{ description = "A post-modern text editor."; inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable"; rust-overlay = { url = "github:oxalica/rust-overlay"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; }; nci = { url = "github:yusdacra/nix-cargo-integration"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; inputs.rust-overlay.follows = "rust-overlay"; }; parts.url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts"; }; outputs = inp: let mkRootPath = rel: builtins.path { path = "${toString ./.}/${rel}"; name = rel; }; filteredSource = let pathsToIgnore = [ ".envrc" ".ignore" ".github" ".gitignore" "logo.svg" "logo_dark.svg" "logo_light.svg" "rust-toolchain.toml" "rustfmt.toml" "runtime" "screenshot.png" "book" "contrib" "docs" "README.md" "CHANGELOG.md" "shell.nix" "default.nix" "grammars.nix" "flake.nix" "flake.lock" ]; ignorePaths = path: type: let inherit (inp.nixpkgs) lib; # split the nix store path into its components components = lib.splitString "/" path; # drop off the `/nix/hash-source` section from the path relPathComponents = lib.drop 4 components; # reassemble the path components relPath = lib.concatStringsSep "/" relPathComponents; in lib.all (p: ! (lib.hasPrefix p relPath)) pathsToIgnore; in builtins.path { name = "helix-source"; path = toString ./.; # filter out unnecessary paths filter = ignorePaths; }; in inp.parts.lib.mkFlake {inputs = inp;} { imports = [inp.nci.flakeModule inp.parts.flakeModules.easyOverlay]; systems = [ "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-linux" "aarch64-darwin" "i686-linux" ]; perSystem = { config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let makeOverridableHelix = old: config: let grammars = pkgs.callPackage ./grammars.nix config; runtimeDir = pkgs.runCommand "helix-runtime" {} '' mkdir -p $out ln -s ${mkRootPath "runtime"}/* $out rm -r $out/grammars ln -s ${grammars} $out/grammars ''; helix-wrapped = pkgs.runCommand old.name { inherit (old) pname version; meta = old.meta or {}; passthru = (old.passthru or {}) // { unwrapped = old; }; nativeBuildInputs = [pkgs.makeWrapper]; makeWrapperArgs = config.makeWrapperArgs or []; } '' cp -rs --no-preserve=mode,ownership ${old} $out wrapProgram "$out/bin/hx" ''${makeWrapperArgs[@]} --set HELIX_RUNTIME "${runtimeDir}" ''; in helix-wrapped // { override = makeOverridableHelix old; passthru = helix-wrapped.passthru // { wrapper = old: makeOverridableHelix old config; }; }; stdenv = if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then pkgs.stdenv else pkgs.clangStdenv; rustFlagsEnv = if stdenv.isLinux then ''$RUSTFLAGS -C link-arg=-fuse-ld=lld -C target-cpu=native -Clink-arg=-Wl,--no-rosegment'' else "$RUSTFLAGS"; in { nci.projects."helix-project".relPath = ""; nci.crates."helix-term" = { overrides = { add-meta.override = _: {meta.mainProgram = "hx";}; add-inputs.overrideAttrs = prev: { buildInputs = (prev.buildInputs or []) ++ [stdenv.cc.cc.lib]; }; disable-grammar-builds = { # disable fetching and building of tree-sitter grammars in the helix-term build.rs HELIX_DISABLE_AUTO_GRAMMAR_BUILD = "1"; }; disable-tests = {checkPhase = ":";}; set-stdenv.override = _: {inherit stdenv;}; set-filtered-src.override = _: {src = filteredSource;}; }; }; packages.helix-unwrapped = config.nci.outputs."helix-term".packages.release; packages.helix-unwrapped-dev = config.nci.outputs."helix-term".packages.dev; packages.helix = makeOverridableHelix config.packages.helix-unwrapped {}; packages.helix-dev = makeOverridableHelix config.packages.helix-unwrapped-dev {}; packages.default = config.packages.helix; overlayAttrs = { inherit (config.packages) helix; }; devShells.default = config.nci.outputs."helix-project".devShell.overrideAttrs (old: { nativeBuildInputs = (old.nativeBuildInputs or []) ++ (with pkgs; [lld_13 cargo-flamegraph rust-analyzer]) ++ (lib.optional (stdenv.isx86_64 && stdenv.isLinux) pkgs.cargo-tarpaulin) ++ (lib.optional stdenv.isLinux pkgs.lldb) ++ (lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.CoreFoundation); shellHook = '' export HELIX_RUNTIME="$PWD/runtime" export RUST_BACKTRACE="1" export RUSTFLAGS="${rustFlagsEnv}" ''; }); }; }; nixConfig = { extra-substituters = ["https://helix.cachix.org"]; extra-trusted-public-keys = ["helix.cachix.org-1:ejp9KQpR1FBI2onstMQ34yogDm4OgU2ru6lIwPvuCVs="]; }; }