pub mod error; pub mod file; pub mod job; pub mod preset; pub mod protocol; pub mod repo; pub mod tag; use crate::client_api::error::{ApiError, ApiResult}; use crate::client_api::file::FileApi; use crate::client_api::job::JobApi; use crate::client_api::preset::PresetApi; use crate::client_api::repo::RepoApi; use crate::client_api::tag::TagApi; use crate::types::misc::{check_apis_compatible, get_api_version, InfoResponse}; use async_trait::async_trait; use bromine::prelude::emit_metadata::EmitMetadata; use bromine::prelude::*; use tokio::time::Duration; #[async_trait] pub trait IPCApi { fn namespace() -> &'static str; fn ctx(&self) -> PoolGuard; fn emit(&self, event_name: &str, data: T) -> EmitMetadata { let ctx = self.ctx(); ctx.emit_to(Self::namespace(), event_name, data) } async fn emit_and_get( &self, event_name: &str, data: T, timeout: Option, ) -> ApiResult { let mut meta = self.emit(event_name, data).await_reply(); if let Some(timeout) = timeout { meta = meta.with_timeout(timeout); } let response = meta.await?; Ok(response.payload()?) } } pub struct ApiClient { ctx: PooledContext, pub file: FileApi, pub tag: TagApi, pub repo: RepoApi, pub job: JobApi, pub preset: PresetApi, } impl Clone for ApiClient { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self { ctx: self.ctx.clone(), file: self.file.clone(), tag: self.tag.clone(), repo: self.repo.clone(), job: self.job.clone(), preset: self.preset.clone(), } } } impl ApiClient { /// Creates a new client from an existing ipc context pub fn new(ctx: PooledContext) -> Self { Self { file: FileApi::new(ctx.clone()), tag: TagApi::new(ctx.clone()), repo: RepoApi::new(ctx.clone()), job: JobApi::new(ctx.clone()), preset: PresetApi::new(ctx.clone()), ctx, } } /// Connects to the ipc Socket #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug")] pub async fn connect( address: L::AddressType, ) -> ApiResult { tracing::debug!("Connecting to {:?}", address); let ctx = IPCBuilder::::new() .address(address) .timeout(Duration::from_secs(10)) .build_pooled_client(8) .await?; let client = Self::new(ctx); tracing::debug!("Retrieving info on daemon version..."); let info =; let server_api_version = info.api_version(); if !check_apis_compatible(get_api_version(), server_api_version) { let server_version_string = format!( "{}.{}.{}", server_api_version.0, server_api_version.1, server_api_version.2 ); let client_version_string = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_string(); Err(ApiError::VersionMismatch { server: server_version_string, client: client_version_string, }) } else { Ok(client) } } /// Returns information about the connected ipc server #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] pub async fn info(&self) -> ApiResult { let ctx = self.ctx.acquire(); let res = ctx.emit("info", ()).await_reply().await?; tracing::trace!("Got info event {:?}", res); Ok(res.payload::()?) } /// Shuts down the daemon that the client is connected to. #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] pub async fn shutdown_daemon(&self) -> ApiResult<()> { self.ctx .acquire() .emit("shutdown", ()) .await_reply() .with_timeout(Duration::from_secs(5)) .await?; Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))] pub async fn exit(self) -> ApiResult<()> { let ctx = (*self.ctx.acquire()).clone(); ctx.stop().await?; Ok(()) } }