# Configuration To override global configuration parameters, create a `config.toml` file located in your config directory: - Linux and Mac: `~/.config/helix/config.toml` - Windows: `%AppData%\helix\config.toml` > πŸ’‘ You can easily open the config file by typing `:config-open` within Helix normal mode. Example config: ```toml theme = "onedark" [editor] line-number = "relative" mouse = false [editor.cursor-shape] insert = "bar" normal = "block" select = "underline" [editor.file-picker] hidden = false ``` You can use a custom configuration file by specifying it with the `-c` or `--config` command line argument, for example `hx -c path/to/custom-config.toml`. Additionally, you can reload the configuration file by sending the USR1 signal to the Helix process on Unix operating systems, such as by using the command `pkill -USR1 hx`. ## Editor ### `[editor]` Section | Key | Description | Default | |--|--|---------| | `scrolloff` | Number of lines of padding around the edge of the screen when scrolling | `5` | | `mouse` | Enable mouse mode | `true` | | `middle-click-paste` | Middle click paste support | `true` | | `scroll-lines` | Number of lines to scroll per scroll wheel step | `3` | | `shell` | Shell to use when running external commands | Unix: `["sh", "-c"]`
Windows: `["cmd", "/C"]` | | `line-number` | Line number display: `absolute` simply shows each line's number, while `relative` shows the distance from the current line. When unfocused or in insert mode, `relative` will still show absolute line numbers | `absolute` | | `cursorline` | Highlight all lines with a cursor | `false` | | `cursorcolumn` | Highlight all columns with a cursor | `false` | | `gutters` | Gutters to display: Available are `diagnostics` and `diff` and `line-numbers` and `spacer`, note that `diagnostics` also includes other features like breakpoints, 1-width padding will be inserted if gutters is non-empty | `["diagnostics", "spacer", "line-numbers", "spacer", "diff"]` | | `auto-completion` | Enable automatic pop up of auto-completion | `true` | | `auto-format` | Enable automatic formatting on save | `true` | | `auto-save` | Enable automatic saving on the focus moving away from Helix. Requires [focus event support](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/wiki/Terminal-Support) from your terminal | `false` | | `idle-timeout` | Time in milliseconds since last keypress before idle timers trigger. Used for autocompletion, set to 0 for instant | `400` | | `completion-trigger-len` | The min-length of word under cursor to trigger autocompletion | `2` | | `completion-replace` | Set to `true` to make completions always replace the entire word and not just the part before the cursor | `false` | | `auto-info` | Whether to display info boxes | `true` | | `true-color` | Set to `true` to override automatic detection of terminal truecolor support in the event of a false negative | `false` | | `rulers` | List of column positions at which to display the rulers. Can be overridden by language specific `rulers` in `languages.toml` file | `[]` | | `bufferline` | Renders a line at the top of the editor displaying open buffers. Can be `always`, `never` or `multiple` (only shown if more than one buffer is in use) | `never` | | `color-modes` | Whether to color the mode indicator with different colors depending on the mode itself | `false` | | `text-width` | Maximum line length. Used for the `:reflow` command and soft-wrapping if `soft-wrap.wrap_at_text_width` is set | `80` | ### `[editor.statusline]` Section Allows configuring the statusline at the bottom of the editor. The configuration distinguishes between three areas of the status line: `[ ... ... LEFT ... ... | ... ... ... ... CENTER ... ... ... ... | ... ... RIGHT ... ... ]` Statusline elements can be defined as follows: ```toml [editor.statusline] left = ["mode", "spinner"] center = ["file-name"] right = ["diagnostics", "selections", "position", "file-encoding", "file-line-ending", "file-type"] separator = "β”‚" mode.normal = "NORMAL" mode.insert = "INSERT" mode.select = "SELECT" ``` The `[editor.statusline]` key takes the following sub-keys: | Key | Description | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | `left` | A list of elements aligned to the left of the statusline | `["mode", "spinner", "file-name"]` | | `center` | A list of elements aligned to the middle of the statusline | `[]` | | `right` | A list of elements aligned to the right of the statusline | `["diagnostics", "selections", "position", "file-encoding"]` | | `separator` | The character used to separate elements in the statusline | `"β”‚"` | | `mode.normal` | The text shown in the `mode` element for normal mode | `"NOR"` | | `mode.insert` | The text shown in the `mode` element for insert mode | `"INS"` | | `mode.select` | The text shown in the `mode` element for select mode | `"SEL"` | The following statusline elements can be configured: | Key | Description | | ------ | ----------- | | `mode` | The current editor mode (`mode.normal`/`mode.insert`/`mode.select`) | | `spinner` | A progress spinner indicating LSP activity | | `file-name` | The path/name of the opened file | | `file-base-name` | The basename of the opened file | | `file-modification-indicator` | The indicator to show whether the file is modified (a `[+]` appears when there are unsaved changes) | | `file-encoding` | The encoding of the opened file if it differs from UTF-8 | | `file-line-ending` | The file line endings (CRLF or LF) | | `total-line-numbers` | The total line numbers of the opened file | | `file-type` | The type of the opened file | | `diagnostics` | The number of warnings and/or errors | | `workspace-diagnostics` | The number of warnings and/or errors on workspace | | `selections` | The number of active selections | | `primary-selection-length` | The number of characters currently in primary selection | | `position` | The cursor position | | `position-percentage` | The cursor position as a percentage of the total number of lines | | `separator` | The string defined in `editor.statusline.separator` (defaults to `"β”‚"`) | | `spacer` | Inserts a space between elements (multiple/contiguous spacers may be specified) | ### `[editor.lsp]` Section | Key | Description | Default | | --- | ----------- | ------- | | `enable` | Enables LSP integration. Setting to false will completely disable language servers regardless of language settings.| `true` | | `display-messages` | Display LSP progress messages below statusline[^1] | `false` | | `auto-signature-help` | Enable automatic popup of signature help (parameter hints) | `true` | | `display-signature-help-docs` | Display docs under signature help popup | `true` | [^1]: By default, a progress spinner is shown in the statusline beside the file path. ### `[editor.cursor-shape]` Section Defines the shape of cursor in each mode. Valid values for these options are `block`, `bar`, `underline`, or `hidden`. > πŸ’‘ Due to limitations of the terminal environment, only the primary cursor can > change shape. | Key | Description | Default | | --- | ----------- | ------- | | `normal` | Cursor shape in [normal mode][normal mode] | `block` | | `insert` | Cursor shape in [insert mode][insert mode] | `block` | | `select` | Cursor shape in [select mode][select mode] | `block` | [normal mode]: ./keymap.md#normal-mode [insert mode]: ./keymap.md#insert-mode [select mode]: ./keymap.md#select--extend-mode ### `[editor.file-picker]` Section Set options for file picker and global search. Ignoring a file means it is not visible in the Helix file picker and global search. All git related options are only enabled in a git repository. | Key | Description | Default | |--|--|---------| |`hidden` | Enables ignoring hidden files | true |`follow-links` | Follow symlinks instead of ignoring them | true |`deduplicate-links` | Ignore symlinks that point at files already shown in the picker | true |`parents` | Enables reading ignore files from parent directories | true |`ignore` | Enables reading `.ignore` files | true |`git-ignore` | Enables reading `.gitignore` files | true |`git-global` | Enables reading global `.gitignore`, whose path is specified in git's config: `core.excludefile` option | true |`git-exclude` | Enables reading `.git/info/exclude` files | true |`max-depth` | Set with an integer value for maximum depth to recurse | Defaults to `None`. ### `[editor.auto-pairs]` Section Enables automatic insertion of pairs to parentheses, brackets, etc. Can be a simple boolean value, or a specific mapping of pairs of single characters. To disable auto-pairs altogether, set `auto-pairs` to `false`: ```toml [editor] auto-pairs = false # defaults to `true` ``` The default pairs are (){}[]''""``, but these can be customized by setting `auto-pairs` to a TOML table: ```toml [editor.auto-pairs] '(' = ')' '{' = '}' '[' = ']' '"' = '"' '`' = '`' '<' = '>' ``` Additionally, this setting can be used in a language config. Unless the editor setting is `false`, this will override the editor config in documents with this language. Example `languages.toml` that adds <> and removes '' ```toml [[language]] name = "rust" [language.auto-pairs] '(' = ')' '{' = '}' '[' = ']' '"' = '"' '`' = '`' '<' = '>' ``` ### `[editor.search]` Section Search specific options. | Key | Description | Default | |--|--|---------| | `smart-case` | Enable smart case regex searching (case-insensitive unless pattern contains upper case characters) | `true` | | `wrap-around`| Whether the search should wrap after depleting the matches | `true` | ### `[editor.whitespace]` Section Options for rendering whitespace with visible characters. Use `:set whitespace.render all` to temporarily enable visible whitespace. | Key | Description | Default | |-----|-------------|---------| | `render` | Whether to render whitespace. May either be `"all"` or `"none"`, or a table with sub-keys `space`, `nbsp`, `tab`, and `newline` | `"none"` | | `characters` | Literal characters to use when rendering whitespace. Sub-keys may be any of `tab`, `space`, `nbsp`, `newline` or `tabpad` | See example below | Example ```toml [editor.whitespace] render = "all" # or control each character [editor.whitespace.render] space = "all" tab = "all" newline = "none" [editor.whitespace.characters] space = "Β·" nbsp = "⍽" tab = "β†’" newline = "⏎" tabpad = "Β·" # Tabs will look like "β†’Β·Β·Β·" (depending on tab width) ``` ### `[editor.indent-guides]` Section Options for rendering vertical indent guides. | Key | Description | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | `render` | Whether to render indent guides | `false` | | `character` | Literal character to use for rendering the indent guide | `β”‚` | | `skip-levels` | Number of indent levels to skip | `0` | Example: ```toml [editor.indent-guides] render = true character = "β•Ž" # Some characters that work well: "▏", "┆", "β”Š", "βΈ½" skip-levels = 1 ``` ### `[editor.gutters]` Section For simplicity, `editor.gutters` accepts an array of gutter types, which will use default settings for all gutter components. ```toml [editor] gutters = ["diff", "diagnostics", "line-numbers", "spacer"] ``` To customize the behavior of gutters, the `[editor.gutters]` section must be used. This section contains top level settings, as well as settings for specific gutter components as subsections. | Key | Description | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | `layout` | A vector of gutters to display | `["diagnostics", "spacer", "line-numbers", "spacer", "diff"]` | Example: ```toml [editor.gutters] layout = ["diff", "diagnostics", "line-numbers", "spacer"] ``` #### `[editor.gutters.line-numbers]` Section Options for the line number gutter | Key | Description | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | `min-width` | The minimum number of characters to use | `3` | Example: ```toml [editor.gutters.line-numbers] min-width = 1 ``` #### `[editor.gutters.diagnotics]` Section Currently unused #### `[editor.gutters.diff]` Section Currently unused #### `[editor.gutters.spacer]` Section Currently unused ### `[editor.soft-wrap]` Section Options for soft wrapping lines that exceed the view width: | Key | Description | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | `enable` | Whether soft wrapping is enabled. | `false` | | `max-wrap` | Maximum free space left at the end of the line. | `20` | | `max-indent-retain` | Maximum indentation to carry over when soft wrapping a line. | `40` | | `wrap-indicator` | Text inserted before soft wrapped lines, highlighted with `ui.virtual.wrap` | `β†ͺ ` | | `wrap-at-text-width` | Soft wrap at `text-width` instead of using the full viewport size. | `false` | Example: ```toml [editor.soft-wrap] enable = true max-wrap = 25 # increase value to reduce forced mid-word wrapping max-indent-retain = 0 wrap-indicator = "" # set wrap-indicator to "" to hide it ```