use crate::storage::Storage; use mediarepo_core::error::RepoResult; use mediarepo_database::entities::hash; use mediarepo_database::entities::thumbnail; use sea_orm::prelude::*; use sea_orm::DatabaseConnection; pub struct Thumbnail { db: DatabaseConnection, model: thumbnail::Model, hash: hash::Model, } impl Thumbnail { pub(crate) fn new(db: DatabaseConnection, model: thumbnail::Model, hash: hash::Model) -> Self { Self { db, model, hash } } /// Returns the thumbnail by id pub async fn by_id(db: DatabaseConnection, id: i64) -> RepoResult> { let model: Option<(thumbnail::Model, Option)> = thumbnail::Entity::find_by_id(id) .find_also_related(hash::Entity) .one(&db) .await?; if let Some((model, Some(hash))) = model { Ok(Some(Self::new(db, model, hash))) } else { Ok(None) } } /// Returns all thumbnails for a given file pub async fn for_file_id(db: DatabaseConnection, file_id: i64) -> RepoResult> { let thumb_models: Vec<(thumbnail::Model, Option)> = thumbnail::Entity::find() .filter(thumbnail::Column::FileId.eq(file_id)) .find_also_related(hash::Entity) .all(&db) .await?; Ok(thumb_models .into_iter() .filter_map(|(m, h)| Some(Self::new(db.clone(), m, h?))) .collect()) } pub fn id(&self) -> i64 { } pub fn hash(&self) -> &String { &self.hash.value } pub fn height(&self) -> i32 { self.model.height } pub fn width(&self) -> i32 { self.model.width } /// Returns the storage for the thumbnail pub async fn storage(&self) -> RepoResult { let storage = Storage::by_id(self.db.clone(), self.model.storage_id) .await? .expect("The FK storage_id doesn't exist?!"); Ok(storage) } }