use std::path::PathBuf; use structopt::StructOpt; use tokio::fs; use tokio::runtime; use tokio::runtime::Runtime; use mediarepo_core::error::RepoResult; use mediarepo_core::fs::drop_file::DropFile; use mediarepo_core::settings::{PathSettings, Settings}; use mediarepo_core::tokio_graceful_shutdown::{SubsystemHandle, Toplevel}; use mediarepo_model::repo::Repo; use mediarepo_socket::start_tcp_server; use std::env; use std::time::Duration; use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt; use crate::utils::{create_paths_for_repo, get_repo, load_settings}; mod logging; mod utils; #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt(name = "mediarepo", about = "A multimedia repository")] struct Opt { /// The path to the repository. Defaults to the current working directory #[structopt(long, short, parse(from_os_str), default_value = ".")] repo: PathBuf, #[structopt(long, short)] profile: bool, /// The subcommand to invoke #[structopt(subcommand)] cmd: SubCommand, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, StructOpt)] enum SubCommand { /// Initializes an empty repository Init { /// Forces the creation of a new repository. This will delete everything in the repository /// path to create an empty repository. #[structopt(short, long)] force: bool, }, /// Starts the event server for the selected repository Start, } fn main() -> RepoResult<()> { let mut opt: Opt = Opt::from_args(); opt.repo = env::current_dir().unwrap().join(opt.repo); let settings = if opt.repo.exists() { opt.repo = opt.repo.canonicalize().unwrap(); load_settings(&opt.repo)? } else { Settings::default() }; clean_old_connection_files(&opt.repo)?; let mut guards = Vec::new(); if opt.profile { guards.push(logging::init_tracing_flame()); } else { guards.append(&mut logging::init_tracing(&opt.repo, &settings.logging)); } let result = match opt.cmd.clone() { SubCommand::Init { force } => get_single_thread_runtime().block_on(init(opt, force)), SubCommand::Start => get_multi_thread_runtime().block_on(start_server(opt, settings)), }; match result { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(e) => { tracing::error!("a critical error occurred when running the daemon: {}", e); Err(e) } } } fn get_single_thread_runtime() -> Runtime { log::info!("Using current thread runtime"); runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() .enable_all() .max_blocking_threads(1) .build() .unwrap() } fn get_multi_thread_runtime() -> Runtime { log::info!("Using multi thread runtime"); runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread() .enable_all() .build() .unwrap() } async fn init_repo(opt: &Opt, paths: &PathSettings) -> RepoResult { let repo = get_repo(&opt.repo, paths).await?; Ok(repo) } /// Starts the server async fn start_server(opt: Opt, settings: Settings) -> RepoResult<()> { let repo = init_repo(&opt, &settings.paths).await?; let mut top_level = Toplevel::new(); #[cfg(unix)] { if settings.server.unix_socket.enabled { let settings = settings.clone(); let repo_path = opt.repo.clone(); let repo = repo.clone(); top_level = top_level.start("mediarepo-unix-socket", |subsystem| { Box::pin(async move { start_and_await_unix_socket(subsystem, repo_path, settings, repo).await?; Ok(()) }) }) } } if settings.server.tcp.enabled { top_level = top_level.start("mediarepo-tcp", move |subsystem| { Box::pin(async move { start_and_await_tcp_server(subsystem, opt.repo, settings, repo).await?; Ok(()) }) }) } if let Err(e) = top_level .catch_signals() .handle_shutdown_requests(Duration::from_millis(1000)) .await { tracing::error!("an error occurred when running the servers {}", e); } tracing::warn!( r"All servers quit. Either they were requested to stop, a fatal error occurred or no servers are enabled in the config. Stopping daemon..." ); Ok(()) } async fn start_and_await_tcp_server( subsystem: SubsystemHandle, repo_path: PathBuf, settings: Settings, repo: Repo, ) -> RepoResult<()> { let (address, handle) = start_tcp_server(subsystem.clone(), repo_path.clone(), settings, repo)?; let (mut file, _guard) = DropFile::new(repo_path.join("repo.tcp")).await?; file.write_all(&address.into_bytes()).await?; tokio::select! { _ = subsystem.on_shutdown_requested() => { tracing::info!("shutdown requested") }, result = handle => { if let Err(e) = result { tracing::error!("the tcp server shut down with an error {}", e); subsystem.request_shutdown(); } } } Ok(()) } #[cfg(unix)] async fn start_and_await_unix_socket( subsystem: SubsystemHandle, repo_path: PathBuf, settings: Settings, repo: Repo, ) -> RepoResult<()> { let socket_path = repo_path.join("repo.sock"); let handle = mediarepo_socket::create_unix_socket( subsystem.clone(), socket_path, repo_path.clone(), settings, repo, )?; let _guard = DropFile::from_path(repo_path.join("repo.sock")); tokio::select! { _ = subsystem.on_shutdown_requested() => { tracing::info!("shutdown requested") }, result = handle => { if let Err(e) = result { tracing::error!("the unix socket shut down with an error {}", e); subsystem.request_shutdown(); } } } Ok(()) } /// Initializes an empty repository async fn init(opt: Opt, force: bool) -> RepoResult<()> { log::info!("Initializing repository at {:?}", opt.repo); if force { log::debug!("Removing old repository"); fs::remove_dir_all(&opt.repo).await?; } let settings = Settings::default(); log::debug!("Creating paths"); create_paths_for_repo(&opt.repo, &settings.paths).await?; if settings.paths.db_file_path(&opt.repo).exists() { panic!("Database already exists in location. Use --force with init to delete everything and start a new repository"); } log::debug!("Creating repo"); let _repo = get_repo(&opt.repo, &settings.paths).await?; log::debug!("Writing settings");; log::info!("Repository initialized"); Ok(()) } fn clean_old_connection_files(root: &PathBuf) -> RepoResult<()> { let paths = ["repo.tcp", "repo.sock"]; for path in paths { let path = root.join(path); if path.exists() { std::fs::remove_file(&path)?; } } Ok(()) }