import {Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output, ViewChild} from "@angular/core"; import {Repository} from "../../../../../api/models/Repository"; import {RepositoryService} from "../../../../services/repository/repository.service"; import {MatDialog} from "@angular/material/dialog"; import {ConfirmDialogComponent} from "../../../shared/app-common/confirm-dialog/confirm-dialog.component"; import {BusyIndicatorComponent} from "../../../shared/app-common/busy-indicator/busy-indicator.component"; import { EditRepositoryDialogComponent } from "../../../shared/repository/edit-repository-dialog/edit-repository-dialog.component"; @Component({ selector: "app-repository-card", templateUrl: "./repository-card.component.html", styleUrls: ["./repository-card.component.scss"] }) export class RepositoryCardComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { @Input() repository!: Repository; @Output() openEvent = new EventEmitter(); @ViewChild(BusyIndicatorComponent) busyIndicator!: BusyIndicatorComponent; public daemonRunning: boolean = false; statusRefreshInterval: number | undefined; constructor( public repoService: RepositoryService, public dialog: MatDialog ) { } public async ngOnInit() { if (!this.repository.local) { await this.checkRemoteRepositoryStatus(); this.statusRefreshInterval = setInterval( async () => await this.checkRemoteRepositoryStatus(), 10000); } } public async ngOnDestroy(): Promise { if (this.statusRefreshInterval != undefined) { clearInterval(this.statusRefreshInterval); } } public isSelectedRepository(): boolean { return this.repoService.selectedRepository.getValue()?.name ===; } public async removeRepository() { const confirmation = await, { data: { title: "Remove repository", message: `Do you really want to remove the repository "${}"?`, confirmAction: "Remove", confirmColor: "warn" } }).afterClosed().toPromise(); if (confirmation === true) { if (this.isSelectedRepository()) { if (this.repository.local) { await this.repoService.closeSelectedRepository(); } else { await this.repoService.disconnectSelectedRepository(); } } await this.promtDeleteRepository(); } } public getDaemonStatusText(): string { if (this.repository.local) { return "Local"; } else if (this.daemonRunning) { return "Online"; } else { return "Offline"; } } public getDaemonStatusClass(): string { if (this.repository.local) { return "status-local"; } else if (this.daemonRunning) { return "status-online"; } else { return "status-offline"; } } async checkRemoteRepositoryStatus() { this.daemonRunning = await this.repoService.checkDaemonRunning( this.repository.address!); } public openEditRepositoryDialog(): void {, { disableClose: true, minWidth: "30%", minHeight: "30%", data: { repository: this.repository } }); } private async promtDeleteRepository() { if (this.repository.local) { const deleteContents = await ConfirmDialogComponent, { data: { title: "Delete repository content", message: "Do you want to remove the contents of the repository as well?", confirmAction: "Delete", confirmColor: "warn", denyAction: "No", } }).afterClosed().toPromise(); if (deleteContents) { await this.repoService.deleteRepository(; } else { await this.repoService.removeRepository(; } } else { await this.repoService.removeRepository(; } } }