {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: serde::Serializer,
pub struct Document {
pub(crate) id: DocumentId,
text: Rope,
selections: HashMap<ViewId, Selection>,
path: Option<PathBuf>,
encoding: &'static encoding::Encoding,
pub restore_cursor: bool,
/// Current indent style.
pub indent_style: IndentStyle,
/// The document's default line ending.
pub line_ending: LineEnding,
syntax: Option<Syntax>,
/// Corresponding language scope name. Usually `source.<lang>`.
pub(crate) language: Option<Arc<LanguageConfiguration>>,
/// Pending changes since last history commit.
changes: ChangeSet,
/// State at last commit. Used for calculating reverts.
old_state: Option<State>,
/// Undo tree.
// It can be used as a cell where we will take it out to get some parts of the history and put
// it back as it separated from the edits. We could split out the parts manually but that will
// be more troublesome.
pub history: Cell<History>,
pub savepoint: Option<Transaction>,
last_saved_revision: usize,
version: i32, // should be usize?
pub(crate) modified_since_accessed: bool,
diagnostics: Vec<Diagnostic>,
language_server: Option<Arc<helix_lsp::Client>>,
3 years ago
use std::{fmt, mem};
impl fmt::Debug for Document {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("id", &
.field("text", &self.text)
.field("selections", &self.selections)
.field("path", &self.path)
.field("encoding", &self.encoding)
.field("restore_cursor", &self.restore_cursor)
.field("syntax", &self.syntax)
.field("language", &self.language)
.field("changes", &self.changes)
.field("old_state", &self.old_state)
// .field("history", &self.history)
.field("last_saved_revision", &self.last_saved_revision)
.field("version", &self.version)
.field("modified_since_accessed", &self.modified_since_accessed)
.field("diagnostics", &self.diagnostics)
// .field("language_server", &self.language_server)
// The documentation and implementation of this function should be up-to-date with
// its sibling function, `to_writer()`.
/// Decodes a stream of bytes into UTF-8, returning a `Rope` and the
/// encoding it was decoded as. The optional `encoding` parameter can
/// be used to override encoding auto-detection.
pub fn from_reader<R: std::io::Read + ?Sized>(
reader: &mut R,
encoding: Option<&'static encoding::Encoding>,
) -> Result<(Rope, &'static encoding::Encoding), Error> {
// These two buffers are 8192 bytes in size each and are used as
// intermediaries during the decoding process. Text read into `buf`
// from `reader` is decoded into `buf_out` as UTF-8. Once either
// `buf_out` is full or the end of the reader was reached, the
// contents are appended to `builder`.
let mut buf = [0u8; BUF_SIZE];
let mut buf_out = [0u8; BUF_SIZE];
let mut builder = RopeBuilder::new();
// By default, the encoding of the text is auto-detected via the
// `chardetng` crate which requires sample data from the reader.
// As a manual override to this auto-detection is possible, the
// same data is read into `buf` to ensure symmetry in the upcoming
// loop.
let (encoding, mut decoder, mut slice, mut is_empty) = {
let read = buf)?;
let is_empty = read == 0;
let encoding = encoding.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let mut encoding_detector = chardetng::EncodingDetector::new();
encoding_detector.feed(&buf, is_empty);
encoding_detector.guess(None, true)
let decoder = encoding.new_decoder();
// If the amount of bytes read from the reader is less than
// `buf.len()`, it is undesirable to read the bytes afterwards.
let slice = &buf[];
(encoding, decoder, slice, is_empty)
// `RopeBuilder::append()` expects a `&str`, so this is the "real"
// output buffer. When decoding, the number of bytes in the output
// buffer will often exceed the number of bytes in the input buffer.
// The `result` returned by `decode_to_str()` will state whether or
// not that happened. The contents of `buf_str` is appended to
// `builder` and it is reused for the next iteration of the decoding
// loop.
// As it is possible to read less than the buffer's maximum from `read()`
// even when the end of the reader has yet to be reached, the end of
// the reader is determined only when a `read()` call returns `0`.
// SAFETY: `buf_out` is a zero-initialized array, thus it will always
// contain valid UTF-8.
let buf_str = unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked_mut(&mut buf_out[..]) };
let mut total_written = 0usize;
loop {
let mut total_read = 0usize;
3 years ago
// An inner loop is necessary as it is possible that the input buffer
// may not be completely decoded on the first `decode_to_str()` call
// which would happen in cases where the output buffer is filled to
// capacity.
loop {
let (result, read, written, ..) = decoder.decode_to_str(
&mut buf_str[total_written..],
// These variables act as the read and write cursors of `buf` and `buf_str` respectively.
// They are necessary in case the output buffer fills before decoding of the entire input
// loop is complete. Otherwise, the loop would endlessly iterate over the same `buf` and
// the data inside the output buffer would be overwritten.
total_read += read;
total_written += written;
match result {
encoding::CoderResult::InputEmpty => {
debug_assert_eq!(slice.len(), total_read);
encoding::CoderResult::OutputFull => {
debug_assert!(slice.len() > total_read);
total_written = 0;
// Once the end of the stream is reached, the output buffer is
// flushed and the loop terminates.
if is_empty {
debug_assert_eq!( buf)?, 0);
// Once the previous input has been processed and decoded, the next set of
// data is fetched from the reader. The end of the reader is determined to
// be when exactly `0` bytes were read from the reader, as per the invariants
// of the `Read` trait.
let read = buf)?;
slice = &buf[];
is_empty = read == 0;
let rope = builder.finish();
Ok((rope, encoding))
// The documentation and implementation of this function should be up-to-date with
// its sibling function, `from_reader()`.
/// Encodes the text inside `rope` into the given `encoding` and writes the
/// encoded output into `writer.` As a `Rope` can only contain valid UTF-8,
/// replacement characters may appear in the encoded text.
pub async fn to_writer<'a, W: tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt + Unpin + ?Sized>(
writer: &'a mut W,
encoding: &'static encoding::Encoding,
rope: &'a Rope,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Text inside a `Rope` is stored as non-contiguous blocks of data called
// chunks. The absolute size of each chunk is unknown, thus it is impossible
// to predict the end of the chunk iterator ahead of time. Instead, it is
// determined by filtering the iterator to remove all empty chunks and then
// appending an empty chunk to it. This is valuable for detecting when all
// chunks in the `Rope` have been iterated over in the subsequent loop.
let iter = rope
.filter(|c| !c.is_empty())
let mut buf = [0u8; BUF_SIZE];
let mut encoder = encoding.new_encoder();
let mut total_written = 0usize;
for chunk in iter {
let is_empty = chunk.is_empty();
let mut total_read = 0usize;
3 years ago
// An inner loop is necessary as it is possible that the input buffer
// may not be completely encoded on the first `encode_from_utf8()` call
// which would happen in cases where the output buffer is filled to
// capacity.
loop {
let (result, read, written, ..) =
encoder.encode_from_utf8(&chunk[total_read..], &mut buf[total_written..], is_empty);
// These variables act as the read and write cursors of `chunk` and `buf` respectively.
// They are necessary in case the output buffer fills before encoding of the entire input
// loop is complete. Otherwise, the loop would endlessly iterate over the same `chunk` and
// the data inside the output buffer would be overwritten.
total_read += read;
total_written += written;
match result {
encoding::CoderResult::InputEmpty => {
debug_assert_eq!(chunk.len(), total_read);
debug_assert!(buf.len() >= total_written);
encoding::CoderResult::OutputFull => {
debug_assert!(chunk.len() > total_read);
total_written = 0;
// Once the end of the iterator is reached, the output buffer is
// flushed and the outer loop terminates.
if is_empty {
3 years ago
fn take_with<T, F>(mut_ref: &mut T, f: F)
3 years ago
T: Default,
F: FnOnce(T) -> T,
*mut_ref = f(mem::take(mut_ref));
use helix_lsp::lsp;
use url::Url;
impl Document {
pub fn from(text: Rope, encoding: Option<&'static encoding::Encoding>) -> Self {
let encoding = encoding.unwrap_or(encoding::UTF_8);
let changes = ChangeSet::new(&text);
let old_state = None;
Self {
id: DocumentId::default(),
path: None,
selections: HashMap::default(),
indent_style: DEFAULT_INDENT,
restore_cursor: false,
syntax: None,
4 years ago
language: None,
diagnostics: Vec::new(),
version: 0,
history: Cell::new(History::default()),
savepoint: None,
last_saved_revision: 0,
modified_since_accessed: false,
language_server: None,
4 years ago
// TODO: async fn?
/// Create a new document from `path`. Encoding is auto-detected, but it can be manually
/// overwritten with the `encoding` parameter.
pub fn open(
path: &Path,
encoding: Option<&'static encoding::Encoding>,
config_loader: Option<Arc<syntax::Loader>>,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
// Open the file if it exists, otherwise assume it is a new file (and thus empty).
let (rope, encoding) = if path.exists() {
let mut file =
std::fs::File::open(path).context(format!("unable to open {:?}", path))?;
from_reader(&mut file, encoding)?
} else {
let encoding = encoding.unwrap_or(encoding::UTF_8);
(Rope::from(DEFAULT_LINE_ENDING.as_str()), encoding)
let mut doc = Self::from(rope, Some(encoding));
// set the path and try detecting the language
if let Some(loader) = config_loader {
/// The same as [`format`], but only returns formatting changes if auto-formatting
/// is configured.
pub fn auto_format(&self) -> Option<BoxFuture<'static, Result<Transaction, FormatterError>>> {
if self.language_config()?.auto_format {
} else {
/// If supported, returns the changes that should be applied to this document in order
/// to format it nicely.
// We can't use anyhow::Result here since the output of the future has to be
// clonable to be used as shared future. So use a custom error type.
pub fn format(&self) -> Option<BoxFuture<'static, Result<Transaction, FormatterError>>> {
if let Some(formatter) = self
.and_then(|c| c.formatter.clone())
.filter(|formatter| which::which(&formatter.command).is_ok())
use std::process::Stdio;
let text = self.text().clone();
let mut process = tokio::process::Command::new(&formatter.command);
let formatting_future = async move {
let mut process = process
.map_err(|e| FormatterError::SpawningFailed {
command: formatter.command.clone(),
error: e.kind(),
let mut stdin = process.stdin.take().ok_or(FormatterError::BrokenStdin)?;
to_writer(&mut stdin, encoding::UTF_8, &text)
.map_err(|_| FormatterError::BrokenStdin)?;
let output = process
.map_err(|_| FormatterError::WaitForOutputFailed)?;
if !output.status.success() {
if !output.stderr.is_empty() {
let err = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr).to_string();
log::error!("Formatter error: {}", err);
return Err(FormatterError::NonZeroExitStatus(Some(err)));
return Err(FormatterError::NonZeroExitStatus(None));
} else if !output.stderr.is_empty() {
"Formatter printed to stderr: {}",
let str = std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout)
.map_err(|_| FormatterError::InvalidUtf8Output)?;
Ok(helix_core::diff::compare_ropes(&text, &Rope::from(str)))
return Some(formatting_future.boxed());
let language_server = self.language_server()?;
let text = self.text.clone();
let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
let request = language_server.text_document_formatting(
lsp::FormattingOptions {
tab_size: self.tab_width() as u32,
insert_spaces: matches!(self.indent_style, IndentStyle::Spaces(_)),
let fut = async move {
let edits = request.await.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
log::warn!("LSP formatting failed: {}", e);
pub fn save(&mut self, force: bool) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), anyhow::Error>> {
self.save_impl::<futures_util::future::Ready<_>>(None, force)
pub fn format_and_save(
&mut self,
formatting: Option<impl Future<Output = Result<Transaction, FormatterError>>>,
force: bool,
) -> impl Future<Output = anyhow::Result<()>> {
self.save_impl(formatting, force)
4 years ago
// TODO: do we need some way of ensuring two save operations on the same doc can't run at once?
// or is that handled by the OS/async layer
/// The `Document`'s text is encoded according to its encoding and written to the file located
/// at its `path()`.
/// If `formatting` is present, it supplies some changes that we apply to the text before saving.
fn save_impl<F: Future<Output = Result<Transaction, FormatterError>>>(
&mut self,
formatting: Option<F>,
force: bool,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), anyhow::Error>> {
4 years ago
// we clone and move text + path into the future so that we asynchronously save the current
// state without blocking any further edits.
let mut text = self.text().clone();
let path = self.path.clone().expect("Can't save with no path set!");
let identifier = self.identifier();
4 years ago
let language_server = self.language_server.clone();
// mark changes up to now as saved
let encoding = self.encoding;
// We encode the file according to the `Document`'s encoding.
4 years ago
async move {
use tokio::fs::File;
if let Some(parent) = path.parent() {
3 years ago
// TODO: display a prompt asking the user if the directories should be created
if !parent.exists() {
if force {
} else {
bail!("can't save file, parent directory does not exist");
4 years ago
if let Some(fmt) = formatting {
let transaction = fmt.await?;
let success = transaction.changes().apply(&mut text);
if !success {
// This shouldn't happen, because the transaction changes were generated
// from the same text we're saving.
log::error!("failed to apply format changes before saving");
let mut file = File::create(path).await?;
to_writer(&mut file, encoding, &text).await?;
4 years ago
if let Some(language_server) = language_server {
if !language_server.is_initialized() {
return Ok(());
if let Some(notification) =
language_server.text_document_did_save(identifier, &text)
4 years ago
4 years ago
/// Detect the programming language based on the file type.
pub fn detect_language(&mut self, config_loader: Arc<syntax::Loader>) {
if let Some(path) = &self.path {
let language_config = config_loader
.or_else(|| config_loader.language_config_for_shebang(self.text()));
self.set_language(language_config, Some(config_loader));
/// Detect the indentation used in the file, or otherwise defaults to the language indentation
/// configured in `languages.toml`, with a fallback to tabs if it isn't specified. Line ending
/// is likewise auto-detected, and will fallback to the default OS line ending.
pub fn detect_indent_and_line_ending(&mut self) {
self.indent_style = auto_detect_indent_style(&self.text).unwrap_or_else(|| {
.and_then(|config| config.indent.as_ref())
.map_or(DEFAULT_INDENT, |config| IndentStyle::from_str(&config.unit))
self.line_ending = auto_detect_line_ending(&self.text).unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LINE_ENDING);
/// Reload the document from its path.
pub fn reload(&mut self, view_id: ViewId) -> Result<(), Error> {
let encoding = &self.encoding;
let path = self.path().filter(|path| path.exists());
// If there is no path or the path no longer exists.
if path.is_none() {
bail!("can't find file to reload from");
let mut file = std::fs::File::open(path.unwrap())?;
let (rope, ..) = from_reader(&mut file, Some(encoding))?;
// Calculate the difference between the buffer and source text, and apply it.
// This is not considered a modification of the contents of the file regardless
// of the encoding.
let transaction = helix_core::diff::compare_ropes(self.text(), &rope);
self.apply(&transaction, view_id);
/// Sets the [`Document`]'s encoding with the encoding correspondent to `label`.
pub fn set_encoding(&mut self, label: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.encoding = encoding::Encoding::for_label(label.as_bytes())
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unknown encoding"))?;
/// Returns the [`Document`]'s current encoding.
pub fn encoding(&self) -> &'static encoding::Encoding {
pub fn set_path(&mut self, path: Option<&Path>) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let path = path
// if parent doesn't exist we still want to open the document
// and error out when document is saved
self.path = path;
/// Set the programming language for the file and load associated data (e.g. highlighting)
/// if it exists.
pub fn set_language(
&mut self,
language_config: Option<Arc<helix_core::syntax::LanguageConfiguration>>,
loader: Option<Arc<helix_core::syntax::Loader>>,
) {
if let (Some(language_config), Some(loader)) = (language_config, loader) {
if let Some(highlight_config) = language_config.highlight_config(&loader.scopes()) {
let syntax = Syntax::new(&self.text, highlight_config, loader);
self.syntax = Some(syntax);
self.language = Some(language_config);
} else {
self.syntax = None;
self.language = None;
/// Set the programming language for the file if you know the name (scope) but don't have the
/// [`syntax::LanguageConfiguration`] for it.
pub fn set_language2(&mut self, scope: &str, config_loader: Arc<syntax::Loader>) {
let language_config = config_loader.language_config_for_scope(scope);
self.set_language(language_config, Some(config_loader));
/// Set the programming language for the file if you know the language but don't have the
/// [`syntax::LanguageConfiguration`] for it.
pub fn set_language_by_language_id(
&mut self,
language_id: &str,
config_loader: Arc<syntax::Loader>,
) {
let language_config = config_loader.language_config_for_language_id(language_id);
self.set_language(language_config, Some(config_loader));
/// Set the LSP.
pub fn set_language_server(&mut self, language_server: Option<Arc<helix_lsp::Client>>) {
self.language_server = language_server;
/// Select text within the [`Document`].
pub fn set_selection(&mut self, view_id: ViewId, selection: Selection) {
// TODO: use a transaction?
.insert(view_id, selection.ensure_invariants(self.text().slice(..)));
/// Find the origin selection of the text in a document, i.e. where
/// a single cursor would go if it were on the first grapheme. If
/// the text is empty, returns (0, 0).
pub fn origin(&self) -> Range {
if self.text().len_chars() == 0 {
return Range::new(0, 0);
Range::new(0, 1).grapheme_aligned(self.text().slice(..))
/// Reset the view's selection on this document to the
/// [origin](Document::origin) cursor.
pub fn reset_selection(&mut self, view_id: ViewId) {
let origin = self.origin();
self.set_selection(view_id, Selection::single(origin.anchor, origin.head));
/// Initializes a new selection for the given view if it does not
/// already have one.
pub fn ensure_view_init(&mut self, view_id: ViewId) {
if self.selections.get(&view_id).is_none() {
/// Remove a view's selection from this document.
pub fn remove_view(&mut self, view_id: ViewId) {
/// Apply a [`Transaction`] to the [`Document`] to change its text.
fn apply_impl(&mut self, transaction: &Transaction, view_id: ViewId) -> bool {
let old_doc = self.text().clone();
let success = transaction.changes().apply(&mut self.text);
if success {
for selection in self.selections.values_mut() {
*selection = selection
// Map through changes
// Ensure all selections across all views still adhere to invariants.
// if specified, the current selection should instead be replaced by transaction.selection
if let Some(selection) = transaction.selection() {
self.modified_since_accessed = true;
if !transaction.changes().is_empty() {
self.version += 1;
// generate revert to savepoint
if self.savepoint.is_some() {
take_with(&mut self.savepoint, |prev_revert| {
let revert = transaction.invert(&old_doc);
// update tree-sitter syntax tree
if let Some(syntax) = &mut self.syntax {
// TODO: no unwrap
.update(&old_doc, &self.text, transaction.changes())
// map state.diagnostics over changes::map_pos too
for diagnostic in &mut self.diagnostics {
use helix_core::Assoc;
let changes = transaction.changes();
diagnostic.range.start = changes.map_pos(diagnostic.range.start, Assoc::After);
diagnostic.range.end = changes.map_pos(diagnostic.range.end, Assoc::After);
diagnostic.line = self.text.char_to_line(diagnostic.range.start);
// emit lsp notification
if let Some(language_server) = self.language_server() {
let notify = language_server.text_document_did_change(
3 years ago
if let Some(notify) = notify {
/// Apply a [`Transaction`] to the [`Document`] to change its text.
pub fn apply(&mut self, transaction: &Transaction, view_id: ViewId) -> bool {
// store the state just before any changes are made. This allows us to undo to the
// state just before a transaction was applied.
if self.changes.is_empty() && !transaction.changes().is_empty() {
self.old_state = Some(State {
doc: self.text.clone(),
selection: self.selection(view_id).clone(),
let success = self.apply_impl(transaction, view_id);
if !transaction.changes().is_empty() {
// Compose this transaction with the previous one
take_with(&mut self.changes, |changes| {
fn undo_redo_impl(&mut self, view_id: ViewId, undo: bool) -> bool {
let mut history = self.history.take();
let txn = if undo { history.undo() } else { history.redo() };
let success = if let Some(txn) = txn {
self.apply_impl(txn, view_id)
} else {
if success {
// reset changeset to fix len
self.changes = ChangeSet::new(self.text());
/// Undo the last modification to the [`Document`]. Returns whether the undo was successful.
pub fn undo(&mut self, view_id: ViewId) -> bool {
self.undo_redo_impl(view_id, true)
/// Redo the last modification to the [`Document`]. Returns whether the redo was successful.
pub fn redo(&mut self, view_id: ViewId) -> bool {
self.undo_redo_impl(view_id, false)
Add :earlier and :later commands that can be used to navigate the full edit history. (#194) * Disable deleting from an empty buffer which can cause a crash. * Improve on the fix for deleting from the end of the buffer. * Clean up leftover log. * Avoid theoretical underflow. * Implement :before which accepts a time interval and moves the editor to the closest history state to the commit of the current time minus that interval. Current time is now by default, or the commit time if :before has just been used. * Add :earlier an :later commands that can move through the edit history and retrieve changes hidded by undoing and commiting new changes. The commands accept a number of steps or a time period relative to the currrent change. * Fix clippy lint error. * Remove the dependency on parse_duration, add a custom parser instead. * Fix clippy errors. * Make helix_core::history a public module. * Use the helper for getting the current document and view. * Handled some PR comments. * Fix the logic in :later n. Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> * Add an alias for :earlier. Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> * Add an alias for later. Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> * Run cargo fmt. * Add some tests for earlier and later. * Add more tests and restore the fix for later that diappeared somehow. * Use ? instead of a match on an option. Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> * Rename to UndoKind. * Remove the leftover match. * Handle a bunch of review comments. * More systemd.time compliant time units and additional description for the new commands. * A more concise rewrite of the time span parser using ideas from PR discussion. * Replace a match with map_err(). Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> Co-authored-by: Jakub Bartodziej <> Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <>
3 years ago
pub fn savepoint(&mut self) {
self.savepoint = Some(Transaction::new(self.text()));
pub fn restore(&mut self, view_id: ViewId) {
if let Some(revert) = self.savepoint.take() {
self.apply(&revert, view_id);
fn earlier_later_impl(&mut self, view_id: ViewId, uk: UndoKind, earlier: bool) -> bool {
let txns = if earlier {
} else {
let mut success = false;
Add :earlier and :later commands that can be used to navigate the full edit history. (#194) * Disable deleting from an empty buffer which can cause a crash. * Improve on the fix for deleting from the end of the buffer. * Clean up leftover log. * Avoid theoretical underflow. * Implement :before which accepts a time interval and moves the editor to the closest history state to the commit of the current time minus that interval. Current time is now by default, or the commit time if :before has just been used. * Add :earlier an :later commands that can move through the edit history and retrieve changes hidded by undoing and commiting new changes. The commands accept a number of steps or a time period relative to the currrent change. * Fix clippy lint error. * Remove the dependency on parse_duration, add a custom parser instead. * Fix clippy errors. * Make helix_core::history a public module. * Use the helper for getting the current document and view. * Handled some PR comments. * Fix the logic in :later n. Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> * Add an alias for :earlier. Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> * Add an alias for later. Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> * Run cargo fmt. * Add some tests for earlier and later. * Add more tests and restore the fix for later that diappeared somehow. * Use ? instead of a match on an option. Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> * Rename to UndoKind. * Remove the leftover match. * Handle a bunch of review comments. * More systemd.time compliant time units and additional description for the new commands. * A more concise rewrite of the time span parser using ideas from PR discussion. * Replace a match with map_err(). Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> Co-authored-by: Jakub Bartodziej <> Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <>
3 years ago
for txn in txns {
if self.apply_impl(&txn, view_id) {
success = true;
if success {
// reset changeset to fix len
self.changes = ChangeSet::new(self.text());
Add :earlier and :later commands that can be used to navigate the full edit history. (#194) * Disable deleting from an empty buffer which can cause a crash. * Improve on the fix for deleting from the end of the buffer. * Clean up leftover log. * Avoid theoretical underflow. * Implement :before which accepts a time interval and moves the editor to the closest history state to the commit of the current time minus that interval. Current time is now by default, or the commit time if :before has just been used. * Add :earlier an :later commands that can move through the edit history and retrieve changes hidded by undoing and commiting new changes. The commands accept a number of steps or a time period relative to the currrent change. * Fix clippy lint error. * Remove the dependency on parse_duration, add a custom parser instead. * Fix clippy errors. * Make helix_core::history a public module. * Use the helper for getting the current document and view. * Handled some PR comments. * Fix the logic in :later n. Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> * Add an alias for :earlier. Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> * Add an alias for later. Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> * Run cargo fmt. * Add some tests for earlier and later. * Add more tests and restore the fix for later that diappeared somehow. * Use ? instead of a match on an option. Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> * Rename to UndoKind. * Remove the leftover match. * Handle a bunch of review comments. * More systemd.time compliant time units and additional description for the new commands. * A more concise rewrite of the time span parser using ideas from PR discussion. * Replace a match with map_err(). Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> Co-authored-by: Jakub Bartodziej <> Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <>
3 years ago
Add :earlier and :later commands that can be used to navigate the full edit history. (#194) * Disable deleting from an empty buffer which can cause a crash. * Improve on the fix for deleting from the end of the buffer. * Clean up leftover log. * Avoid theoretical underflow. * Implement :before which accepts a time interval and moves the editor to the closest history state to the commit of the current time minus that interval. Current time is now by default, or the commit time if :before has just been used. * Add :earlier an :later commands that can move through the edit history and retrieve changes hidded by undoing and commiting new changes. The commands accept a number of steps or a time period relative to the currrent change. * Fix clippy lint error. * Remove the dependency on parse_duration, add a custom parser instead. * Fix clippy errors. * Make helix_core::history a public module. * Use the helper for getting the current document and view. * Handled some PR comments. * Fix the logic in :later n. Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> * Add an alias for :earlier. Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> * Add an alias for later. Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> * Run cargo fmt. * Add some tests for earlier and later. * Add more tests and restore the fix for later that diappeared somehow. * Use ? instead of a match on an option. Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> * Rename to UndoKind. * Remove the leftover match. * Handle a bunch of review comments. * More systemd.time compliant time units and additional description for the new commands. * A more concise rewrite of the time span parser using ideas from PR discussion. * Replace a match with map_err(). Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <> Co-authored-by: Jakub Bartodziej <> Co-authored-by: Ivan Tham <>
3 years ago
/// Undo modifications to the [`Document`] according to `uk`.
pub fn earlier(&mut self, view_id: ViewId, uk: UndoKind) -> bool {
self.earlier_later_impl(view_id, uk, true)
/// Redo modifications to the [`Document`] according to `uk`.
pub fn later(&mut self, view_id: ViewId, uk: UndoKind) -> bool {
self.earlier_later_impl(view_id, uk, false)
/// Commit pending changes to history
pub fn append_changes_to_history(&mut self, view_id: ViewId) {
if self.changes.is_empty() {
let new_changeset = ChangeSet::new(self.text());
let changes = std::mem::replace(&mut self.changes, new_changeset);
// Instead of doing this messy merge we could always commit, and based on transaction
// annotations either add a new layer or compose into the previous one.
let transaction =
// HAXX: we need to reconstruct the state as it was before the changes..
let old_state = self.old_state.take().expect("no old_state available");
let mut history = self.history.take();
history.commit_revision(&transaction, &old_state);
pub fn id(&self) -> DocumentId {
/// If there are unsaved modifications.
pub fn is_modified(&self) -> bool {
let history = self.history.take();
let current_revision = history.current_revision();
current_revision != self.last_saved_revision || !self.changes.is_empty()
/// Save modifications to history, and so [`Self::is_modified`] will return false.
pub fn reset_modified(&mut self) {
let history = self.history.take();
let current_revision = history.current_revision();
self.last_saved_revision = current_revision;
/// Corresponding language scope name. Usually `source.<lang>`.
pub fn language_scope(&self) -> Option<&str> {
.map(|language| language.scope.as_str())
/// Language name for the document. Corresponds to the `name` key in
/// `languages.toml` configuration.
pub fn language_name(&self) -> Option<&str> {
.map(|language| language.language_id.as_str())
/// Language ID for the document. Either the `language-id` from the
/// `language-server` configuration, or the document language if no
/// `language-id` has been specified.
pub fn language_id(&self) -> Option<&str> {
let language_config = self.language.as_deref()?;
/// Corresponding [`LanguageConfiguration`].
pub fn language_config(&self) -> Option<&LanguageConfiguration> {
/// Current document version, incremented at each change.
pub fn version(&self) -> i32 {
/// Language server if it has been initialized.
pub fn language_server(&self) -> Option<&helix_lsp::Client> {
let server = self.language_server.as_deref()?;
server.is_initialized().then(|| server)
/// Tree-sitter AST tree
pub fn syntax(&self) -> Option<&Syntax> {
/// Tab size in columns.
pub fn tab_width(&self) -> usize {
.and_then(|config| config.indent.as_ref())
4 years ago
.map_or(4, |config| config.tab_width) // fallback to 4 columns
/// Returns a string containing a single level of indentation.
/// TODO: we might not need this function anymore, since the information
/// is conveniently available in `Document::indent_style` now.
pub fn indent_unit(&self) -> &'static str {
pub fn changes(&self) -> &ChangeSet {
/// File path on disk.
pub fn path(&self) -> Option<&PathBuf> {
/// File path as a URL.
pub fn url(&self) -> Option<Url> {
pub fn text(&self) -> &Rope {
pub fn selection(&self, view_id: ViewId) -> &Selection {
pub fn selections(&self) -> &HashMap<ViewId, Selection> {
pub fn relative_path(&self) -> Option<PathBuf> {
// transact(Fn) ?
// -- LSP methods
pub fn identifier(&self) -> lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier {
pub fn versioned_identifier(&self) -> lsp::VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier {
lsp::VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier::new(self.url().unwrap(), self.version)
pub fn position(
view_id: ViewId,
offset_encoding: helix_lsp::OffsetEncoding,
) -> lsp::Position {
let text = self.text();
pub fn diagnostics(&self) -> &[Diagnostic] {
pub fn set_diagnostics(&mut self, diagnostics: Vec<Diagnostic>) {
self.diagnostics = diagnostics;
.sort_unstable_by_key(|diagnostic| diagnostic.range);
/// Get the document's auto pairs. If the document has a recognized
/// language config with auto pairs configured, returns that;
/// otherwise, falls back to the global auto pairs config. If the global
/// config is false, then ignore language settings.
pub fn auto_pairs<'a>(&'a self, editor: &'a Editor) -> Option<&'a AutoPairs> {
let global_config = (editor.auto_pairs).as_ref();
// NOTE: If the user specifies the global auto pairs config as false, then
// we want to disable it globally regardless of language settings
if global_config.is_none() {
return None;
match &self.language {
Some(lang) => lang.as_ref().auto_pairs.as_ref().or(global_config),
None => global_config,
impl Default for Document {
fn default() -> Self {
let text = Rope::from(DEFAULT_LINE_ENDING.as_str());
Self::from(text, None)
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum FormatterError {
SpawningFailed {
command: String,
error: std::io::ErrorKind,
impl std::error::Error for FormatterError {}
impl Display for FormatterError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::SpawningFailed { command, error } => {
write!(f, "Failed to spawn formatter {}: {:?}", command, error)
Self::BrokenStdin => write!(f, "Could not write to formatter stdin"),
Self::WaitForOutputFailed => write!(f, "Waiting for formatter output failed"),
Self::InvalidUtf8Output => write!(f, "Invalid UTF-8 formatter output"),
Self::DiskReloadError(error) => write!(f, "Error reloading file from disk: {}", error),
Self::NonZeroExitStatus(Some(output)) => write!(f, "Formatter error: {}", output),
Self::NonZeroExitStatus(None) => {
write!(f, "Formatter exited with non zero exit status")
mod test {
use super::*;
fn changeset_to_changes_ignore_line_endings() {
use helix_lsp::{lsp, Client, OffsetEncoding};
let text = Rope::from("hello\r\nworld");
let mut doc = Document::from(text, None);
let view = ViewId::default();
doc.set_selection(view, Selection::single(0, 0));
let transaction =
Transaction::change(doc.text(), vec![(5, 7, Some("\n".into()))].into_iter());
let old_doc = doc.text().clone();
doc.apply(&transaction, view);
let changes = Client::changeset_to_changes(
assert_eq!(doc.text(), "hello\nworld");
&[lsp::TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
range: Some(lsp::Range::new(
lsp::Position::new(0, 5),
lsp::Position::new(1, 0)
text: "\n".into(),
range_length: None,
fn changeset_to_changes() {
use helix_lsp::{lsp, Client, OffsetEncoding};
let text = Rope::from("hello");
let mut doc = Document::from(text, None);
let view = ViewId::default();
doc.set_selection(view, Selection::single(5, 5));
// insert
let transaction = Transaction::insert(doc.text(), doc.selection(view), " world".into());
let old_doc = doc.text().clone();
doc.apply(&transaction, view);
let changes = Client::changeset_to_changes(
&[lsp::TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
range: Some(lsp::Range::new(
lsp::Position::new(0, 5),
lsp::Position::new(0, 5)
text: " world".into(),
range_length: None,
// delete
let transaction = transaction.invert(&old_doc);
let old_doc = doc.text().clone();
doc.apply(&transaction, view);
let changes = Client::changeset_to_changes(
// line: 0-based.
// col: 0-based, gaps between chars.
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
// |h|e|l|l|o| |w|o|r|l|d|
// -------------
// (0, 5)-(0, 11)
&[lsp::TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
range: Some(lsp::Range::new(
lsp::Position::new(0, 5),
lsp::Position::new(0, 11)
text: "".into(),
range_length: None,
// replace
// also tests that changes are layered, positions depend on previous changes.
doc.set_selection(view, Selection::single(0, 5));
let transaction = Transaction::change(
vec![(0, 2, Some("aei".into())), (3, 5, Some("ou".into()))].into_iter(),
// aeilou
let old_doc = doc.text().clone();
doc.apply(&transaction, view);
let changes = Client::changeset_to_changes(
// 0 1 2 3 4 5
// |h|e|l|l|o|
// ----
// aeillo
lsp::TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
range: Some(lsp::Range::new(
lsp::Position::new(0, 0),
lsp::Position::new(0, 2)
text: "aei".into(),
range_length: None,
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
// |a|e|i|l|l|o|
// -----
// aeilou
lsp::TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
range: Some(lsp::Range::new(
lsp::Position::new(0, 4),
lsp::Position::new(0, 6)
text: "ou".into(),
range_length: None,
fn test_line_ending() {
macro_rules! test_decode {
($label:expr, $label_override:expr) => {
let encoding = encoding::Encoding::for_label($label_override.as_bytes()).unwrap();
let base_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("tests/encoding");
let path = base_path.join(format!("{}_in.txt", $label));
let ref_path = base_path.join(format!("{}_in_ref.txt", $label));
let mut file = std::fs::File::open(path).unwrap();
let text = from_reader(&mut file, Some(encoding))
let expectation = std::fs::read_to_string(ref_path).unwrap();
assert_eq!(text[..], expectation[..]);
macro_rules! test_encode {
($label:expr, $label_override:expr) => {
let encoding = encoding::Encoding::for_label($label_override.as_bytes()).unwrap();
let base_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("tests/encoding");
let path = base_path.join(format!("{}_out.txt", $label));
let ref_path = base_path.join(format!("{}_out_ref.txt", $label));
let text = Rope::from_str(&std::fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap());
let mut buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
helix_lsp::block_on(to_writer(&mut buf, encoding, &text)).unwrap();
let expectation = std::fs::read(ref_path).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf, expectation);
macro_rules! test_decode_fn {
($name:ident, $label:expr, $label_override:expr) => {
fn $name() {
test_decode!($label, $label_override);
($name:ident, $label:expr) => {
fn $name() {
test_decode!($label, $label);
macro_rules! test_encode_fn {
($name:ident, $label:expr, $label_override:expr) => {
fn $name() {
test_encode!($label, $label_override);
($name:ident, $label:expr) => {
fn $name() {
test_encode!($label, $label);
test_decode_fn!(test_big5_decode, "big5");
test_encode_fn!(test_big5_encode, "big5");
test_decode_fn!(test_euc_kr_decode, "euc_kr", "EUC-KR");
test_encode_fn!(test_euc_kr_encode, "euc_kr", "EUC-KR");
test_decode_fn!(test_gb18030_decode, "gb18030");
test_encode_fn!(test_gb18030_encode, "gb18030");
test_decode_fn!(test_iso_2022_jp_decode, "iso_2022_jp", "ISO-2022-JP");
test_encode_fn!(test_iso_2022_jp_encode, "iso_2022_jp", "ISO-2022-JP");
test_decode_fn!(test_jis0208_decode, "jis0208", "EUC-JP");
test_encode_fn!(test_jis0208_encode, "jis0208", "EUC-JP");
test_decode_fn!(test_jis0212_decode, "jis0212", "EUC-JP");
test_decode_fn!(test_shift_jis_decode, "shift_jis");
test_encode_fn!(test_shift_jis_encode, "shift_jis");