use clap::ArgMatches as Args; use helix_view::{document::Mode, Document, Editor, Theme, View}; use crate::compositor::{Component, Compositor, EventResult}; use crate::editor_view::EditorView; use crate::prompt::Prompt; use log::{debug, info}; use std::{ borrow::Cow, io::{self, stdout, Stdout, Write}, path::PathBuf, time::Duration, }; use smol::prelude::*; use anyhow::Error; use crossterm::{ cursor, event::{read, Event, EventStream, KeyCode, KeyEvent}, execute, queue, terminal::{self, disable_raw_mode, enable_raw_mode}, }; use tui::{ backend::CrosstermBackend, buffer::Buffer as Surface, layout::Rect, style::{Color, Modifier, Style}, }; type Terminal = crate::terminal::Terminal>; pub struct Application { compositor: Compositor, editor: Editor, terminal: Terminal, executor: &'static smol::Executor<'static>, language_server: helix_lsp::Client, } // TODO: temp #[inline(always)] pub fn text_color() -> Style { return Style::default().fg(Color::Rgb(219, 191, 239)); // lilac } // pub fn render_cursor(&mut self, view: &View, prompt: Option<&Prompt>, viewport: Rect) { // let mut stdout = stdout(); // match view.doc.mode() { // Mode::Insert => write!(stdout, "\x1B[6 q"), // mode => write!(stdout, "\x1B[2 q"), // }; // let pos = if let Some(prompt) = prompt { // Position::new(self.size.0 as usize, 2 + prompt.cursor) // } else { // let cursor = view.doc.state.selection().cursor(); // let mut pos = view // .screen_coords_at_pos(&view.doc.text().slice(..), cursor) // .expect("Cursor is out of bounds."); // pos.col += viewport.x as usize; // pos.row += viewport.y as usize; // pos // }; // execute!(stdout, cursor::MoveTo(pos.col as u16, pos.row as u16)); // } impl Application { pub fn new(mut args: Args, executor: &'static smol::Executor<'static>) -> Result { let backend = CrosstermBackend::new(stdout()); let mut terminal = Terminal::new(backend)?; let mut editor = Editor::new(); let size = terminal.size()?; if let Some(file) = args.values_of_t::("files").unwrap().pop() {, (size.width, size.height))?; } let mut compositor = Compositor::new(); compositor.push(Box::new(EditorView::new())); let language_server = helix_lsp::Client::start(&executor, "rust-analyzer", &[]); let mut app = Self { editor, terminal, // TODO; move to state compositor, executor, language_server, }; Ok(app) } fn render(&mut self) { let executor = &self.executor; let editor = &mut self.editor; let compositor = &self.compositor; // TODO: should be unnecessary // self.terminal.autoresize(); let mut cx = crate::compositor::Context { editor, executor }; let area = self.terminal.size().unwrap(); compositor.render(area, self.terminal.current_buffer_mut(), &mut cx); self.terminal.draw(); } pub async fn event_loop(&mut self) { let mut reader = EventStream::new(); // initialize lsp self.language_server.initialize().await.unwrap(); // TODO: temp // self.language_server // .text_document_did_open(&cx.editor.view().unwrap().doc) // .await // .unwrap(); self.render(); loop { if self.editor.should_close { break; } use futures_util::{select, FutureExt}; select! { event = => { self.handle_terminal_events(event) } call = => { self.handle_language_server_message(call).await } } } } pub fn handle_terminal_events(&mut self, event: Option>) { let mut cx = crate::compositor::Context { editor: &mut self.editor, executor: &self.executor, }; // Handle key events let should_redraw = match event { Some(Ok(Event::Resize(width, height))) => { self.terminal.resize(Rect::new(0, 0, width, height)); self.compositor .handle_event(Event::Resize(width, height), &mut cx) } Some(Ok(event)) => self.compositor.handle_event(event, &mut cx), Some(Err(x)) => panic!(x), None => panic!(), }; if should_redraw { self.render(); // calling render twice here fixes it for some reason } } pub async fn handle_language_server_message(&mut self, call: Option) { use helix_lsp::{Call, Notification}; match call { Some(Call::Notification(helix_lsp::jsonrpc::Notification { method, params, .. })) => { let notification = Notification::parse(&method, params); match notification { Notification::PublishDiagnostics(params) => { let path = Some(params.uri.to_file_path().unwrap()); let view: Option<&mut helix_view::View> = None; // TODO: // let view = self // .editor // .views // .iter_mut() // .find(|view| view.doc.path == path); if let Some(view) = view { let doc = view.doc.text().slice(..); let diagnostics = params .diagnostics .into_iter() .map(|diagnostic| { use helix_lsp::util::lsp_pos_to_pos; let start = lsp_pos_to_pos(&doc, diagnostic.range.start); let end = lsp_pos_to_pos(&doc, diagnostic.range.end); helix_core::Diagnostic { range: (start, end), line: diagnostic.range.start.line as usize, message: diagnostic.message, // severity // code // source } }) .collect(); view.doc.diagnostics = diagnostics; // TODO: we want to process all the events in queue, then render. publishDiagnostic tends to send a whole bunch of events self.render(); } } _ => unreachable!(), } } Some(Call::MethodCall(call)) => { debug!("Method not found {}", call.method); self.language_server.reply(, // TODO: make a Into trait that can cast to Err(jsonrpc::Error) Err(helix_lsp::jsonrpc::Error { code: helix_lsp::jsonrpc::ErrorCode::MethodNotFound, message: "Method not found".to_string(), data: None, }), ); } _ => unreachable!(), } } pub async fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { enable_raw_mode()?; let mut stdout = stdout(); execute!(stdout, terminal::EnterAlternateScreen)?; // Exit the alternate screen and disable raw mode before panicking let hook = std::panic::take_hook(); std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |info| { execute!(std::io::stdout(), terminal::LeaveAlternateScreen); disable_raw_mode(); hook(info); })); self.event_loop().await; // reset cursor shape write!(stdout, "\x1B[2 q"); execute!(stdout, terminal::LeaveAlternateScreen)?; disable_raw_mode()?; Ok(()) } } // TODO: language configs: // tabSize, fileExtension etc, mapping to tree sitter parser // themes: // map tree sitter highlights to color values // // TODO: expand highlight thing so we're able to render only viewport range // TODO: async: maybe pre-cache scopes as empty so we render all graphemes initially as regular ////text until calc finishes // TODO: scope matching: biggest union match? [string] & [html, string], [string, html] & [ string, html] // can do this by sorting our theme matches based on array len (longest first) then stopping at the // first rule that matches (rule.all(|scope| scopes.contains(scope)))