You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

93 lines
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use tree_sitter::Node;
use crate::{Rope, Syntax};
const PAIRS: &[(char, char)] = &[
('(', ')'),
('{', '}'),
('[', ']'),
('<', '>'),
('\'', '\''),
('\"', '\"'),
// limit matching pairs to only ( ) { } [ ] < >
// Returns the position of the matching bracket under cursor.
// If the cursor is one the opening bracket, the position of
// the closing bracket is returned. If the cursor in the closing
// bracket, the position of the opening bracket is returned.
// If the cursor is not on a bracket, `None` is returned.
pub fn find_matching_bracket(syntax: &Syntax, doc: &Rope, pos: usize) -> Option<usize> {
if pos >= doc.len_chars() || !is_valid_bracket(doc.char(pos)) {
return None;
find_pair(syntax, doc, pos, false)
// Returns the position of the bracket that is closing the current scope.
// If the cursor is on an opening or closing bracket, the function
// behaves equivalent to [`find_matching_bracket`].
// If the cursor position is within a scope, the function searches
// for the surrounding scope that is surrounded by brackets and
// returns the position of the closing bracket for that scope.
// If no surrounding scope is found, the function returns `None`.
4 years ago
pub fn find_matching_bracket_fuzzy(syntax: &Syntax, doc: &Rope, pos: usize) -> Option<usize> {
find_pair(syntax, doc, pos, true)
fn find_pair(syntax: &Syntax, doc: &Rope, pos: usize, traverse_parents: bool) -> Option<usize> {
let tree = syntax.tree();
let pos = doc.char_to_byte(pos);
let mut node = tree.root_node().named_descendant_for_byte_range(pos, pos)?;
loop {
let (start_byte, end_byte) = surrounding_bytes(doc, &node)?;
let (start_char, end_char) = (doc.byte_to_char(start_byte), doc.byte_to_char(end_byte));
if is_valid_pair(doc, start_char, end_char) {
if end_byte == pos {
return Some(start_char);
// We return the end char if the cursor is either on the start char
// or at some arbitrary position between start and end char.
return Some(end_char);
if traverse_parents {
node = node.parent()?;
} else {
return None;
fn is_valid_bracket(c: char) -> bool {
PAIRS.iter().any(|(l, r)| *l == c || *r == c)
fn is_valid_pair(doc: &Rope, start_char: usize, end_char: usize) -> bool {
PAIRS.contains(&(doc.char(start_char), doc.char(end_char)))
fn surrounding_bytes(doc: &Rope, node: &Node) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
let len = doc.len_bytes();
let start_byte = node.start_byte();
let end_byte = node.end_byte().saturating_sub(1);
if start_byte >= len || end_byte >= len {
return None;
Some((start_byte, end_byte))