You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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use crate::ui::fuzzy_match::FuzzyQuery;
use crate::ui::fuzzy_match::Matcher;
fn run_test<'a>(query: &str, items: &'a [&'a str]) -> Vec<String> {
let query = FuzzyQuery::new(query);
let matcher = Matcher::default();
.filter_map(|item| {
let (_, indicies) = query.fuzzy_indicies(item, &matcher)?;
let matched_string = indicies
.map(|&pos| item.chars().nth(pos).unwrap())
fn match_single_value() {
let matches = run_test("foo", &["foobar", "foo", "bar"]);
assert_eq!(matches, &["foo", "foo"])
fn match_multiple_values() {
let matches = run_test(
"foo bar",
&["foo bar", "foo bar", "bar foo", "bar", "foo"],
assert_eq!(matches, &["foobar", "foobar", "barfoo"])
fn space_escape() {
let matches = run_test(r"foo\ bar", &["bar foo", "foo bar", "foobar"]);
assert_eq!(matches, &["foo bar"])
fn trim() {
let matches = run_test(r" foo bar ", &["bar foo", "foo bar", "foobar"]);
assert_eq!(matches, &["barfoo", "foobar", "foobar"]);
let matches = run_test(r" foo bar\ ", &["bar foo", "foo bar", "foobar"]);
assert_eq!(matches, &["bar foo"])