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; Operators in command and conditional HLL expressions
"," @operator)
] @operator)
; Keywords, punctuation and operators
"sizeof" @keyword.operator
] @operator
] @punctuation.bracket
] @punctuation.delimiter
; Strings and others literal types
(access_class) @constant.builtin
] @constant.numeric.integer
] @constant.numeric.float
] @string
(hll_escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape
(path) @string.special.path
(symbol) @string.special.symbol
] @constant.character
; Types in HLL expressions
] @type
(hll_primitive_type) @type.builtin
; HLL call expressions
function: (hll_field_expression
field: (hll_field_identifier) @function))
function: (identifier) @function)
; Returns
command: (identifier) @keyword.return)
(#match? @keyword.return "^[eE][nN][dD]([dD][oO])?$")
command: (identifier) @keyword.return)
(#match? @keyword.return "^[rR][eE][tT][uU][rR][nN]$")
; Subroutine calls
command: (identifier) @keyword
subroutine: (identifier) @function)
; Subroutine blocks
command: (identifier) @keyword
subroutine: (identifier) @function)
label: (identifier) @function
; Parameter declarations
command: (identifier) @keyword
(identifier)? @constant.builtin
macro: (macro) @variable.parameter)
; Variables, constants and labels
(macro) @variable.builtin
(trace32_hll_variable) @variable.builtin
command: (identifier) @keyword
arguments: (argument_list . (identifier) @label))
(#match? @keyword "^[gG][oO][tT][oO]$")
label: (identifier) @label)
(identifier) @constant.builtin)
(identifier) @constant.builtin)
(argument_list (identifier) @constant.builtin)
(#match? @constant.builtin "^[%/][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.]*$")
(identifier) @constant.builtin)
; Commands
(command_expression command: (identifier) @keyword)
(macro_definition command: (identifier) @keyword)
function: (identifier) @function.builtin)
; Control flow
command: (identifier) @keyword.control.conditional.if)
command: (identifier) @keyword.control.control.else)
command: (identifier) @keyword.control.repeat.while)
command: (identifier) @keyword.control.loop)
; HLL variables
(identifier) @variable
(hll_field_identifier) @variable.other.member
(comment) @comment