import { AfterContentInit, AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, HostListener, Input, OnChanges, OnInit, Output, SimpleChanges, ViewChild } from "@angular/core"; import {File} from "../../../../../models/File"; import {FileCardComponent} from "../../file-card/file-card.component"; import {CdkVirtualScrollViewport} from "@angular/cdk/scrolling"; import {TabService} from "../../../../../services/tab/tab.service"; import {FileService} from "../../../../../services/file/file.service"; import {Selectable} from "../../../../../models/Selectable"; @Component({ selector: "app-file-grid", templateUrl: "./file-grid.component.html", styleUrls: ["./file-grid.component.scss"] }) export class FileGridComponent implements OnChanges, OnInit, AfterViewInit { @Input() files: File[] = []; @Input() columns: number = 6; @Input() preselectedFile: File | undefined; @Output() fileOpenEvent = new EventEmitter(); @Output() fileSelectEvent = new EventEmitter(); @ViewChild("virtualScrollGrid") virtualScroll!: CdkVirtualScrollViewport; @ViewChild("inner") inner!: ElementRef; selectedEntries: Selectable[] = []; partitionedGridEntries: Selectable[][] = []; private shiftClicked = false; private ctrlClicked = false; private gridEntries: Selectable[] = [] constructor( private tabService: TabService, private fileService: FileService, ) { tabService.selectedTab.subscribe(() => this.adjustElementSizes()); } public ngOnInit(): void { this.gridEntries = file => new Selectable(file, false)); this.setPartitionedGridEntries(); } public ngAfterViewInit(): void { this.focus(); } ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void { if (changes["files"]) { this.gridEntries = file => new Selectable(file, false)); this.refreshFileSelections(); this.setPartitionedGridEntries(); } } /** * File selector logic * @param {FileCardComponent} clickedEntry */ setSelectedFile(clickedEntry: Selectable) { if (!(this.shiftClicked || this.ctrlClicked) && this.selectedEntries.length > 0) { this.selectedEntries.forEach(entry => { if (entry !== clickedEntry) entry.selected = false }); this.selectedEntries = []; } if (this.shiftClicked && this.selectedEntries.length > 0) { this.handleShiftSelect(clickedEntry); } else { clickedEntry.selected = !clickedEntry.selected; if (!clickedEntry.selected) { const index = this.selectedEntries.indexOf(clickedEntry); if (index > -1) { this.selectedEntries.splice(index, 1); } } else { this.selectedEntries.push(clickedEntry); } } this.fileSelectEvent.emit( =>; } public adjustElementSizes(): void { if (this.virtualScroll) { this.virtualScroll.checkViewportSize(); } } public async regenerateThumbnail(file: File) { await this.fileService.deleteThumbnails(file); } private setPartitionedGridEntries() { this.partitionedGridEntries = []; let scrollToIndex = -1; let selectedEntry: Selectable | undefined = undefined; for (let i = 0; i < (Math.ceil( this.gridEntries.length / this.columns)); i++) { const entries = this.gridEntries.slice(i * this.columns, Math.min(this.gridEntries.length, (i + 1) * this.columns)); this.partitionedGridEntries.push(entries); const preselectedEntry = entries.find( e => == this.preselectedFile?.id); if (preselectedEntry) { scrollToIndex = i; selectedEntry = preselectedEntry; } } if (scrollToIndex >= 0 && this.preselectedFile && this.selectedEntries.length == 0) { setTimeout(() => { // add timeout to avoid being stuck in the update loop if (this.virtualScroll) { this.virtualScroll?.scrollToIndex(scrollToIndex); if (selectedEntry) { selectedEntry.selected = true; this.selectedEntries.push(selectedEntry); } } }, 0); } } private refreshFileSelections() { const newSelection: Selectable[] = this.gridEntries.filter( entry => this.selectedEntries.findIndex( e => == >= 0); newSelection.forEach(entry => entry.selected = true); this.selectedEntries = newSelection; } private handleShiftSelect(clickedEntry: Selectable): void { const lastEntry = this.selectedEntries[this.selectedEntries.length - 1]; let found = false; if (clickedEntry == lastEntry) { return; } for (const gridEntry of this.gridEntries) { if (found) { gridEntry.selected = true; this.selectedEntries.push(gridEntry); if (gridEntry === clickedEntry || gridEntry == lastEntry) { return; } } else if (gridEntry === lastEntry || gridEntry === clickedEntry) { found = true; if (gridEntry === clickedEntry) { gridEntry.selected = true; this.selectedEntries.push(gridEntry); } } } } private selectAll() { this.selectedEntries = this.gridEntries; this.gridEntries.forEach(g =>; } private selectNone() { this.selectedEntries = []; this.gridEntries.forEach(g => g.unselect()); } private handleArrowSelect(direction: "up" | "down" | "left" | "right") { if (this.gridEntries.length === 0) { return; } const lastSelectedEntry = this.selectedEntries[this.selectedEntries.length - 1] ?? this.gridEntries[0]; let selectedIndex = this.gridEntries.indexOf(lastSelectedEntry); if (this.selectedEntries.length > 0) { switch (direction) { case "up": selectedIndex -= this.columns; break; case "down": selectedIndex += this.columns; break; case "left": selectedIndex --; break; case "right": selectedIndex++ break; } while (selectedIndex < 0) { selectedIndex = this.gridEntries.length + selectedIndex } if (selectedIndex > this.gridEntries.length) { selectedIndex %= this.gridEntries.length; } } this.setSelectedFile(this.gridEntries[selectedIndex]); if (this.virtualScroll) { const viewportSize = this.virtualScroll.getViewportSize(); let offsetTop = this.virtualScroll.measureScrollOffset("top"); const contentOffset = Math.floor(selectedIndex / this.columns) * 260; if (contentOffset > offsetTop + viewportSize - 300 || contentOffset < offsetTop) { this.virtualScroll.scrollToIndex(Math.floor(selectedIndex / this.columns)); offsetTop = this.virtualScroll.measureScrollOffset("top"); if (contentOffset < offsetTop + (viewportSize / 2)) { this.virtualScroll.scrollToOffset((offsetTop + 130) - viewportSize/ 2) } } } } public focus() { this.inner.nativeElement.focus(); } public handleKeydownEvent(event: KeyboardEvent) { this.shiftClicked ||= event.shiftKey; this.ctrlClicked ||= event.ctrlKey; switch (event.key) { case "ArrowRight": this.handleArrowSelect("right"); break; case "ArrowLeft": this.handleArrowSelect("left"); break; case "ArrowDown": this.handleArrowSelect("down"); break; case "ArrowUp": this.handleArrowSelect("up"); break; case "PageDown": this.pageDown(); break; case "PageUp": this.pageUp(); break; case "a": case "A": if (this.shiftClicked && this.ctrlClicked) { this.selectNone(); } else if (this.ctrlClicked) { event.preventDefault(); this.selectAll(); } break; case "Enter": if (this.selectedEntries.length === 1) { this.fileOpenEvent.emit(this.selectedEntries[0].data) } break; } } public handleKeyupEvent(event: KeyboardEvent) { this.shiftClicked = event.shiftKey? false : this.shiftClicked; this.ctrlClicked = event.ctrlKey? false : this.ctrlClicked; } private pageDown() { if (this.virtualScroll) { const offsetTop = this.virtualScroll.measureScrollOffset("top"); this.virtualScroll.scrollToOffset(offsetTop + this.virtualScroll.getViewportSize()); } } private pageUp() { if (this.virtualScroll) { const offsetTop = this.virtualScroll.measureScrollOffset("top"); this.virtualScroll.scrollToOffset(offsetTop - this.virtualScroll.getViewportSize()); } } }