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; Constants
(events (identifier) @constant)
(attribute (identifier) @constant)
"~" @constant.builtin
; Fields/Properties
(superclass "." (identifier) @variable.other.member)
(property_name "." (identifier) @variable.other.member)
(property name: (identifier) @variable.other.member)
; Types
(class_definition name: (identifier)
(attributes (identifier) @constant)
(enum . (identifier) @type.enum.variant)
; Functions
"function" @keyword.function
name: (identifier) @function
[ "end" "endfunction" ]? @keyword.function)
(function_signature name: (identifier) @function)
(function_call name: (identifier) @function)
(handle_operator (identifier) @function)
(validation_functions (identifier) @function)
(command (command_name) @function.macro)
(command_argument) @string
(return_statement) @keyword.control.return
; Assignments
(assignment left: (_) @variable)
(multioutput_variable (_) @variable)
; Parameters
(function_arguments (identifier) @variable.parameter)
; Operators
] @operator
; Conditionals
(if_statement [ "if" "end" ] @keyword.control.conditional)
(elseif_clause "elseif" @keyword.control.conditional)
(else_clause "else" @keyword.control.conditional)
(switch_statement [ "switch" "end" ] @keyword.control.conditional)
(case_clause "case" @keyword.control.conditional)
(otherwise_clause "otherwise" @keyword.control.conditional)
(break_statement) @keyword.control.conditional
; Repeats
(for_statement [ "for" "parfor" "end" ] @keyword.control.repeat)
(while_statement [ "while" "end" ] @keyword.control.repeat)
(continue_statement) @keyword.control.repeat
; Exceptions
(try_statement [ "try" "end" ] @keyword.control.exception)
(catch_clause "catch" @keyword.control.exception)
; Punctuation
[ ";" "," "." ] @punctuation.delimiter
[ "(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}" ] @punctuation.bracket
; Literals
(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape
(formatting_sequence) @constant.character.escape
(string) @string
(number) @constant.numeric.float
(boolean) @constant.builtin.boolean
; Comments
[ (comment) (line_continuation) ] @comment.line
; Keywords
] @keyword