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(php_tag) @tag
"?>" @tag
; Types
] @type.builtin
[ (name) @type
(qualified_name (name) @type)])
[ (name) @type
(qualified_name (name) @type)])
name: (name) @type.enum)
name: (name) @constructor)
name: (name) @constructor)
name:(name) @constructor)
name: (namespace_name (name) @namespace))
(namespace_name (name) @namespace))
[ (name) @namespace
(qualified_name (name) @type) ])
(namespace_aliasing_clause (name) @namespace)
[(name) @type
(qualified_name (name) @type)])
scope: [(name) @type
(qualified_name (name) @type)])
. [(name) @constructor
(qualified_name (name) @constructor)]
(name) @constant)
(use_declaration (name) @type)
operator: "instanceof"
right: [(name) @type
(qualified_name (name) @type)])
; Superglobals
(variable_name(name) @constant.builtin
(#match? @constant.builtin "^_?[A-Z][A-Z\\d_]+$")))
; Functions
(array_creation_expression "array" @function.builtin)
(list_literal "list" @function.builtin)
name: (name) @function.method)
function: (_) @function)
name: (name) @function)
name: (name) @function.method)
name: (name) @function)
name: (name) @function.method)
[(name) @constructor
(qualified_name (name) @constructor)])
; Parameters
] @variable.parameter
(name) @variable.parameter)
; Member
(variable_name) @variable.other.member)
name: (variable_name (name)) @variable.other.member)
name: (name) @variable.other.member)
; Variables
(relative_scope) @variable.builtin
((name) @constant
(#match? @constant "^_?[A-Z][A-Z\\d_]+$"))
((name) @constructor
(#match? @constructor "^[A-Z]"))
((name) @variable.builtin
(#eq? @variable.builtin "this"))
(variable_name) @variable
; Attributes
(attribute_list) @attribute
; Basic tokens
] @string
(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape
(boolean) @constant.builtin.boolean
(null) @constant.builtin
(integer) @constant.numeric.integer
(float) @constant.numeric.float
(comment) @comment
(goto_statement (name) @label)
(named_label_statement (name) @label)
; Keywords
] @keyword
] @keyword.control.conditional
] @keyword.control.repeat
] @keyword.control.import
] @keyword.control.return
] @keyword.control.exception
] @keyword.operator
] @keyword.function
] @punctuation.delimiter
] @punctuation.bracket
] @operator