import { AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Input, OnChanges, OnInit, Output, SimpleChanges, ViewChild } from "@angular/core"; import {File} from "../../../../../../api/models/File"; import {FileService} from "../../../../../services/file/file.service"; import {SafeResourceUrl} from "@angular/platform-browser"; import {Selectable} from "../../../../../models/Selectable"; import {CdkVirtualScrollViewport} from "@angular/cdk/scrolling"; import {TabService} from "../../../../../services/tab/tab.service"; @Component({ selector: "app-file-gallery", templateUrl: "./file-gallery.component.html", styleUrls: ["./file-gallery.component.scss"] }) export class FileGalleryComponent implements OnChanges, OnInit, AfterViewInit { @Input() files: File[] = []; @Input() preselectedFile: File | undefined; @Output() fileSelectEvent = new EventEmitter(); @Output() fileDblClickEvent = new EventEmitter(); @Output() closeEvent = new EventEmitter(); entries: Selectable[] = []; @ViewChild("virtualScroll") virtualScroll!: CdkVirtualScrollViewport; @ViewChild("inner") inner!: ElementRef; public selectedFile: Selectable | undefined; public fileContentUrl: SafeResourceUrl | undefined; private scrollTimeout: number | undefined; private escapeCount = 0; constructor(private tabService: TabService, private fileService: FileService) { tabService.selectedTab.subscribe(() => this.adjustElementSizes()); } async ngOnInit(): Promise { if (!this.selectedFile || this.files.indexOf( < 0) { await this.onEntrySelect( this.getPreselectedEntry() ?? this.entries[0]); } } public ngAfterViewInit(): void { this.focus(); } public async ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): Promise { if (changes["files"]) { this.entries = f => new Selectable(f, == this.selectedFile?; const selectedIndex = this.files.findIndex( f => === this.selectedFile?; if (!this.selectedFile || selectedIndex < 0) { await this.onEntrySelect( this.getPreselectedEntry() ?? this.entries[0]); } else { await this.onEntrySelect(this.entries[selectedIndex]); } } } /** * Called when a new entry is selected * @param {Selectable} entry * @returns {Promise} */ async onEntrySelect(entry: Selectable) { if (entry) { this.selectedFile?.unselect();; this.selectedFile = entry; await this.loadSelectedFile(); if (this.virtualScroll) { clearTimeout(this.scrollTimeout); this.scrollTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.scrollToSelection(), 0); // we need to make sure the viewport has rendered } this.fileSelectEvent.emit(; } } /** * Loads the content url of the selected file * @returns {Promise} */ async loadSelectedFile() { if (this.selectedFile) { this.fileContentUrl = this.fileService.buildContentUrl(; } } /** * Selects the previous item in the gallery * @returns {Promise} */ public async nextItem() { if (this.selectedFile) { let index = this.entries.indexOf(this.selectedFile) + 1; if (index == this.entries.length) { index--; // restrict to elements } await this.onEntrySelect(this.entries[index]); } else { await this.onEntrySelect(this.entries[0]); } } /** * Selects the next item in the gallery * @returns {Promise} */ public async previousItem() { if (this.selectedFile) { let index = this.entries.indexOf(this.selectedFile) - 1; if (index < 0) { index++; // restrict to elements } await this.onEntrySelect(this.entries[index]); } else { await this.onEntrySelect(this.entries[0]); } } public adjustElementSizes(): void { if (this.virtualScroll) { this.virtualScroll.checkViewportSize(); this.scrollToSelection(); } } public focus() { this.inner.nativeElement.focus(); } public async handleKeydownEvent(event: KeyboardEvent) { switch (event.key) { case "ArrowRight": await this.nextItem(); break; case "ArrowLeft": await this.previousItem(); break; case "Escape": this.onEscapeClick(); break; } } private scrollToSelection(): void { if (this.selectedFile) { const selectedIndex = this.entries.indexOf(this.selectedFile); const viewportSize = this.virtualScroll.getViewportSize(); const indexAdjustment = (viewportSize / 260) / 2; // adjustment to have the selected item centered this.virtualScroll.scrollToIndex( Math.max(selectedIndex - indexAdjustment, 0), "smooth"); if (selectedIndex > indexAdjustment) { this.virtualScroll.scrollToOffset( this.virtualScroll.measureScrollOffset("left") + 130, "smooth"); } } } private getPreselectedEntry(): Selectable | undefined { if (this.preselectedFile) { const entry = this.entries.find( e => === this.preselectedFile?.id); if (entry) { return entry; } } return undefined; } private onEscapeClick(): void { if (this.escapeCount === 1) { this.closeEvent.emit(this); } else { this.escapeCount++; setTimeout(() => this.escapeCount--, 500); } } }