# Configuration ## LSP To disable language server progress report from being displayed in the status bar add this option to your `config.toml`: ```toml lsp-progress = false ``` ## Theme Use a custom theme by placing a theme.toml in your config directory (i.e ~/.config/helix/theme.toml). The default theme.toml can be found [here](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/blob/master/theme.toml), and user submitted themes [here](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/blob/master/contrib/themes). Styles in theme.toml are specified of in the form: ```toml key = { fg = "#ffffff", bg = "#000000", modifiers = ["bold", "italic"] } ``` where `name` represents what you want to style, `fg` specifies the foreground color, `bg` the background color, and `modifiers` is a list of style modifiers. `bg` and `modifiers` can be omitted to defer to the defaults. To specify only the foreground color: ```toml key = "#ffffff" ``` if the key contains a dot `'.'`, it must be quoted to prevent it being parsed as a [dotted key](https://toml.io/en/v1.0.0#keys). ```toml "key.key" = "#ffffff" ``` Possible modifiers: | Modifier | | --- | | `bold` | | `dim` | | `italic` | | `underlined` | | `slow_blink` | | `rapid_blink` | | `reversed` | | `hidden` | | `crossed_out` | Possible keys: | Key | Notes | | --- | --- | | `attribute` | | | `keyword` | | | `keyword.directive` | Preprocessor directives (\#if in C) | | `namespace` | | | `punctuation` | | | `punctuation.delimiter` | | | `operator` | | | `special` | | | `property` | | | `variable` | | | `variable.parameter` | | | `type` | | | `type.builtin` | | | `constructor` | | | `function` | | | `function.macro` | | | `function.builtin` | | | `comment` | | | `variable.builtin` | | | `constant` | | | `constant.builtin` | | | `string` | | | `number` | | | `escape` | Escaped characters | | `label` | For lifetimes | | `module` | | | `ui.background` | | | `ui.linenr` | | | `ui.linenr.selected` | For lines with cursors | | `ui.statusline` | | | `ui.popup` | | | `ui.window` | | | `ui.help` | | | `ui.text` | | | `ui.text.focus` | | | `ui.menu.selected` | | | `ui.selection` | For selections in the editing area | | `warning` | LSP warning | | `error` | LSP error | | `info` | LSP info | | `hint` | LSP hint | These keys match [tree-sitter scopes](https://tree-sitter.github.io/tree-sitter/syntax-highlighting#theme). We half-follow the common scopes from [macromates language grammars](https://macromates.com/manual/en/language_grammars) with some differences. For a given highlight produced, styling will be determined based on the longest matching theme key. So it's enough to provide function to highlight `function.macro` and `function.builtin` as well, but you can use more specific scopes to highlight specific cases differently.