(comment) @comment ; Pragma (pragma_directive) @tag (solidity_version_comparison_operator ">=" @tag) (solidity_version_comparison_operator "<=" @tag) (solidity_version_comparison_operator "=" @tag) (solidity_version_comparison_operator "~" @tag) (solidity_version_comparison_operator "^" @tag) ; Literals [ (string) (hex_string_literal) (unicode_string_literal) (yul_string_literal) ] @string [ (number_literal) (yul_decimal_number) (yul_hex_number) ] @constant.numeric [ (true) (false) ] @constant.builtin ; Type (type_name) @type (primitive_type) @type (struct_declaration struct_name: (identifier) @type) (enum_declaration enum_type_name: (identifier) @type) ; Color payable in payable address conversion as type and not as keyword (payable_conversion_expression "payable" @type) (emit_statement . (identifier) @type) ; Handles ContractA, ContractB in function foo() override(ContractA, contractB) {} (override_specifier (identifier) @type) ; Ensures that delimiters in mapping( ... => .. ) are not colored like types (type_name "(" @punctuation.bracket "=>" @punctuation.delimiter ")" @punctuation.bracket) ; Functions and parameters (function_definition function_name: (identifier) @function) (modifier_definition name: (identifier) @function) (yul_evm_builtin) @function.builtin ; Use constructor coloring for special functions (constructor_definition "constructor" @constructor) (fallback_receive_definition "receive" @constructor) (fallback_receive_definition "fallback" @constructor) (modifier_invocation (identifier) @function) ; Handles expressions like structVariable.g(); (call_expression . (member_expression (property_identifier) @function.method)) ; Handles expressions like g(); (call_expression . (identifier) @function) ; Function parameters (event_paramater name: (identifier) @variable.parameter) ; TODO fix spelling once fixed upstream (function_definition function_name: (identifier) @variable.parameter) ; Yul functions (yul_function_call function: (yul_identifier) @function) ; Yul function parameters (yul_function_definition . (yul_identifier) @function (yul_identifier) @variable.parameter) (meta_type_expression "type" @keyword) (member_expression (property_identifier) @variable.other.member) (property_identifier) @variable.other.member (struct_expression ((identifier) @variable.other.member . ":")) (enum_value) @variable.other.member ; Keywords [ "pragma" "import" "contract" "interface" "library" "is" "struct" "enum" "event" "using" "assembly" "switch" "case" "default" "break" "continue" "if" "else" "for" "while" "do" "try" "catch" "return" "emit" "public" "internal" "private" "external" "pure" "view" "payable" "modifier" "returns" "memory" "storage" "calldata" "function" "var" (constant) (virtual) (override_specifier) (yul_leave) ] @keyword (import_directive "as" @keyword) (import_directive "from" @keyword) (event_paramater "indexed" @keyword) ; TODO fix spelling once fixed upstream ; Punctuation [ "(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}" ] @punctuation.bracket [ "." "," ] @punctuation.delimiter ; Operators [ "&&" "||" ">>" ">>>" "<<" "&" "^" "|" "+" "-" "*" "/" "%" "**" "<" "<=" "==" "!=" "!==" ">=" ">" "!" "~" "-" "+" "delete" "new" "++" "--" ] @operator (identifier) @variable (yul_identifier) @variable