| Crate | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | helix-core | Core editing primitives, functional. | | helix-syntax | Tree-sitter grammars | | helix-lsp | Language server client | | helix-view | UI abstractions for use in backends, imperative shell. | | helix-term | Terminal UI | | helix-tui | TUI primitives, forked from tui-rs, inspired by Cursive | # Notes - server-client architecture via gRPC, UI separate from core - multi cursor based editing and slicing - WASM based plugins (builtin LSP & fuzzy file finder) Structure similar to codemirror: - text (ropes) - transactions - changes - invert changes (generates a revert) - annotations (time changed etc) - state effects - additional editor state as facets - snapshots as an async view into current state - selections { anchor (nonmoving), head (moving) from/to } -> SelectionSet with a primary - cursor is just a single range selection - markers track a position inside text that synchronizes with edits - { doc, selection, update(), splice, changes(), facets, tabSize, identUnit, lineSeparator, changeFilter/transactionFilter to modify stuff before } - view (actual UI) - viewport(Lines) -> what's actually visible - extend the view via Decorations (inline styling) or Components (UI) - mark / wieget / line / replace decoration - commands (transform state) - movement - selection extension - deletion - indentation - keymap (maps keys to commands) - history (undo tree via immutable ropes) - undoes transactions via reverts - (collab mode) - gutter (line numbers, diagnostic marker, etc) -> ties into UI components - rangeset/span -> mappable over changes (can be a marker primitive?) - syntax (treesitter) - fold - selections (select mode/multiselect) - matchbrackets - closebrackets - special-chars (shows dots etc for specials) - panel (for UI: file pickers, search dialogs, etc) - tooltip (for UI) - search (regex) - lint (async linters) - lsp - highlight - stream-syntax - autocomplete - comment (gc, etc for auto commenting) - snippets - terminal mode? - plugins can contain more commands/ui abstractions to use elsewhere - languageData as presets for each language (syntax, indent, comment, etc) Vim stuff: - motions/operators/text objects - full visual mode - macros - jump lists - marks - yank/paste - conceal for markdown markers, etc