; The following code originates mostly from ; https://github.com/elixir-lang/tree-sitter-elixir, with minor edits to ; align the captures with helix. The following should be considered ; Copyright 2021 The Elixir Team ; ; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ; You may obtain a copy of the License at ; ; https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ; ; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ; limitations under the License. ; Reserved keywords ["when" "and" "or" "not" "in" "fn" "do" "end" "catch" "rescue" "after" "else"] @keyword ; Operators ; * doc string (unary_operator operator: "@" @comment.block.documentation operand: (call target: (identifier) @comment.block.documentation.__attribute__ (arguments [ (string) @comment.block.documentation (charlist) @comment.block.documentation (sigil quoted_start: _ @comment.block.documentation quoted_end: _ @comment.block.documentation) @comment.block.documentation (boolean) @comment.block.documentation ])) (#match? @comment.block.documentation.__attribute__ "^(moduledoc|typedoc|doc)$")) ; * module attribute (unary_operator operator: "@" @variable.property operand: [ (identifier) @variable.property (call target: (identifier) @variable.property) (boolean) @variable.property (nil) @variable.property ]) ; * capture operand (unary_operator operator: "&" operand: (integer) @operator) (operator_identifier) @operator (unary_operator operator: _ @operator) (binary_operator operator: _ @operator) (dot operator: _ @operator) (stab_clause operator: _ @operator) ; Literals (nil) @constant.builtin (boolean) @constant.builtin.boolean [ (integer) (float) ] @number (alias) @type (call target: (dot left: (atom) @type)) (char) @constant.character ; Quoted content (interpolation "#{" @escape "}" @escape) @embedded (escape_sequence) @escape [ (atom) (quoted_atom) (keyword) (quoted_keyword) ] @symbol [ (string) (charlist) ] @string ; Note that we explicitly target sigil quoted start/end, so they are not overridden by delimiters (sigil (sigil_name) @__name__ quoted_start: _ @string quoted_end: _ @string (#match? @__name__ "^[sS]$")) @string (sigil (sigil_name) @__name__ quoted_start: _ @string.regex quoted_end: _ @string.regex (#match? @__name__ "^[rR]$")) @string.regex (sigil (sigil_name) @__name__ quoted_start: _ @string.special quoted_end: _ @string.special) @string.special ; Calls ; * definition keyword (call target: (identifier) @keyword (#match? @keyword "^(def|defdelegate|defexception|defguard|defguardp|defimpl|defmacro|defmacrop|defmodule|defn|defnp|defoverridable|defp|defprotocol|defstruct)$")) ; * kernel or special forms keyword (call target: (identifier) @keyword (#match? @keyword "^(alias|case|cond|else|for|if|import|quote|raise|receive|require|reraise|super|throw|try|unless|unquote|unquote_splicing|use|with)$")) ; * function call (call target: [ ; local (identifier) @function ; remote (dot right: (identifier) @function) ]) ; * just identifier in function definition (call target: (identifier) @keyword (arguments [ (identifier) @function (binary_operator left: (identifier) @function operator: "when") ]) (#match? @keyword "^(def|defdelegate|defguard|defguardp|defmacro|defmacrop|defn|defnp|defp)$")) ; * pipe into identifier (definition) (call target: (identifier) @keyword (arguments (binary_operator operator: "|>" right: (identifier) @variable)) (#match? @keyword "^(def|defdelegate|defguard|defguardp|defmacro|defmacrop|defn|defnp|defp)$")) ; * pipe into identifier (function call) (binary_operator operator: "|>" right: (identifier) @function) ; Identifiers ; * special ( (identifier) @constant.builtin (#match? @constant.builtin "^(__MODULE__|__DIR__|__ENV__|__CALLER__|__STACKTRACE__)$") ) ; * unused ( (identifier) @comment (#match? @comment "^_") ) ; * regular (identifier) @variable ; Comment (comment) @comment ; Punctuation [ "%" ] @punctuation [ "," ";" ] @punctuation.delimiter [ "(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}" "<<" ">>" ] @punctuation.bracket (ERROR) @warning