use std::path::PathBuf; use structopt::StructOpt; use tokio::fs; use tokio::runtime; use tokio::runtime::Runtime; use mediarepo_core::error::RepoResult; use mediarepo_core::futures; use mediarepo_core::settings::Settings; use mediarepo_core::utils::parse_tags_file; use mediarepo_model::file::{File as RepoFile, File}; use mediarepo_model::repo::Repo; use mediarepo_socket::start_tcp_server; use num_integer::Integer; use std::env; use crate::constants::{ DEFAULT_STORAGE_NAME, DEFAULT_STORAGE_PATH, SETTINGS_PATH, THUMBNAIL_STORAGE_NAME, THUMBNAIL_STORAGE_PATH, }; use crate::utils::{create_paths_for_repo, get_repo, load_settings}; mod constants; mod logging; mod utils; #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt(name = "mediarepo", about = "A multimedia repository")] struct Opt { /// The path to the repository. Defaults to the current working directory #[structopt(long, short, parse(from_os_str), default_value = ".")] repo: PathBuf, #[structopt(long, short)] profile: bool, /// The subcommand to invoke #[structopt(subcommand)] cmd: SubCommand, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, StructOpt)] enum SubCommand { /// Initializes an empty repository Init { /// Forces the creation of a new repository. This will delete everything in the repository /// path to create an empty repository. #[structopt(short, long)] force: bool, }, /// Imports file from a folder (by glob pattern) into the repository Import { /// The path to the folder where the files are located #[structopt()] folder_path: String, /// If imported files should be deleted after import #[structopt(long)] delete: bool, }, /// Starts the event server for the selected repository Start, } fn main() -> RepoResult<()> { let mut opt: Opt = Opt::from_args(); opt.repo = env::current_dir().unwrap().join(opt.repo); if opt.repo.exists() { opt.repo = opt.repo.canonicalize().unwrap(); } let mut guards = Vec::new(); if opt.profile { guards.push(logging::init_tracing_flame()); } else { guards.append(&mut logging::init_tracing(&opt.repo)); } match opt.cmd.clone() { SubCommand::Init { force } => get_single_thread_runtime().block_on(init(opt, force)), SubCommand::Start => get_multi_thread_runtime().block_on(start_server(opt)), SubCommand::Import { folder_path, delete, } => get_single_thread_runtime().block_on(import(opt, folder_path, delete)), }?; Ok(()) } fn get_single_thread_runtime() -> Runtime { log::info!("Using current thread runtime"); runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() .enable_all() .max_blocking_threads(1) .build() .unwrap() } fn get_multi_thread_runtime() -> Runtime { log::info!("Using multi thread runtime"); runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread() .enable_all() .build() .unwrap() } async fn init_repo(opt: &Opt) -> RepoResult<(Settings, Repo)> { let settings = load_settings(&opt.repo.join(SETTINGS_PATH)).await?; let mut repo = get_repo(&opt.repo.join(&settings.database_path).to_str().unwrap()).await?; repo.set_main_storage(&settings.default_file_store).await?; repo.set_thumbnail_storage(opt.repo.join(&settings.thumbnail_store)) .await?; Ok((settings, repo)) } /// Starts the server async fn start_server(opt: Opt) -> RepoResult<()> { let (settings, repo) = init_repo(&opt).await?; let mut handles = Vec::new(); #[cfg(unix)] { let socket_path = opt.repo.join("repo.sock"); let handle = mediarepo_socket::create_unix_socket( socket_path, opt.repo.clone(), settings.clone(), repo.clone(), )?; handles.push(handle); } let (address, tcp_handle) = start_tcp_server( settings.listen_address.clone(), settings.port_range, opt.repo.clone(), settings, repo, )?; handles.push(tcp_handle); fs::write(opt.repo.join("repo.tcp"), &address.into_bytes()).await?; futures::future::join_all(handles.into_iter()).await; Ok(()) } /// Initializes an empty repository async fn init(opt: Opt, force: bool) -> RepoResult<()> { log::info!("Initializing repository at {:?}", opt.repo); if force { log::debug!("Removing old repository"); fs::remove_dir_all(&opt.repo).await?; } let settings = Settings::default(); log::debug!("Creating paths"); create_paths_for_repo( &opt.repo, &settings, DEFAULT_STORAGE_PATH, THUMBNAIL_STORAGE_PATH, ) .await?; let db_path = opt.repo.join(&settings.database_path); if db_path.exists() { panic!("Database already exists in location. Use --force with init to delete everything and start a new repository"); } log::debug!("Creating repo"); let repo = get_repo(&db_path.to_str().unwrap()).await?; let storage_path = opt.repo.join(DEFAULT_STORAGE_PATH).canonicalize().unwrap(); log::debug!("Adding storage"); repo.add_storage(DEFAULT_STORAGE_NAME, storage_path.to_str().unwrap()) .await?; let thumb_storage_path = opt .repo .join(THUMBNAIL_STORAGE_PATH) .canonicalize() .unwrap(); repo.add_storage(THUMBNAIL_STORAGE_NAME, thumb_storage_path.to_str().unwrap()) .await?; let settings_string = settings.to_toml_string()?; log::debug!("Writing settings"); fs::write(opt.repo.join(SETTINGS_PATH), &settings_string.into_bytes()).await?; log::info!("Repository initialized"); Ok(()) } /// Imports files from a source into the database async fn import(opt: Opt, path: String, delete_files: bool) -> RepoResult<()> { let (_s, repo) = init_repo(&opt).await?; log::info!("Importing"); let paths: Vec = glob::glob(&path) .unwrap() .into_iter() .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) .filter(|e| e.is_file()) .collect(); for path in paths { if let Err(e) = import_single_image(&path, &repo).await { log::error!("Import failed: {:?}", e); if delete_files { log::info!("Deleting file {:?}", path); let _ = fs::remove_file(&path).await; } } else { if delete_files { log::info!("Deleting file {:?}", path); let _ = fs::remove_file(&path).await; } } } log::info!("Creating thumbnails..."); let mut files = repo.files().await?; for _ in 0..(files.len().div_ceil(&64)) { futures::future::join_all( (0..64) .filter_map(|_| files.pop()) .map(|f| create_file_thumbnails(&repo, f)), ) .await .into_iter() .filter_map(|r| r.err()) .for_each(|e| log::error!("Failed to create thumbnail: {:?}", e)); } Ok(()) } /// Creates thumbnails of all sizes async fn import_single_image(path: &PathBuf, repo: &Repo) -> RepoResult<()> { log::info!("Importing file"); let file = repo.add_file_by_path(path.clone()).await?; log::info!("Adding tags"); let tags_path = PathBuf::from(format!("{}{}", path.to_str().unwrap(), ".txt")); add_tags_from_tags_file(tags_path, repo, file).await?; Ok(()) } async fn add_tags_from_tags_file( tags_path: PathBuf, repo: &Repo, file: RepoFile, ) -> RepoResult<()> { log::info!("Adding tags"); if tags_path.exists() { let mut tags = parse_tags_file(tags_path).await?; log::info!("Found {} tags in the tag file", tags.len()); let resolved_tags = repo.tags_by_names(tags.clone()).await?; tags.retain(|tag| { resolved_tags .iter() .find(|t| if let (Some(ns1), Some(ns2)) = (t.namespace(), &tag.0) { * == *ns2 } else { t.namespace().is_none() && tag.0.is_none() } && * == *tag.1) .is_none() }); let mut tag_ids: Vec = resolved_tags.into_iter().map(|t|; log::info!("Existing tag_ids count is {}", tag_ids.len()); log::info!("{} tags need to be created", tags.len()); for (namespace, name) in tags { let tag = if let Some(namespace) = namespace { log::info!("Adding namespaced tag '{}:{}'", namespace, name); repo.add_namespaced_tag(name, namespace).await? } else { log::info!("Adding unnamespaced tag '{}'", name); repo.add_unnamespaced_tag(name).await? }; tag_ids.push(; } log::info!("Mapping {} tags to the file", tag_ids.len()); if !tag_ids.is_empty() { file.add_tags(tag_ids).await?; } } else { log::info!("No tags file '{:?}' found", tags_path); } Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(repo, file))] async fn create_file_thumbnails(repo: &Repo, file: File) -> RepoResult<()> { let file_thumbnails = repo.get_file_thumbnails(; if file_thumbnails.is_empty() { repo.create_thumbnails_for_file(&file).await?; } Ok(()) }